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Questions for the Free State Project People

Started by Luke S, April 01, 2008, 01:21 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Tom Sawyer on April 08, 2008, 09:03 AM NHFT
Some want to educate the Nazis... I wish them luck. Some of us are not going to wear our yellow star.

Not everyone is born to libertarian ideas.  If you're not interested in advancing the message... fine -- but your analogy fails.   Education is not equivalent to complicity with oppression.

Expecting people to have "Road to Damascus" instant-conversions to libertarian ideas is unrealistic.   Some people need to carefully re-evaluate their beliefs over time.

10 years ago, I supported state prohibition of drugs and abortion.   Fortunately, the libertarians I argued with didn't throw rocks.  They weren't blinded by moral superiority.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: picaro on April 08, 2008, 02:37 PM NHFT
Quote from: Tom Sawyer on April 08, 2008, 09:03 AM NHFT
Some want to educate the Nazis... I wish them luck. Some of us are not going to wear our yellow star.

Not everyone is born to libertarian ideas.  If you're not interested in advancing the message... fine -- but your analogy fails.   Education is not equivalent to complicity with oppression.

Expecting people to have "Road to Damascus" instant-conversions to libertarian ideas is unrealistic.   Some people need to carefully re-evaluate their beliefs over time.

10 years ago, I supported state prohibition of drugs and abortion.   Fortunately, the libertarians I argued with didn't throw rocks.  They weren't blinded by moral superiority.

I like you from what I have read on the forum...

I am not saying that folks should not try to educate people, even the people that go along with fascism/socialism... I and others here are just way past that, my case 'burnout'...

The folks that want to do that I thank them, support them.


Quote from: lawofattraction on April 08, 2008, 09:56 AM NHFT
Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on April 08, 2008, 01:22 AM NHFT
People I know of who've left or been driven off due to treatment by others on this forum:—

  • Bald Eagle (asked to leave for same reasons as Powerchuter, if I heard right)
  • Braddog
  • CNHT (and many others I forget, who left when the political boards were closed)
  • d_goddard
  • malcolm
  • RattyDog

This forum took a turn for the worse the day CNHT left. Although her conservatism was every bit as stifling as Luke's, she somehow, when push came to shove, always managed to cloak herself in a phony veneer of libertarianism. I could never count how many times her posts here made me want to scream. :hopmad:

And yet, through it all, I still find her to be an incredibly sexy woman. Go figure...  :blush:

That's interesting Law. I have never turned anyone in for smoking pot, or anything else nor would I ever. So I don't see how I am compared to someone who did. On the other hand, I have had situations where the ABCs have taken notice of me as someone to watch thanks to the vindictiveness of immature parties on this forum. No matter how much I disagreed with someone, I would never do that either. It's hypocrisy to accuse someone of being something then turn around and use that very thing on them...which is what it amounts to.

If you remember, I was probably one of the few people who did not say peep when Kat said no more politics. I simply respected her right to do that since she owns this forum, and continued on my own space. I am still friends with Kat and often email her privately.

However, the problem was with others who have other axes to grind -- they will find an excuse to trash people whether they deserve it or not, for example after someone has asked an innocent question that has NOTHING to do with politics or a position on an issue. Apparently only certain people are allowed to ask 'how is your cold this week' and such. After all, those types of questions certainly must have some hidden agenda!



I understand.   Activism is often draining.   

Seeing you guys build Mark's house was pretty sweet.  (observing enviously, while I sort out my employment situation) 

Accomplishment through non-political volunteering energizes me.

Kat Kanning

I like picaro :)

Hey's it's CNHT :)

I unbanned Ethan Allen a while back after I ran into him at Panera and he explained how what he'd done was meant as a joke.   He was having real-life problems, though  :-\


Quote from: lawofattraction on April 08, 2008, 03:57 PM NHFT
Hey, nice to see you again, CNHT! :D

Now if we could somehow bring Ethan Allen back this forum would be fun again.

Well let's not open THAT can of worms. After all, if people on here can't even agree what libertarianism means, I'm not worried about not being called one. The same could be said for liberals who think somehow they are libertarians. Anyone can call themselves that. It's not definable apparently.

As for the accusation that I'm 'conservative', I can find you equal amounts of conservatives that think I'm liberal. Baffling isn't it? I guess it's because I would not agree that FSPers were 'attacking' Republicans by picking up signs on a mailing list I'm on. I said that this accusation was ludicrious and that I was sure they were merely doing the good deed cleaning up the highway long after the signs were supposed to be taken down by their owners. Wasn't I right? I guess I'm not knee jerk enough.

