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Questions for the Free State Project People

Started by Luke S, April 01, 2008, 01:21 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Luke S on April 08, 2008, 10:50 AM NHFT
Once again to clarify, none of the pot smokers that I turned in were jailed or even arrested. They were given citations, which included fines that they had to pay, their pot was confiscated, they were given stern warnings never to do it again, and that was it.

Here, I'll rewrite what I wrote again, since I think certain people didn't see my clarification the first time:

Quote from: Luke S on April 07, 2008, 09:57 PM NHFT
I wasn't going to discuss this issue again, but for the sake of clarification, I didn't get anyone jailed or arrested at all.

As far as I recall, they were fined, the weed was confiscated, and that was it, since it was a first offense for both of them. They weren't even so much as arrested.

Under Ohio law (they might have changed it now since 3 years have passed), if you have less than 100g, which is what they had, then all you get is a fine, along with a very stern warning from police that you'd better never ever do it again. Anyway, after that, they stopped smoking marijuana as far as I know. Because I used to often see both of them walking around the dorm with marijuana cigarettes, and I used to smell marijuana coming from their rooms, and then once they got their fine/warning, that stopped.

Did you know it was going to be a first offense? Did you know they had less than 100g?

Your phone call could very well have resulted in them going to prison for years, all because you were annoyed that they smoked pot.

Luke S

Quote from: KBCraig on April 08, 2008, 11:00 AM NHFT
Quote from: Luke S on April 08, 2008, 10:50 AM NHFT
Once again to clarify, none of the pot smokers that I turned in were jailed or even arrested. They were given citations, which included fines that they had to pay, their pot was confiscated, they were given stern warnings never to do it again, and that was it.

Here, I'll rewrite what I wrote again, since I think certain people didn't see my clarification the first time:

Quote from: Luke S on April 07, 2008, 09:57 PM NHFT
I wasn't going to discuss this issue again, but for the sake of clarification, I didn't get anyone jailed or arrested at all.

As far as I recall, they were fined, the weed was confiscated, and that was it, since it was a first offense for both of them. They weren't even so much as arrested.

Under Ohio law (they might have changed it now since 3 years have passed), if you have less than 100g, which is what they had, then all you get is a fine, along with a very stern warning from police that you'd better never ever do it again. Anyway, after that, they stopped smoking marijuana as far as I know. Because I used to often see both of them walking around the dorm with marijuana cigarettes, and I used to smell marijuana coming from their rooms, and then once they got their fine/warning, that stopped.

Did you know it was going to be a first offense? Did you know they had less than 100g?

Your phone call could very well have resulted in them going to prison for years, all because you were annoyed that they smoked pot.

KBCraig, first of all, you're one of my favorite people on here. I just luvvvvvvvv that cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute little porcupine.

Secondly, I think I should clarify that I wasn't the only one who decided that they were going to start keeping an eye open for all the pot violations that were going on, and report them. There were many people within the community that had decided that enough was enough, and that the community was no longer going to tolerate marijuana usage. So my efforts were part of a larger police & community decision, not just something that I up and decided as a result of my individual annoyance with the situation. And by the way, it worked. We got the pot cleaned out of the community, and now everybody keeps an eye on everybody else, so the same situation that had been taking place up until 3 years ago has never and will never take place again.

Luke S

Quote from: Caleb on April 07, 2008, 07:31 PM NHFT
When I was his age, I was handing out Watchtowers and trying to induct people into a mind-controlling religious cult.

I know what cult he's talking about, too. My own mother, as well as several other people I know, are part of it. They constantly try to get me to join, and I know I can't disrespect my mother, so what I learned to do is to take the original Bible in its original Hebrew and Greek along with whatever Hebrew to English and Greek to English translation aids I can possibly find, and every time they say "The NWT Bible says you have to believe this", or "the Watchtower says you have to believe this", I pull out the original Hebrew/Greek Bible along with the translation aids and say, "no I don't". So that's how I'm able to not disrespect my mother, while at the same time remaining free of the cult.

