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Questions for the Free State Project People

Started by Luke S, April 01, 2008, 01:21 PM NHFT

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Jim Johnson

Over 6 billion people are in a lot of trouble.

And I've seen other freedom movements.

This is the place and these are the people.

And if anyone wants to be a part of it, this the time.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on April 08, 2008, 01:44 AM NHFT
Over 6 billion people are in a lot of trouble.

And I've seen other freedom movements.

This is the place and these are the people.

And if anyone wants to be a part of it, this the time.

I believe the entire State of New Hampshire is "the place" and the activists all over New Hampshire are "the people"—including political activists such as Denis, other "Republicans" (such as what we're doing in Manchester), and so on. Concentrating in certain towns is certainly a good idea, but I don't see any reason it has to be just one.

And besides, the Grafton guys had that idea long before you did. ;)


Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on April 08, 2008, 01:22 AM NHFT
People I know of who've left or been driven off due to treatment by others on this forum:—

  • Bald Eagle (asked to leave for same reasons as Powerchuter, if I heard right)
  • Braddog
  • CNHT (and many others I forget, who left when the political boards were closed)
  • d_goddard
  • malcolm
  • RattyDog

I left for a long time.... came back eventually... even worked behind the scenes to keep it up and running...

Tom Sawyer

Denis has been slowly wiggin' out for a while.

I think the 12 hour workdays, NHLA stuff and thinking he can herd this group of cats has worn him down. And most probably trying to run a "big tent".

The common thread I see is the (using Denis's own word) "collectivist" view... ie. that this "forum" is intolerant. When someone tried to lump politicians as a group, Denis said that it was "collectivist" thinking. Then he groups everyone on this forum in the same category.

This is the underground...
Not the FSP, not a "big tent".

This is a place for our friends to hangout. Most of the rest of the world is open to the folks that think it's ok to put potheads in slave labor camps, not here.

The problem as I see it is this is the most active forum and that bothers some folks that feel their efforts are more valid. Well, lead by example.

Kat Kanning

Oh, I hadn't been reading this thread.  I guess this is why Denis left?


Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on April 08, 2008, 01:22 AM NHFT
People I know of who've left or been driven off due to treatment by others on this forum:—

  • Bald Eagle (asked to leave for same reasons as Powerchuter, if I heard right)
  • Braddog
  • CNHT (and many others I forget, who left when the political boards were closed)
  • d_goddard
  • malcolm
  • RattyDog

By "concerted effort" I don't mean a coördinated conspiracy, or an actual request or demand to leave, I simply mean people going out of their way to be assholes to someone until they leave of their own accord. And I would hardly call the language going back and forth in this thread mere "criticism" of one's beliefs.

Personally, I think Jim, Lloyd, and Denis all over-reacted and I'm not going to over-react myself by lashing out at them for it. I just think it was a moment of tactlessness. I was honest with Luke. He most definitely is an asshole. But I added that I don't mind him sticking around and chatting because people can change and I would certainly hope that we might be able to show him how he's being an asshole so he can stop.

The Kannings wanted this forum to stop being the place for political activism. I liked their decision. They repeatedly expressed support for people starting other boards where people could continue that activism. They didn't want political activists gone. They just wanted them to take that type of activism planning elsewhere. I don't want Denis and others political types gone. Most of them are friends of mine, yourself included. :) Aren't there plenty of other things we can all talk about here? Taproom Tuesdays? Halloween parties? Whatever? That people got upset and left was their own choice. If anything, I felt like the Kannings were overly tolerant, leaving up political planning posts when they had clearly expressed that this board was not for that. It's spraying graffiti on their home. I was slightly annoyed at that, honestly, knowing there are about six other boards where you can do that and that people are here specifically to discuss, well just about anything, but not that. It's like spam. I mean, why do spammers mis-spell "viagra" so it gets past my filters when the reason that word is in my filter is because I'm not interested in those products?? That's poorly targeted marketing! What a waste of bandwidth.

