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Fasting for Russell's release

Started by Kat Kanning, March 19, 2008, 08:27 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Kat Kanning on April 03, 2008, 01:31 PM NHFT
18 lbs so far.  It's slowed way down after the first week...maybe 0.2 lb/day. 

Wow, do you gain it right back after you start to eat again?  By the way I hope you and Kira are doing well in light of what's going on!  If you ever want to get out come on over just give me plenty of notice because my house is a mess since I hurt my knee and can hardly do anything anymore.  It's getting on my nerves so bad but I know if I start doing things it will take longer for the ligaments to repair. ::)

Kat Kanning

Oh, sorry you hurt your knee.  Kira's hanging in there.  I'm miserable most of the time.

I'll gain back some when I start eating again, but not all of it.  Sorta depends on what I start eating, too.


Kat I wanted to mention a really good tea I have found called Genmacha. It is really "meaty".

From Teahouseatlanta.com:

Genmacha is a fine Japanese Sencha tea flavored with toasted rice and popcorn. This tea should be steeped in 175 degree (F 70 degree C) water for 1 minute thirty seconds. A slightly shorter steeping time will bring out the flavor of the rice and popcorn; as you move to the maximum time the brew will carry more of the characteristic flavor of the tea.


I've lost 10 lbs since Monday. Although I think most of that is just water, mucus and other gunk. I'm 169.8lbs now. Last year I was 168 most of the summer so I'm just going down to my normal summer weight.

Kat Kanning

Thanks for the tea recommendation, Coffee.   :)

That's great, Lex :)


My favorite juice is an extract of malted barley and hops.  8)

I'm pondering a trial of the master cleanse. I did Atkins a few years ago, so I'm familiar with ketosis and the fuzzy tongue syndrome. I seriously doubt my ability to go through a full 15+ day fast. My job and the realities of elimination just probably wouldn't mesh. I have two weeks of leave coming up, so I might experiment with it.

Recently I've been aware that I need a good gut cleansing. I'm using an herbal blend called ColonClenz, just one capsule per day, and --not to get into TMI-- output is greatly exceeding intake. I dropped about 10 pounds in a week without modifying my diet at all. My anecdotal data suggests that all that crap --pardon me-- was already inside me, and is being eliminated.

Kat Kanning

It's only the first ~3 days that are tough.  If you drink enough juice, you don't typically feel debilitated at all - you could easily work.  The first three days are hard because you feel so hungry.


I was able to respond to two fire calls last week during the fast, one on monday (the day i started) and then again yesterday (friday, 5th day of the fast). The first day I didn't bring any juice with me but on yesterdays call I brought about 16 oz. I drank some (to/from the scene) but didn't feel like I needed it even after carrying heavy stuff around and just generally running around in my gear. The Master Cleanse actually seems to make you more energized than weak or tired. But I've done it before and am relatively healthy to begin with. I know some people who try it feel weak and in pain. I guess it depends on how far you let your body become messed up before you get around to fasting ;)


I once went 6 months on a juice fast, no food. I originally started on a 30 day program but I felt so good that I kept at it. I used to get terrible migraines. (2-3 per week). On the juice fats I had a couple light headaches but no more migraines. I basically stuck with fresh apple juice becuase I was concerned about food allergies.

Weight loss? yup about 20 pounds in 2 months and then I leveled out and remained the same weight.

as far as that master cleanse mixture bloating up in the jug..I do not see that happening unless the jug was unvented. If its vented, it will not ferment in that short of time.



Quote from: kola on April 06, 2008, 06:45 PM NHFT
as far as that master cleanse mixture bloating up in the jug..I do not see that happening unless the jug was unvented. If its vented, it will not ferment in that short of time.

It would still ferment, it just wouldn't blow up the jug if it was vented.

Of course if the vent didn't have a bubble lock and blowoff tube, it would just spew nasty foam everywhere. Ask any homebrewer or wine maker.

Landon Jeffery

Quote from: KBCraig on April 07, 2008, 01:18 AM NHFT
Quote from: kola on April 06, 2008, 06:45 PM NHFT
as far as that master cleanse mixture bloating up in the jug..I do not see that happening unless the jug was unvented. If its vented, it will not ferment in that short of time.

It would still ferment, it just wouldn't blow up the jug if it was vented.

Of course if the vent didn't have a bubble lock and blowoff tube, it would just spew nasty foam everywhere. Ask any homebrewer or wine maker.

Well incidentally almost about the same time as this screwed up master cleanse attempt I picked up a book on home brewing "The complete Joy of Homebrewing"  Wonderful stuff this book is.  However since i did not introduce any yeast into the 'master cleanse' mix the resulting drink would likely have been fermented due to wild yeasts in the air or some bacterial infection resultant of my unsterile methods.  When you home brew you have an airlock so that the pressure from within the chamber can come out but the atmosphere outside cannot get in and contaminate the "brew" 

Kat Kanning


have an nice crunchy crisp sweet apple or juicy cold tangy orange.   :D