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Ridley Report: Real ID standoff ends without extension request

Started by Dave Ridley, March 28, 2008, 12:37 PM NHFT

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Expanding on my comments at your video:

I'm not so certain that there wasn't some back-channel cooperation going on here. At least in NH, if not Montana.

The MT governor more publicly thumbed his nose at Chertoff, but Lynch played the defiant role while his Department of Safety was quietly implementing the "security features" required by DHS.

It was odd that Montana was granted the exemption while their governor was publicly telling the federal government to "go to hell!" DHS said that even though MT hadn't requested an extension, they would be granted one since their license meets RealID standards.

Lynch wasn't so obstinate, but he did make many public proclamations about his opposition to RealID. Given the curious timing of the new DL standards, and DHS granting an extension to NH, I have to wonder what kind of communication took place behind the scenes.


Agent Certoff brokered a deal between the Canadian armed forces and the United States to share troops across the border in the event of an "emergency".

Then he brokered a deal between the Canadian armed forces and the Israeli armed forces to share troops in the event of an "emergency".

Which means Hier Chertoff can send his Mossad "Artist Movers" anywhere inside the "US" he wants.

Assuming Judd Gregg has it correct when he pressed for an explaination of the so called "emergency" that is currently in force?