So anyway, I don't want to end off topic. The point was no one was driven off. Jim and Lloyd used some over strong language and then Denis came back with even stronger language to chastise them. It all seemed intolerant to me. *shrug*

I know you don't like Vitruvian's thread and that's probably what's looming in your mind. I still contend that his approach was tactless and didn't take into account that he was putting people on the defensive, but he was not trying to drive anyone off. He feels very strongly about the subject and he brought it up not to guilt-trip people, but because he thought he could persuade others to his point of view using logic and reason. Vitruvian is like Spock. I guarantee his goal was not to stir up emotions or drive people off. I think others joined the conversation and tried to just argue points, but there was a sort of collectivist thing that happened as Caleb described whereby anyone who shared Vitruvian's point of view tended to get associated with that tactlessness.

As the self-proclaimed Ambassador of the Schism, I humbly ask that everyone relax a little bit and join in a group hug.


QuoteVitruvian is like Spock.

From the Ridleo, he kind of reminded me of Christian Bale, though I'm not sure which movie(s) most influence that impression.

Is there a preference in my account where I can opt out of drama?  :)


Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on April 08, 2008, 12:33 AM NHFT
Are you a free man?

If you are, then you will come to Keene and help free men.
If not, no other word needs to be offered.

Sod off.  Residency in Keene does not determine my freedom.   Not every free man is interested in joining your clique. 

Lloyd Danforth

i may have stared it by pointing out that the new guy was a Nazi :blush:

Tom Sawyer

Some want to educate the Nazis... I wish them luck. Some of us are not going to wear our yellow star.

Lloyd Danforth

I couldn't help myself when the little Snot mentioned, matter of factly, how he aided in the arrest of people for smoking Pot

Lloyd Danforth

I was active on her forum when she accused me of taking a particular stand on a subject I knew nothing about, much less would have an opinion on.  When I asked for proof, as usual, she could not provide it.
As far as the 'sexy' stuff goes.....I don't get it :P

Luke S

Quote from: Sapphire on April 07, 2008, 11:40 PM NHFT
he was an activist??  Actively working to jail pot smokers and naked people?

Quote from: Lllloyd Danforth on April 08, 2008, 09:14 AM NHFT
I couldn't help myself when the little Snot mentioned, matter of factly, how he aided in the arrest of people for smoking Pot

Once again to clarify, none of the pot smokers that I turned in were jailed or even arrested. They were given citations, which included fines that they had to pay, their pot was confiscated, they were given stern warnings never to do it again, and that was it.

Here, I'll rewrite what I wrote again, since I think certain people didn't see my clarification the first time:

Quote from: Luke S on April 07, 2008, 09:57 PM NHFT
I wasn't going to discuss this issue again, but for the sake of clarification, I didn't get anyone jailed or arrested at all.

As far as I recall, they were fined, the weed was confiscated, and that was it, since it was a first offense for both of them. They weren't even so much as arrested.

Under Ohio law (they might have changed it now since 3 years have passed), if you have less than 100g, which is what they had, then all you get is a fine, along with a very stern warning from police that you'd better never ever do it again. Anyway, after that, they stopped smoking marijuana as far as I know. Because I used to often see both of them walking around the dorm with marijuana cigarettes, and I used to smell marijuana coming from their rooms, and then once they got their fine/warning, that stopped.

Also for the record, I have never called the police on a naked person (as Sapphire insinuated), since we didn't and don't have a naked person problem in our community.


Quote from: Caleb on April 07, 2008, 07:31 PM NHFT
When I was his age, I was handing out Watchtowers and trying to induct people into a mind-controlling religious cult.

But now you hand out Catholic Worker and... um, well, I'm sure everything has changed.  ;)


Quote from: Luke S on April 08, 2008, 10:50 AM NHFT
Once again to clarify, none of the pot smokers that I turned in were jailed or even arrested. They were given citations, which included fines that they had to pay, their pot was confiscated, they were given stern warnings never to do it again, and that was it.

So you didn't enable enslavement, only theft and extortion. So we should canonize you now?