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Started by d_goddard, March 22, 2008, 10:26 PM NHFT

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When: 1:00 PM, Tuesday, March 25th
Where: LOB 304 [ Map ]
Why: SB434 - AN ACT relative to providers of electronic communication services and an extension for compliance with the REAL ID Act of 2005.
What: House public hearing. Standard Hearing rules apply - Blue sheet to support or oppose, pink card to speak. Make no speech longer than 5 minutes (3 is better); don't repeat what others have said.

NH law specifically prohibits compliance with Real-ID.
And here is the Senate, all 24 of 'em, voting to urge the Governor to file for an extension so we can come into "compliance" with REAL-ID!
This is the Senate playing legal word-games in a way the Governor was quite possibly fully anticipating.

QuoteThe governor, or designee, is requested to apply for an extension from the federal government of the deadline for compliance with the REAL ID Act of 2005. Such a request shall not constitute "participation" in REAL ID in violation of state law.

We need people to show up EN MASSE to oppose this!
Once again -- just like in 2006 -- it seems the NH Senate does not realize they are being watched so closely. Perhaps they think a 'tiny' amendment in an unrelated bill will go unnoticed? THINK AGAIN!

If you can't be there in person, please send an email to the members of the Committee
Ask them not to pass SB434, or at least to remove the Real-ID section.
Here are their addresses, just copy-and-paste into the "To:" line of your email

Free libertarian

"shall not constitute participation etc."   ?  Well that will help me sleep at night.

The Politicians are afraid of having the clueless public get pissed at them "for not doing something" once the screws get tightened down at the airports.  The bigger principal of not being edicted to by the FEDS seems to go right over the heads of our Senators...spineless.  Trying to create a gray area is senseless, we either have the balls to tell the feds to take a hike or we don't. 

  If we're "not participating" why the fuck ask for an extension?  The question that needs to be asked at this hearing of EACH senator is how do YOU "not participate" by "participating"?  Could YOU give me an example in a real world sense how this "logic" is applied?  Shading the word definition is an insult to us all...it is government word smithing of the highest order.   We also need to tell them we are ashamed
to have elected such spineless double talking representatives.     

  participate - "to take part in something"

   Reminds me of this gem from the past...
...but honey I didn't do anything wrong with that woman, uh I wasn't participating, she was uh participating...not me.  It all depends on what the meaning of "is", is.   

    I will make an effort to participate in THIS hearing.   

Dave Ridley

When was this bill submitted...  i.e. is it some last minute thing or was it on the docket for a while?


Quote from: DadaOrwell on March 23, 2008, 06:55 AM NHFT
When was this bill submitted...  i.e. is it some last minute thing or was it on the docket for a while?

At the risk of discussing politics on this board, it was a last minute amendment to an unrelated bill.
NH law making 'rules' don't prohibit doing stuff like this, merely frowns on it... so we only see it happen once or twice a year, unlike Congress where it's commonplace to do it...


I like what Jim and Lauren did last time. I think we should do something similar along with a good education campaign about how the Nazi's were the first to use a detailed census of their citizens. I saw a good YouTube video about that. I hope I can find it again.

Dave Ridley

Kat Kanning

States urged to comply with ID rule
Updated 1d ago | Comment  | Recommend    E-mail | Save | Print | Reprints & Permissions | 

Yahoo! Buzz
What's this?
By Thomas Frank, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — Millions of residents of three states will soon face tougher and longer screening at airport checkpoints if their governors defy a federal law requiring new, more-secure driver's licenses.

Maine, New Hampshire and South Carolina have until March 31 to say whether they plan to comply with the law, which they say is costly and will inconvenience residents by forcing them to get new licenses.

If the states don't comply, the Homeland Security Department will bar travelers from using those state's licenses and ID cards to board airplanes starting May 11.

"We are not bluffing," department spokeswoman Amy Kudwa said.

Some fear massive confusion and delays at the 15 airports in the three states. Passengers showing unacceptable licenses will be pulled aside for additional screening, possibly including pat-downs.
FIND MORE STORIES IN: New Hampshire | State Department | Idaho | Montana | Homeland Security Department | R-Maine | IDs | Lynch | Sen. Susan Collins | Sawyer | Real ID Act | Amy Kudwa | South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford

"It would create havoc," said Harrison Rearden of the Columbia Metropolitan Airport board in South Carolina's capital.

