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Questions for the Free State Project People

Started by Luke S, April 01, 2008, 01:21 PM NHFT

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Becky Thatcher

Quote from: Luke S on April 07, 2008, 04:01 PM NHFT
Quote from: Jon Maltz on April 07, 2008, 03:06 PM NHFT
Go forth to http://leap.cc
There you can learn from law enforcement officers why the drug was is more harmful than drugs ever can hope to be and perhaps you will change your mind on it.

I don't care. The worst possible thing we could do is to wave the white flag and hand our country over to the drug criminals, like they did in the Netherlands.

Then we will have broken bottles all over the streets, trash all over the streets, people walking around naked, and our country will look like a great big version of the Netherlands.

And furthermore, what they are saying on that link is wrong. It is possible to get drugs out of communities. The community where I'm at right now is living proof of that. It's just that most police departments don't have the backbone to do what's necessary to get the drugs out of the communities, like the sheriff and his deputies here did.

That sounds pretty closed-minded to me.  Certainly doesn't seem like the opinion of someone "questioning their outlook on the world", and "close to the revelation..." as Denis stated.  Luke seems pretty proud of what he did.  He doesn't see it as an "asshole, bullshit thing".

Denis, I'm sorry you're having a bad day, but I thought that was a pretty abusive post from someone complaining about "abusive people". :-\

Luke S

Quote from: Free libertarian on April 07, 2008, 09:57 PM NHFT
Luke, why do you think it's okay to determine what another person should do with their own body, when it's not hurting you or anyone else? 
  If you decide to watch Sophia Loren's ample, full bouncing breasts should we incarcerate you?
  If you're palms are getting hairy while you're watching...where's the crime? Just clean up the mess and
  we won't tell your mother okay?   :icon_biggrin:

Free Libertarian, I'm not discussing the issue anymore. The only reason why I opened my mouth on the issue again was to correct a wrong claim that I had gotten someone put in jail over pot. Now that that has been sorted out, I decided that it's best if I just shut my mouth on this issue for now on.

I had no idea that all these people would get mad at me, (and at each other), since usually this is an open-and-shut issue where I come from, not a divisive, hot-button issue which starts arguments and gets people mad at each other. Anyway, I'll say no more.

J’raxis 270145

:clap: Nice job driving yet another activist off of the forum, and what looks like scaring Luke S away from discussing the topic further. So what exactly did all of that accomplish?

And Lloyd, what the hell happened to "trying to get along with everyone"?


he was an activist??  Actively working to jail pot smokers and naked people?

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Sapphire on April 07, 2008, 11:40 PM NHFT
he was an activist??  Actively working to jail pot smokers and naked people?


J’raxis 270145

Luke S:—

Please ignore the intolerance, bigotry, and close-mindedness displayed by some users on this forum. Such people seem to run in every crowd, even those who purport to be freedom-minded individuals. There's an "ignore" button you can use rather than let them offend you.

Quote from: Luke S on April 07, 2008, 02:08 PM NHFT
Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on April 06, 2008, 08:32 PM NHFT
Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on April 06, 2008, 08:01 PM NHFT
Quote from: Luke S on April 06, 2008, 01:14 PM NHFT
Actually, I do not believe that marijuana users should get jail.

Instead of jail, I believe that marijuana users should be sentenced to fines and community service.

And when they refuse to pay the fine or do the community service?

If Luke doesn't believe in jailing marijuana users, maybe they can go to jail for not paying their fines.

Then if marijuana users don't want to go to jail, then they can be shot. 

No. If they don't want to go to jail at that point, then they will be taken to jail by force, just as is done with other lawbreakers who don't want to go to jail, but who have to go to jail.

And what happens if they resist such force when someone comes to take them to jail?

Quote from: Luke S on April 07, 2008, 03:58 PM NHFT
First of all, I don't support violence in this situation. Fining them is not violence. Sentencing them to community service is not violence.

It sure sounds like you do, just indirectly.

Now, when those people whom you helped catch for using pot got fined, and paid their fine, why do you think they did so? Clearly they believed the law against using pot was wrong in the first place, otherwise they wouldn't've broken it. So, for what reason do you think they acquiesced to the punishment instead of trying to ignore or resist it?

Kevin Bean

Chill out 'raxis. Denis left the forum in a huff. What if we all left everytime someone on the forum said something we didn't like? There wouldn't be anyone on the forum. Except me, cause I agree with everything everyone says.

Last time I checked, Luke is still hanging around, and hopefully will reconsider talking about it sometime. It's not like Denis decided to check out of the liberty movement and go work for Haliburton. Everything is cool.

Looks like you and Denis need your daily dose of the herb.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Bill Grennon on April 07, 2008, 11:51 PM NHFT
Chill out 'raxis. Denis left the forum in a huff. What if we all left everytime someone on the forum said something we didn't like? There wouldn't be anyone on the forum. Except me, cause I agree with everything everyone says.

Denis isn't the only one to be driven off by the behavior of some people on this forum, and I'm sure he won't be the last. There seems to be a concerted effort by the holier-than-thou anti-political types to do this to the exclusively political activists.

Quote from: Bill Grennon on April 07, 2008, 11:51 PM NHFT
Last time I checked, Luke is still hanging around, and hopefully will reconsider talking about it sometime. It's not like Denis decided to check out of the liberty movement and go work for Haliburton. Everything is cool.