Tom Sawyer

Luke Schnergenberger

Evolving is what intelligent people do... you have a ways to go, just don't dig your heals in.

Free libertarian

 Wow....so uh what happened to Sophia Loren anyway? Did she run off with Denis and why are my palms growing hair?  :blush:

  Luke, I guess the point is whether the Pot people got jail or fines...alot of us didn't think that was a cool thing to do.  You see imho the underlying thing that alot of us share is live and let live, if somebody has
a different lifestyle as long as they're not hurting you, overlook it. There are alot of things to correct in this world and many of us would rather focus on advancing freedom, than running another's life. 
You run your life, decide what to do with YOUR money and don't hurt anyone, it's a pretty easy concept.
When we start "protecting people from themselves" we open up the door to Pandora's box.
People come to "freedom" at different times. As you've seen by reading the previous comments there are people at different places in their lives, both figureatively and literally when it comes to advancing freedom.  Not everybody is in agreement with the methods, that's cool, what is important is that each of us steps back and thinks about how we want our life to be and we are free to pursue that and allow others to do the same.  Turning people in for having a different take on Pot than you could lead to a society where YOU or I are oppressed because we worship the wrong god or flag.  On second thought...we're already there!   

  Also, I'm sorry to hear you don't have a naked person problem in your town...Anyway consider spinning one up, finding a naked hippie chick and telling the people you turned in you're sorry, maybe they'll forgive you.   

Also I've been jerking your chain a little bit, because that's what I do sometimes, but you really ought to consider a live and let live life. Really.  In the long run you may come to that, I hope so, good luck.



Quote from: dalebert on April 08, 2008, 07:52 AM NHFT
As the self-proclaimed Ambassador of the Schism, I humbly ask that everyone relax a little bit and join in a group hug.

I refuse to be in the same room with Luke S.

Narcs like Luke are one notch above rapists.  Scum.

Luke S

Ok first of all, what is a "narc". Is that some kind of New Hampshire slang or something.


Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on April 08, 2008, 01:44 AM NHFT
This is the place and these are the people.

And if anyone wants to be a part of it, this the time.

Here, here!

More of us will gather in this place and live free.  Eventually, trash like Luke will be ostracized until they get a clue, or leave.


Quote from: Luke S on April 08, 2008, 12:34 PM NHFT
Ok first of all, what is a "narc". Is that some kind of New Hampshire slang or something.

Snitch, rat, informer.

The lowest of scum.


Quote from: Luke S on April 08, 2008, 12:34 PM NHFT
Ok first of all, what is a "narc". Is that some kind of New Hampshire slang or something.

A narc, also spelled nark (not a contraction of "narcotic agent", but the word predates the criminalization of narcotics), is a term for a narcotics agent or police informant who provides information to the police about drug offenders. It is more often used to refer to undercover agents than police officers. Some drug offenders, once caught, turn into informants as part of an agreement with the police to avoid charges.



Luke, you tell on people for their consensual choices.  You aid in destroying people's freedom without a care.  Worse, you think you're doing the "right" thing.

Karma will get you in the end.

I also vote Luke S. be banned for being a narc, asshole, and troll.


Quote from: FTL_Ian on April 08, 2008, 12:32 PM NHFT
Quote from: dalebert on April 08, 2008, 07:52 AM NHFT
As the self-proclaimed Ambassador of the Schism, I humbly ask that everyone relax a little bit and join in a group hug.

I refuse to be in the same room with Luke S.

I said earlier I won't ally myself with someone I can't trust, though I don't mind chatting and don't want to kick him off the boards. I was talking about the political porcs like Denis and teh apolitical porcs; not Luke. There's a big difference between fighting for liberty using methods I don't believe in and advocating violence against innocent people.

