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Questions for the Free State Project People

Started by Luke S, April 01, 2008, 01:21 PM NHFT

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I doubt Kat will ban you for being a Republican.  :P

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Sophia Loren on April 07, 2008, 06:02 PM NHFT
Quote from: Luke S on April 07, 2008, 05:45 PM NHFT
Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on April 07, 2008, 05:06 PM NHFT
Quote from: Sophia Loren on April 07, 2008, 04:59 PM NHFT
Quote from: Luke S on April 07, 2008, 03:58 PM NHFT

(I actually helped them catch two people who were using it, i.

I vote we kick this Asshole off of the forum


Wow, usually on the forums I've been on, you don't get kicked off the forum unless you write personal attacks against the other members and stuff like that.

Anyway, ok, ok, I get the message.

If I though the powers that be would really throw you off, I wouldn't have said it ;D

Does this mean we're not going to vote?
Cause I thought we where bound by Robert's Rules of Order.
I still have some hanging chads and the cream really isn't working to remove them.


Quote from: Sophia Loren on April 07, 2008, 06:02 PM NHFT
If I though the powers that be would really throw you off, I wouldn't have said it
"I didn't mean it" -- the excuse of every bully there is, be he a mental or physical bully.

Take back calling Luke an asshole.

Jim Johnson

Quote from: d_goddard on April 07, 2008, 07:09 PM NHFT
Quote from: Sophia Loren on April 07, 2008, 06:02 PM NHFT
If I though the powers that be would really throw you off, I wouldn't have said it
"I didn't mean it" -- the excuse of every bully there is, be he a mental or physical bully.

Take back calling Luke an asshole.

He is an asshole.  As a matter of fact he is a Fucking Asshole. 
Nobody here is advocating that he be sent to Texas and put to hard labor, which he thinks is just if people vote for it.

What are you going to do if Lloyd doesn't take back his statement?
You seem to think you have some sort of power here.
Are you going to take out your gun and point it at Lloyd or are you going to do some political bull shit and see how many friends you can turn against Lloyd?


Quote from: Luke S on April 07, 2008, 05:45 PM NHFT
Quote from: Caleb on April 07, 2008, 05:38 PM NHFTWell, you guys do live in Vermont. Wait til Luke finds out about all the hippies running around naked there. That'll make him forget all about pot. Maybe we can send naked people to build the border wall.

There are hippies in Vermont? I thought they all lived in California.

Yeah, a whole bunch of hippies moved to Vermont way back, now it's kinda artsy and bohemian. I actually like the feel of vermont, if not all their taxes.

You do have to deal with naked people though, cause there are no nudity laws. They just wander around the downtown Brattleboro area, no doubt in a pot-induced stupor.  ;D


He's also young, with plenty of time to change his mind.

When I was his age, I was handing out Watchtowers and trying to induct people into a mind-controlling religious cult.

People can change.

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Caleb on April 07, 2008, 06:42 PM NHFT
I doubt Kat will ban you for being a Republican.  :P

Dennis should be banned for being a Republican, he should know better.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: d_goddard on April 07, 2008, 07:09 PM NHFT
Quote from: Sophia Loren on April 07, 2008, 06:02 PM NHFT
If I though the powers that be would really throw you off, I wouldn't have said it
"I didn't mean it" -- the excuse of every bully there is, be he a mental or physical bully.

Take back calling Luke an asshole.

Nah!  And if you think someone can be bullied in print, there is something wrong with your thinking.  This guy got people jailed!


Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on April 07, 2008, 07:25 PM NHFT
He is an asshole.  As a matter of fact he is a Fucking Asshole. 
I care about you and what you say less, because I know you less.
You are the kind of intolerant asswipe that judges people less "NAP holy" than yourself and gives them no opportunity to progress along the path.
I expect that kind of behavior from you.

From Lloyd, who is generally a laid-back kind of guy, and who I know at least slightly, I expect more.

Quote from: Sophia Loren on April 07, 2008, 07:53 PM NHFT
Nah!  And if you think someone can be bullied in print, there is something wrong with your thinking.
If you think shit you type on the internet doesn't get read by real live human beings, you're more fucked up than I thought.

I don't know Luke from Adam. By his own admission, he's done a really asshole, bullshit thing by turning somebody in. But he stayed here and was (is?) willing to question his outlook on the world. And just as he gets close to the revelation that you take for granted... you attack him. In print. And Facilitator comes and joins in. Like the sniveling side-kick that seems to accompany any bully.

It's one thing to attack someone out of ignorance.
It's another thing to attack someone out of pure spite.
What kind of sick satisfaction does it give you?

Fuck you, Lloyd.
Fuck you, Facilitator.

I'm out of here. I don't want to associate with abusive people.


Lloyd Danforth

I know all of us and, we're all kinda  cool.  Chill out Denis.

Free libertarian

 I heard smoking pot makes men's breasts grow.  Is that true Sophia er Lloyd?
  The funny thing is, in all this asshole this and asshole that....I uh forgot what you guys were talking about...oh yeah violent Pot criminals and that kind of stuff.   
Maybe the moral of the story is...oh shit I forgot again. 

Well I gotta go see what's in the fridge.

Luke S

Quote from: Sophia Loren on April 07, 2008, 07:53 PM NHFT
Quote from: d_goddard on April 07, 2008, 07:09 PM NHFT
Quote from: Sophia Loren on April 07, 2008, 06:02 PM NHFT
If I though the powers that be would really throw you off, I wouldn't have said it
"I didn't mean it" -- the excuse of every bully there is, be he a mental or physical bully.

Take back calling Luke an asshole.

Nah!  And if you think someone can be bullied in print, there is something wrong with your thinking.  This guy got people jailed!

I wasn't going to discuss this issue again, but for the sake of clarification, I didn't get anyone jailed or arrested at all.

As far as I recall, they were fined, the weed was confiscated, and that was it, since it was a first offense for both of them. They weren't even so much as arrested.

Under Ohio law (they might have changed it now since 3 years have passed), if you have less than 100g, which is what they had, then all you get is a fine, along with a very stern warning from police that you'd better never ever do it again. Anyway, after that, they stopped smoking marijuana as far as I know. Because I used to often see both of them walking around the dorm with marijuana cigarettes, and I used to smell marijuana coming from their rooms, and then once they got their fine/warning, that stopped.

Free libertarian

 Luke, why do you think it's okay to determine what another person should do with their own body, when it's not hurting you or anyone else? 
  If you decide to watch Sophia Loren's ample, full bouncing breasts should we incarcerate you?
  If you're palms are getting hairy while you're watching...where's the crime? Just clean up the mess and
  we won't tell your mother okay?   :icon_biggrin:


If you enjoy watching our Sophia Loren's boobs bounce, you are either very stoned or a madman, and should seek out a psychiatrist immediately.

Free libertarian

Quote from: Caleb on April 07, 2008, 09:59 PM NHFT
If you enjoy watching our Sophia Loren's boobs bounce, you are either very stoned or a madman, and should seek out a psychiatrist immediately.

    Looking at boobs is sort of a "gateway" drug thing...could lead to lust, lechery and debauchery. (is that a word?)  Anyway I'm hooked and need to go to some sort of counseling...can't... take.... my... eyes... off the boobs....please help!   Please NO...don't ship me to Vermont where naked hippies will blow marijuana smoke in my face...please help me.