The Homeland Security Department warns on its website that passengers with unacceptable licenses "may experience delays" at checkpoints. Travelers with passports or military IDs will avoid the extra screening. Thirty percent of Americans have passports, the State Department says.

Homeland Security officials are in discussions with governors of the three states, Kudwa said. Each of the states enacted a law last year barring it from complying with the 2005 federal Real ID Act. That law set a May 11 deadline for states to issue tamper-resistant licenses that require proof of citizenship and address. The department pushed back the deadline and for now requires states only to seek an extension by March 31.

Maine Gov. John Baldacci has received thousands of e-mails urging him to defy the law, spokesman David Farmer said. But a Feb. 29 letter from Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, warns that not seeking an extension would cause residents "exponential increases in wait times for airport security screening."

"We have not requested an extension but we haven't ruled it out," Farmer said.

Joel Sawyer, a spokesman for South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, said the state has not sought an extension because its licenses are "already very secure."

The federal law would cost the state $66 million over five years and force residents to wait two hours in line for a new license, Sawyer said. For people who don't fly often, extra airport screening "would be far less bad than the inconvenience of having to wait two hours at a DMV," Sawyer said.

New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch sent the Homeland Security a letter Feb. 25 asking that the state's licenses "continue to be acceptable" after May 11. The letter does not seek a deadline extension. Kudwa said the department has "not officially rejected the letter" and is working with Lynch.

Late Friday, the department said it would accept Montana licenses after May 11 even though the state has not sought an extension and has not said it would comply with the law. The department said recent improvements to Montana licenses "meet the principal security features required at this time by Real ID."



Dave was correct in that last Porc 411 message. I am trying to throw together a little protest in sync with this. I should be getting there around 1pm. I'm going to try to get an erasable white board on the way. Can anyone bring a video camera? I'll bring a sharpie for tattoos and I'm going to try to bring a couple of folding chairs for the "tattoo parlor", but I'm carpooling so don't know if they'll fit yet. If someone else can bring some that would be great.

While Denis is being Shindler inside, we'll be the White Rose outside. Also, I've just removed the mark-up on these postcards which I'd recommend sending to your senators. I've made them as cheap as I can essentially and won't make any money if you buy them. I'm also going to attach a graphic that you can save and take to Kinkos where you can probably get some printed even cheaper. I recommend writing your personal message to a senator on the back and sending them to your senators. I'm going to be updating the graphic shortly to say "Real ID" instead of "National ID".

Check back in a short while and I'll have the graphic updated and a new image attached to this message.


Quote from: dalebert on March 25, 2008, 09:12 AM NHFT
While Denis is being Shindler inside
It won't just be me in there -- lots of NHLA activists and several Reps (and some NHLA activists who are Reps) will be in there, too :)


We got a little thing going so Dave could get some footage. A number of people who were inside joined us which was nice, but we weren't in a very busy traffic area so it was mainly for the camera.

This hearing was postponed until Thursday. Is there any interest in continuing this protest then? I was wondering if we'd getter a better turnout (more than just me) with a couple days notice since this one was rather sudden. I believe the hearing is at 10am so it was suggested that we start it at 9:30.

Kat Kanning


My write-up of what happened today:

Executive Summary: Things went very well for us today!
Hearing will continue on Thursday at 10:00 AM

It was high drama and GREAT speechifying. I'm looking forward to Biker Bill's video -- he got a bunch that Ridley missed.

The bill itself, and the Real-ID extension are D-E-A-D at this point -- it's all a matter of procedure from here, unless something REALLY unexpected happens, like some Fed goons show up and bully the legislators (like they did to the Senate 2 years ago, but I don't think that'll happen here)

for more, see the original post:

J’raxis 270145

Ryan and I will be back on Thursday.

Dale, are you thinking of setting up a "Real ID parlor" in the cafeteria still?


Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on March 25, 2008, 06:32 PM NHFT
Dale, are you thinking of setting up a "Real ID parlor" in the cafeteria still?

I'm trying to gauge interest first.


Dale, what did you think of Vaillancourt bringing up Thoreau and Civil Disobedience?
It really got the committee's attention...