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Concord trial protest Tue. 3/25 4:30-5:30p

Started by Dave Ridley, March 24, 2008, 09:30 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

i'm planning to be out at 55 pleasant street at that time to wave a free reno sign.  I'll have an extra flag or two if anyone wants to join.

I'll be 100 yards east of the courthouse itself probably, at the busier intersection


That's tomorrow evening, and I'll be working... otherwise I would try and make it.

Sometimes I wonder if working first shift would integrate better with our activities, though it seems like it's more or less 50/50 :-\

J’raxis 270145

I'll be up there for the RFID "circus" at the State House (as you referred to it ;)), so I will most likely be able to hang around for this.


Is there no Real ID protest going on tomorrow (Tues)? I'm kind of surprised there's not more talk of something here.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: dalebert on March 24, 2008, 10:59 AM NHFT
Is there no Real ID protest going on tomorrow (Tues)? I'm kind of surprised there's not more talk of something here.

Make it happen.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: dalebert on March 24, 2008, 10:59 AM NHFT
Is there no Real ID protest going on tomorrow (Tues)? I'm kind of surprised there's not more talk of something here.

The hearing on this bill is at 13:00, in the Legislative Office Building (behind the State House). How about you give them something to watch while the hearing takes place? ;D


I think we should re-enact the National ID Parlor cartoon as a protest. We could set up a tattoo table and we just need something that makes a buzzing sound like some hair clippers. Then we can use a marker attached to a fake cord and slowly "tattoo" numbers on our arms. Who would do this with me?

We should "promote" it by talking about the benefits of tracking citizens, like being able to crack down on illegal aliens and criminals and "play down" the costs like our privacy and identity theft and more. Help me out here. Is it too early for this? I'm thinking back on the last protest where Jim and Lauren dressed as Nazis. When would be the appropriate time for that if not tomorrow?

Kat Kanning


I'll be inside talking to the legislators.
It would be wonderful if any protesters outside painted the NH Senate as Real Bad Guys.
Because... they are.


The only problem I'm anticipating is setting up a "booth". I'm sure they'll give us flack about that. Is there some permit we need or anything?


Kat Kanning

Quote from: dalebert on March 24, 2008, 04:43 PM NHFT
The only problem I'm anticipating is setting up a "booth". I'm sure they'll give us flack about that.

Sic Jim -n- Lauren the Nazi Twins on 'em.


I have clippers but they have to be plugged in. Anyone have something that buzzes and runs on batteries?

** Looks expectantly at the ladies **

I guess I could just bring a couple folding chairs and then we just need to rig up a sharpie to a fake cord so it seems kind of like tattoo equipment and someone could just hold a make-shift sign saying "Real ID Parlor- line up to be numbered" or something. Anyone able to print something to hand out?


I'm glad to see this going forward!!

Don't forget to notify the media. Call any time, you should be able to leave a message
WMUR  1-800-257-5151
Concord Monitor  603-224-5301 ext. 670
Union Leader  (800) 562-8218


Quote from: dalebert on March 24, 2008, 04:43 PM NHFT
The only problem I'm anticipating is setting up a "booth". I'm sure they'll give us flack about that. Is there some permit we need or anything?

Theoretically, if it's made of a light enough material to be lifted by 2 people, that makes it a sign, doesn't it?