Luke S

Quote from: dalebert on April 08, 2008, 01:31 PM NHFT
Quote from: FTL_Ian on April 08, 2008, 12:32 PM NHFT
Quote from: dalebert on April 08, 2008, 07:52 AM NHFT
As the self-proclaimed Ambassador of the Schism, I humbly ask that everyone relax a little bit and join in a group hug.

I refuse to be in the same room with Luke S.

I said earlier I won't ally myself with someone I can't trust, though I don't mind chatting and don't want to kick him off the boards.

Thank you.

QuoteI was talking about the political porcs like Denis and teh apolitical porcs; not Luke. There's a big difference between fighting for liberty using methods I don't believe in and advocating violence against innocent people.

What's the difference between a political porc and an apolitical porc. I mean, what did Denis do to be political, whereas others of you are apolitical. I thought that all of you were activists for political change.


The political and apolitical phrase is based on the type of activism that the individuals here and on the other forums do.  A similar phrase is 'in the system' and 'out of the system'.  Some here believe that the best way to end harmful behavior of gov't is to reform it from within, by using the political system.  They are the political in the system porcs.  Others including myself believe the gov't is far too corrupt to ever be reformed from within.  We use unusual creative methods, and civil disobediance to various degrees depending on the individual to effect change. 

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on April 08, 2008, 06:29 AM NHFT
Denis has been slowly wiggin' out for a while.

I think the 12 hour workdays, NHLA stuff and thinking he can herd this group of cats has worn him down. And most probably trying to run a "big tent".

The common thread I see is the (using Denis's own word) "collectivist" view... ie. that this "forum" is intolerant. When someone tried to lump politicians as a group, Denis said that it was "collectivist" thinking. Then he groups everyone on this forum in the same category.

This is the underground...
Not the FSP, not a "big tent".

This is a place for our friends to hangout. Most of the rest of the world is open to the folks that think it's ok to put potheads in slave labor camps, not here.

The problem as I see it is this is the most active forum and that bothers some folks that feel their efforts are more valid. Well, lead by example.
This is not a big tent movement.  It is clear to me there are people that want to use the police and law to hurt me, or to steal from me. 
I don't like being lumped in as intolerant.  I try hard to be very respectful of other people.  I don't kiss butt.  But I do treat all with respect. 


Quote from: Lllloyd Danforth on April 08, 2008, 10:09 AM NHFT
I was active on her forum when she accused me of taking a particular stand on a subject I knew nothing about, much less would have an opinion on.  When I asked for proof, as usual, she could not provide it.
As far as the 'sexy' stuff goes.....I don't get it :P

Lloyd, here is the problem...

I did not ACCUSE you of anything! How you could have perceived that is beyond me and everyone else that was involved in that discussion.
It was not something that could have ever been misconstrued as an accusation in either tone or content.

I simply was porting over the subject we'd started talking about here, that you expressed interest in, namely, your question being what was it I thought was so bad about 'foundations'? I was going to continue the subject and explain how I feel that foundations in the US are a great part of the push toward the socialist agenda in the schools, etc. and I even showed you the post it came from. However, I have no idea why you thought it was by any STRETCH of the imagination an 'accusation'...

You had asked a question and I was going to answer it because it is a common one and I simply mentioned you as the asker of the question.

If you did not want the question repeated, I would gladly removed your name from the thread. All you had to do was ask! I have removed it (after you called me names) because your reaction suggests  you were accused of saying 'something' wrong , when in fact NO ONE SAID YOU DID!

I wasn't sure what 'proof' you wanted or why you were so angry because there was nothing to 'prove' because there was no 'accusation' even though I did link to the discussion that had started on this forum originally. It made absolutely NO sense that you thought you were being 'accused' of something. I think you just read something very fast and assumed something totally wrong just because you saw your name.

So I suggest you take a chill pill and really READ what is being said FIRST, not READ INTO what is being said and not be having such knee jerk reactions.
