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Fasting for Russell's release

Started by Kat Kanning, March 19, 2008, 08:27 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

You don't put the salt in it all the time do you?

Ron Helwig

Quote from: Scott Roth on March 30, 2008, 06:40 PM NHFT
It's also known as The Lemonade Diet.  For the 5 day cleanse, it consists of:

30 Organic Lemons
1 ounce of Cayenne Pepper

Do you juice the lemons or use them whole or in pieces?
Is that ounce by weight or volume? Fresh (cut up?) or dried powder?

Not sure I'd try it, but maybe...

Pat K

Quote from: Scott Roth on March 30, 2008, 06:40 PM NHFT
It's also known as The Lemonade Diet.  For the 5 day cleanse, it consists of:

30 Organic Lemons
1 Quart of Organic Maple Syrup
1/4 cup Sea Salt
5 gallons of pure water, approximately
1 ounce of Cayenne Pepper

I mix this all together and put it in gallon jugs.  I drink 1 gallon of the mixture each day,
and also take an herbal laxative to help the stimulation process. 

Clears the mind, purifies the blood and helps to clear up any skin problems.

The book "The Complete Master Cleanse" by Tom Woloshyn can be found at Borders or on Amazon.

Add a couple gallons of Bourbon and ya might have something.

Lloyd Danforth

Or, just the Bourbon and skip the rest

Landon Jeffery

Quote from: Scott Roth on March 30, 2008, 06:40 PM NHFT
It's also known as The Lemonade Diet.  For the 5 day cleanse, it consists of:

30 Organic Lemons
1 Quart of Organic Maple Syrup
1/4 cup Sea Salt
5 gallons of pure water, approximately
1 ounce of Cayenne Pepper

I mix this all together and put it in gallon jugs.  I drink 1 gallon of the mixture each day,
and also take an herbal laxative to help the stimulation process. 

Clears the mind, purifies the blood and helps to clear up any skin problems.

The book "The Complete Master Cleanse" by Tom Woloshyn can be found at Borders or on Amazon.

Would you recommend it cold or room temperature?


I'm guessing room temp for the syrup to mix. My wife says she thinks this diet is a Kevin Trudeau thing and that it calls for an additional 500 calories of real food per day.

Landon Jeffery

Quote from: coffeeseven on March 31, 2008, 09:11 AM NHFT
I'm guessing room temp for the syrup to mix. My wife says she thinks this diet is a Kevin Trudeau thing and that it calls for an additional 500 calories of real food per day.

I did alot of research into this thing last night and I can say it had nothing to do with Kevin Trudeau.  Its from something that was written in 1941 so it is pretty old.  How ever I made a half batch of this stuff last night and I can say that the cayenne pepper does not make this stuff very pleasant and you are not even suppose to put the salt into the mixture.  What you are suppose to do is to drink a salt and water mixture every morning when you are doing this cleanse.  The salt is suppose to do a "downward enema" and is suppose to scrape the old crap from the bowels.  In addition to all this they also do recommend the laxative tea be taken every night as well. 


I started the Master Cleans (Lemonade Detox, etc) this morning. I did it last year but only for 5 days, this time i'm doing it for 10 days.

Landon Jeffery

Quote from: Lex Berezhny on March 31, 2008, 02:03 PM NHFT
I started the Master Cleans (Lemonade Detox, etc) this morning. I did it last year but only for 5 days, this time i'm doing it for 10 days.

I am planning on doing this for at least 5 days.  How beneficial do you think that will be? 


Quote from: Scott Roth on March 30, 2008, 06:40 PM NHFT
It's also known as The Lemonade Diet.  For the 5 day cleanse, it consists of:

30 Organic Lemons
1 Quart of Organic Maple Syrup
1/4 cup Sea Salt
5 gallons of pure water, approximately
1 ounce of Cayenne Pepper

I mix this all together and put it in gallon jugs.  I drink 1 gallon of the mixture each day,
and also take an herbal laxative to help the stimulation process. 

Clears the mind, purifies the blood and helps to clear up any skin problems.

The book "The Complete Master Cleanse" by Tom Woloshyn can be found at Borders or on Amazon.

Great Scott, I tried it before and I think it rocks!   The writer is Stanley Burroughs, right?  If anybody wants the exact info google it or I can look for my Lemonade Diet book.

Good luck Scott and could you please let me know how long you make it and how you feel after?  I only made it for 2 days because I made the mistake of not doing it all by myself and my sister really got under my skin when we tried it together. :D


I just read the post by Scott Roth and wanted to point out that I do it a bit differently.

I think it's good to make each batch fresh. After all, you're not cooking anymore so you have all this extra time, it doesn't hurt to juice the lemons in smaller batches several times a day.

Also, make sure that you either get Grade B Maple Syrup (or Grade A but Dark).

Anyways, I squeeze one lemon at a time and that usually makes a glass (10oz) and a half. So I'm always drinking it fresh. Also, depending on how you're squeezing your lemond make sure to leave the pulp, just take out the seeds. The pulp helps to make it feel like food and gives you something to chew on, albeit not very much. :-)

The first couple of days are tough but then it gets easier.

One difference between when I did it last year and this year is that this time I've also been drinking salt water, man is that stuff nasty. I puked this morning after drinking 32oz. I'm probably not going to drink anymore, unless I become constipated.


Quote from: Landon Jeffery on March 31, 2008, 02:14 PM NHFT
Quote from: Lex Berezhny on March 31, 2008, 02:03 PM NHFT
I started the Master Cleans (Lemonade Detox, etc) this morning. I did it last year but only for 5 days, this time i'm doing it for 10 days.

I am planning on doing this for at least 5 days.  How beneficial do you think that will be? 

When I did it for 5 days last year, the most noticeable differences for me were (this will obviously vary between people):

1. I didn't eat as much. I guess my stomach shrunk a little so I got fuller on smaller portions. Of course this will only last if you actually adjust your life style and consciously continue to eat smaller portions. If you eat the same way after the cleanse as you did before then your stomach will readjust to your previous eating habits.
2. I could much better tell the difference between bad food and healthy food. Healthy food just tasted so much better. My sense of smell and taste got really cleared up.
3. I felt lighter and everything in side just felt like it was in working order. In some sense I felt more in tune with my digestive system, more aware of it I guess. You get real personal with it during the fast so I guess it stays with you afterwards.

I don't think I lost any weight. Although I'm not overweight to begin with so that was not my goal. I would not recommend that anyone do this to lose weight either. On the other hand it will probably help in an overall weight loss program. For example if you do the fast and then change your eating habits afterwards then that would be a good long term weight loss strategy and the cleanse will help you to reset in this way.


Ok, get your lemonade drink ready Scott ...

I'm grabbing my orange ...

Let's race to see whose lunch is tastier.  ;D

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Scott Roth on March 31, 2008, 02:11 PM NHFT
* Flushing The Colon
* Ridding The Body Of Parasites

It doesn't have any negative effects on the necessary fauna living in the colon, such as E. coli?


My understanding is that you do lose some good bacteria in the process of any of these fasts but that you build them backup after the fast so it's not that big of a deal.