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Questions for the Free State Project People

Started by Luke S, April 01, 2008, 01:21 PM NHFT

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Luke S

1. When you did the Social Security Card Burning Protest, did Russell, Kat, and Lauren really burn their real social security cards, or were those not the real ones, and you just said they were on the video? (I'm not meaning to be a doubter, but I had to ask.)

2. Is Russell the leader of the Free State Project? Looking at your videos, he seems to be the one who is the leader. Maybe that's why they wanted to turn him into a political prisoner.

3. Unfortunately, a lot of people are TV zombies who believe whatever the mainstream news tells them to believe. Perhaps that is part of the reason why you only got 1,000 people to be part of your group instead of 20,000, which is what you wanted. That's not enough people to turn New Hampshire into a libertarian state like you want to, so what are you going to do??

4. Are TackleTheWorld and Lauren Canario the same person? I think they are, but I just want to make sure.

5. I will admit that I am not a libertarian, but to me, opposing the U.N., favoring replacing the income tax with a national sales tax or similiar, opposing Social Security, opposing most of the "alphabet agencies", etc., reducing the size of the government, are not libertarian issues. They are issues which to me are common sense, bipartisan issues.

6. What if the people in New Hampshire who were there before the Free State Project got there get mad at the free state project for one reason or another?

7. What happens in two years when New Hampshire's Real ID extension that they didn't ask for expires? What will all of you do then when they won't let you get on planes?

8. When people like Lauren Canario drive without a license and registration, they do it because of "Freedom to Travel". But they still have license plates on their cars. (Or at least I think I saw license plates on their cars, I might have been mistaken.) Wouldn't they not have to have license plates either if there really is a "freedom to travel"?, or maybe you guys believe that there is a compelling state interest in the gov't making you have a license plate, but just not a registration/driver's license? And how would you get a license plate without a registration?

Luke S

9. One of the claims, in fact the main claim, that the U.N. uses to keep itself in good standing with people is that it is a "humanitarian organization" and a "peacekeeping organization". Of course any work they have done in those two areas is overshadowed by the fact that they are a threat to our national sovereignty. But anyway, to make effective protests against the U.N. in the future, you should (in fact you need to) attack the image of them as a humanitarian/peacekeeping organization. You need to mention incidents such as the Rwanda genocide incident in the 90's (pointing this out will damage their reputation as a peacekeeping organization), and the tsunami relief in 05, where Kofi Annan was on a vacation at a ski resort in a lavish hotel when there were people dying from the tsunami (pointing this out will damage their reputation as a humanitarian organization). Also don't forget to mention the Oil-for-Food scandal.


1. Can't attest to that, wasn't there.
2. No.
3. The First 1000 was created to encourage people to move before we recruited 20,000 people.  We're still working on recruiting 20,000 people.
4. Yes.
5. You'd think they'd get more traction then, wouldn't you?
6. Some who have agendas that involve the state controlling more of your life don't seem to like the idea of the FSP.  A lot of natives and people who moved to NH before the FSP are quite happy to have us join their ranks.  Once someone moves they become part of whatever community they wish to, we're not all gathering in one spot and only interacting with each other.
7. They'll still let you on a plane, you have to go through secondary screening, or show a passport.
8. I have a driver's license and a license plate, I'm not as far down that path as others.  Though I do understand the point they are making.  Some people are more willing to work outside the conventional system than others.  The Embassy of Heaven issues their own license plates and drivers licenses, their website I believe details some of the interactions they've had with authorities concerning those as well.  


1. Social Security Card Burning Protest was nothing to do with the Free State Project (FSP) -- neither is anything that people do after moving to NH. FSP exists only to get liberty-lovers to move to NH -- not to tell them what to do once they get here.

As for me, I drove around for half an hour (with Mike F.) looking for the place. By the time we found it, the fun was over, so we just had pizza with everyone afterwards.

2. There is no "leader" of the FSP. There is a Board of Directors, and a President (the current Prez happens to my wife, BTW)

3. I don't think we need 1,000 people to make NH libertarian. We need about 200 who are as active as the most active 50 that are here already. Or a few dozen willing & able to get elected to State House, plus a dozen or so people getting our message into the media. Or 1,500-2,000 as active as the "average" FSPer is now. Or 25,000 people who "just vote". Or an infinite number of people who just talk and don't do.

4. Tackle=Lauren

5. "I am not a libertarian" ... how can you be so sure  >:D

6. Some NH'ers are mad at the FSP. Some are not. My co-host is a native, and not a libertarian, and she's literally thankful to God that we're here.

7. We'll deal with 2 years from now... in 2 years. Personally I'll just get the secondary search. Lots of people will use their passports. More likely, the game will be over by then and Real-ID will be gone because of states like NH.