I know Lloyd well enough in person to know he's just acting like a jackass, but the newbies don't—and the bullshit Facilitator posted to Denis is way out of line no matter how you slice it.

Jim Johnson

Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on April 07, 2008, 11:34 PM NHFT
:clap: Nice job driving yet another activist off of the forum, and what looks like scaring Luke S away from discussing the topic further. So what exactly did all of that accomplish?

And Lloyd, what the hell happened to "trying to get along with everyone?

Luke S isn't scared.  Dennis proved himself to be a Republican.
No one can get along with a narc, they'd sooner kill ya as look at ya... amoral fucks.

It's time for people to make hay or get off the farm.
In other words, decide if you want to be a slave or if you want to be a free man.

All of the words have been said.
From John Locke to Ayn Rand and everyone who has used their ideas, it's all been said.
Decide... are you a free man?  Yes or No?
No further ideas need to be written.  No excuses or compromises need to be offered.

Are you a free man?

If you are, then you will come to Keene and help free men.
If not, no other word needs to be offered.


I don't think it's fair to say that Luke is an asshole. What he did, I can't condone. But he's also, (no offense, Luke) but he's a child. I doubt he has read Locke or Rand or Tolstoy or too many other people, for that matter. Yes, it's all been said. But not everyone has heard it.

Come to Keene? C'mon. You live south of keene yourself. russell and kat are an hour and fifteen minutes from there. tommy is in an undisclosed location, but it sure ain't keene. You guys have a great community, but it's not like everyone who lives somewhere else is a slave. Jesus lived in Nazareth. Gandhi in India. Thoreau at Walden Pond, and Tolstoy in Russia. A person can be free wherever they are. You and your wife did some tolerably free work in the slave state of Connecticut.  :)

As for what you said, Jeremy, it's just not true that I can see. Aside from Powerchuter, there has been no concerted effort to get anyone to leave. A person's beliefs, as always, will be criticized, but that's not to get them to leave the forum. If anything, the gun cleaners have been less welcome than the politicos. If you want to air dirty laundry or something, then name names. Who, specifically, has been chased away? That's not even fair to say of Denis. There was no concerted effort to see Denis leave. I, for one, am sad to see him go. It's not like there was this giant huddle and whispering back and forth to see how he could be made to leave. Gimme a break!

Jim Johnson

Yes you are slaves.

Russell is in Westmoreland,  Kat is in Keene, Tom and I are 20 minutes away.... Jesus, Gandhi, Thoreau and Tolstoy aren't coming, they didn't say why.

"Your wife did some tolerably free work in the slave state of Connecticut..."  We are friends, but that's insulting.

Calling Luke a child is insulting.

Luke is a fucking asshole for being a narc.

Your assumption of what Luke has read or if he can read is completely unfounded.

We have a group of people in Keene who are dedicated to their own Freedom.

Come back and make a difference.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Caleb on April 08, 2008, 12:44 AM NHFT
As for what you said, Jeremy, it's just not true that I can see. Aside from Powerchuter, there has been no concerted effort to get anyone to leave. A person's beliefs, as always, will be criticized, but that's not to get them to leave the forum. If anything, the gun cleaners have been less welcome than the politicos. If you want to air dirty laundry or something, then name names. Who, specifically, has been chased away? That's not even fair to say of Denis. There was no concerted effort to see Denis leave. I, for one, am sad to see him go. It's not like there was this giant huddle and whispering back and forth to see how he could be made to leave. Gimme a break!

People I know of who've left or been driven off due to treatment by others on this forum:—

  • Bald Eagle (asked to leave for same reasons as Powerchuter, if I heard right)
  • Braddog
  • CNHT (and many others I forget, who left when the political boards were closed)
  • d_goddard
  • malcolm
  • RattyDog

By "concerted effort" I don't mean a coördinated conspiracy, or an actual request or demand to leave, I simply mean people going out of their way to be assholes to someone until they leave of their own accord. And I would hardly call the language going back and forth in this thread mere "criticism" of one's beliefs.


Jim, I wasn't trying to insult you. I respect highly what you and your wife did in New London. I brag to anyone who will listen that I know Lauren Canario.

I was trying to point out that what's important is that, wherever a person is, that they live their life in a way where they don't cooperate with evil and try to build a community of people who care about each other. You are doing that in Keene. I applaud that.  But if someone has to be in Keene (or nearby) to live free then over 6 billion people are in a lot of trouble.

Yes, it was condescending to call Luke a child. Sorry, but that's how I see it. When I was his age, I don't think I would have been to fond of me. I would have considered myself a religious zealot who thought he knew everything but had only read stuff put out by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.  Ok, I'm still a wise guy who thinks he knows everything. But at least now I've read a few more books by a few more people.  :) What was your life like when you were 20, Jim? Were you at where you are at now?  Was it condescending to call him a child? Sure. Sorry. But just cause it's condescending doesn't mean it is false.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on April 08, 2008, 12:33 AM NHFT
Are you a free man?

If you are, then you will come to Keene and help free men.
If not, no other word needs to be offered.

Your definition of freedom seems to be to engage in activism exactly as you see fit, and live exactly where you see fit.