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Meet & greet & baby shower

Started by TackleTheWorld, March 29, 2008, 07:29 PM NHFT

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Come out to the monthly Monadnock Meet & Greet.
This month we'll be having a celebration in honor of newest arrival: baby Jackson.
Double celebration, the newest mom's birthday too!
There will be snacks and beverages and stories of the non-violent revolution.

Where:  Jim and Lauren's Barn in Winchester, NH
When:   Sunday, April 13th Noon
How:     Call 239-8506 for questions or directions.

Pat K

Tom Sawyer

Looking forward to meeting the new dude...
Yeah Jackson!  :)

Jim Johnson

...and brewing a new batch of beer... Jackson series.   ;D

Tom Sawyer


Becky Thatcher

Looking forward to this.  We have always enjoyed the Meet and Greets, and this one is really special.

I'm going to make lasagna.  The pres has requested pumpkin cheesecake, so we'll be having that too.   :party-smiley-020:

Kat Kanning

Add 40th birthday party for the new mom to the agenda  :D


Quote from: Becky Thatcher on March 30, 2008, 01:23 PM NHFT
The pres has requested pumpkin cheesecake, so we'll be having that too.   

The President is a good man.

Tom Sawyer


Can we borrow a big stock pot (16-20 qts) for the beer brewing pot from someone?   We'll only need it for an hour or so.

Becky Thatcher

Kat Kanning

Tom Sawyer

Yeah, we were looking forward to see him at Jackson's Meet and Greet.


Oh yeah,  Pat K on sabbatical :sad1:
I guess we'll only be making two cases of beer then.

Hey if anyone sees Paul Ott our newest mover, ask him to come out and say hi to everyone.