8. Personally I think driving w/out a license is going to be 100% ineffective in effecting any real pro-liberty change. Obviously, some people will disagree. Gee, ain't freedom fun?  ;D

9. Was there a question in there? The UN sucks. I want no part of it.


1. I guess nobody would know but them. Not thats it's relevant.

2. No, the FSP is a movement, not an organization. The only bit of organization are the nice people who run the website for the movement, and the organizers of some events.

3. As of this writing, there are 8,288 people signed up. As I said, it's non-hierarchical, so "members" means members of the movement, not of any organization. That does not include most natives and many movers who don't want to be on the board, etc. And not every mover wants a "libertarian state" in the first place.

4. Yes.

5. That's a statement, not a question. An incorrect statement, but good try.

6. Many have tried to fight the FSP, as though it were some cohesive organization. Many more welcome us. That's life. Not everyone is going to be your friend.

7. That wouldn't be a FSP issue, that would affect everyone in the state. But it ain't gonna happen.

8. At the time of Lauren's last arrest, she was using souvenir Area 51 plates. It's part of the public record.

9. Another statement.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Luke S on April 01, 2008, 01:21 PM NHFT

5. I will admit that I am not a libertarian, but to me, opposing the U.N., favoring replacing the income tax with a national sales tax or similiar, opposing Social Security, opposing most of the "alphabet agencies", etc., reducing the size of the government, are not libertarian issues. They are issues which to me are common sense, bipartisan issues.

How has that working out for you? The part about the parties taking care of that.


you need to hook up with the RI Ron Paul meet up group, there are a large percent of possible free staters there, and the leader of the group, and his girl moved out of RI for freedom. 

wait a minute, i seem to be suffering from brain damage, I swear the name of the person who started this thread was johninRI...

omg so confused.

(darn horses, and too much freedom lately)

Tom Sawyer


Sapphire,  We don't vote down here in RI.  We prefer to withhold our vote (= our consent).

I do think that Ron Paul is wonderful and courageous but even if he got elected, they would either kill him or ignore him to death.  Either way I believe that withholding consent is, or could be, more effective.  If the Government doesn't get a majority we could make things very interesting by attempting to have the government declared illegitimate.

A few elections ago, we started that movement down here and the government responded by organizing a get out the vote campaign.  You should have seen it, they were busing them in with coffee and danish and grabbing them off the streets.  The day after the election the office was completely broken down and the phone lines disconnected.  They claim to have gotten 57%, but they did the counting.

Also, I don't give a flying f... about computer voting.  If they write the programs anyone they want will win and by any percentage they want.

A few years ago RI voted for and started a third party - the "Cool Moose".  IT surprised them, but they took care of it in the next election.  Our attorney Bob Healey was the founder and ran for Governor.  My wife ran for state rep.  She worked her ass off and when the votes were counted it turned out that she received the smallest number of votes of any Cool Moose candidate.  They sent us a message.  One that was not wasted on us.  We have had more than our share of wins though!


Quote from: JohninRI on April 01, 2008, 06:34 PM NHFT
My wife ran for state rep.  She worked her ass off and when the votes were counted it turned out that she received the smallest number of votes
Don't let that beat you down ... try again in NH, and she'll have a much better chance of winning her race!
Well, except that there's no "Cool Moose" party here, but hopefully she can get over that ;)


1. Yep, I burned my real SS card.  I'm pretty sure Kat and Russell did too.  Of course I haven't opened any bank accounts or worked at a regular job since then either.


QuoteQuote from: JohninRI on Today at 06:49 PM
My wife ran for state rep.  She worked her ass off and when the votes were counted it turned out that she received the smallest number of votes
Don't let that beat you down ... try again in NH, and she'll have a much better chance of winning her race!
Well, except that there's no "Cool Moose" party here, but hopefully she can get over that Wink

I've been trying to get her there and I think it is only a matter of time.  She knows that I can't work as a contractor here anymore.  I've pointed out to her that there is no contractor registration board up there, and that I can work as I've always worked - under my Common Law Right to contract.  We just have a lot going on here and many things to do.  I hope to be ready by September, but I can't speak for her.


Quote from: JohninRI on April 01, 2008, 07:45 PM NHFT
I've been trying to get her there and I think it is only a matter of time.
You can join without moving to NH... it will give you a better idea of what's going on, politically, in-state:

Luke S

Quote from: TackleTheWorld on April 01, 2008, 07:16 PM NHFTOf course I haven't opened any bank accounts or worked at a regular job since then either.

Freedom is not free.


Quote from: Luke S on April 01, 2008, 01:21 PM NHFT

2. Is Russell the leader of the Free State Project? Looking at your videos, he seems to be the one who is the leader. Maybe that's why they wanted to turn him into a political prisoner.

The President of the Underground rules with an iron fist. We do not speak his name. At some point, he may choose to grace you by allowing you to meet him, but until then, it's probably best to speak no more of this matter.  :icon_pirat:

When the cops ask who is in charge, it is best to simply say, "Denis Goddard tells me what to do."  :P