Like many people here, I used to be apathetic too. But then I realized the truth in the saying that says if you don't participate you will be doomed to be ruled by those you don't agree with or something like that.

That said, you Law, can walk naked down the street smoking a joint and I'm certainly not going to be the one turn you in.

(Oh, but I might laugh my head off at what I see, and that might be a worse embarrassment, but nevertheless I would never turn you in as having broken any laws... LOL)

So, hope everyone is healthy and well and getting enough to eat...etc.



Quote from: picaro on April 08, 2008, 02:37 PM NHFT
10 years ago, I supported state prohibition of drugs and abortion.   Fortunately, the libertarians I argued with didn't throw rocks.  They weren't blinded by moral superiority.

Were you a snitch like Luke at the time, or just someone who supported prohibition by default?  The difference is vast. 

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: CNHT on April 08, 2008, 02:24 PM NHFT
Quote from: Lllloyd Danforth on April 08, 2008, 10:09 AM NHFT
I was active on her forum when she accused me of taking a particular stand on a subject I knew nothing about, much less would have an opinion on.  When I asked for proof, as usual, she could not provide it.
As far as the 'sexy' stuff goes.....I don't get it :P

Lloyd, here is the problem...

I did not ACCUSE you of anything! How you could have perceived that is beyond me and everyone else that was involved in that discussion.
It was not something that could have ever been misconstrued as an accusation in either tone or content.

I simply was porting over the subject we'd started talking about here, that you expressed interest in, namely, your question being what was it I thought was so bad about 'foundations'? I was going to continue the subject and explain how I feel that foundations in the US are a great part of the push toward the socialist agenda in the schools, etc. and I even showed you the post it came from. However, I have no idea why you thought it was by any STRETCH of the imagination an 'accusation'...

You had asked a question and I was going to answer it because it is a common one and I simply mentioned you as the asker of the question.

If you did not want the question repeated, I would gladly removed your name from the thread. All you had to do was ask! I have removed it (after you called me names) because your reaction suggests  you were accused of saying 'something' wrong , when in fact NO ONE SAID YOU DID!

I wasn't sure what 'proof' you wanted or why you were so angry because there was nothing to 'prove' because there was no 'accusation' even though I did link to the discussion that had started on this forum originally. It made absolutely NO sense that you thought you were being 'accused' of something. I think you just read something very fast and assumed something totally wrong just because you saw your name.

So I suggest you take a chill pill and really READ what is being said FIRST, not READ INTO what is being said and not be having such knee jerk reactions.


Jane. In some damn thread about foundations, you claimed, out of the blue, that I, in some way, supported, I think it was The Ford Foundation.  I know nothing about the FF.  I've never commented about it or any other foundation.  You either imagined it or, made it up.  So, either you made it up, or, you're crazy. I'm thinking crazy and I would guess I am not alone.  Go back to your own forum if it still exists.


I must say I found the drama here to be most amusing.  When people make use of their freedom of speech there will eventually be strife.  One cares not for the others speak and is angered because of it.  In the end I am reminded of a quote from a great man. 

"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."  -Thomas Jefferson


Quote from: Lllloyd Danforth on April 08, 2008, 08:04 PM NHFT
Jane. In some damn thread about foundations, you claimed, out of the blue, that I, in some way, supported, I think it was The Ford Foundation.  I know nothing about the FF.  I've never commented about it or any other foundation.  You either imagined it or, made it up.  So, either you made it up, or, you're crazy. I'm thinking crazy and I would guess I am not alone.  Go back to your own forum if it still exists.

I think you miscontstrued that.
Just before the politics was banned I had been talking about foundations and one of your posts was an honest question something along the lines of what about it and as you said, you know little about the subject. But I hadn't had a chance to answer.

So I merely indicated that Lloyd asked me what was bad about foundations. I never said or even thought that you 'supported' them...how could I have thought that when you clearly stated you didn't know? I was merely tring to make a connection to the previous converstaion where it had been cut off.

Most people who don't know about the role foundations play, would read their description and think it sounds perfectly humanitarian and then have the same question you asked, which was something along the lines of 'what's so bad about foundations'. Well I was going to tell you what I thought and why I don't like them.

There was NEVER an 'accusation' on my part because there was nothing to accuse you of. I'm sorry you construed it that way. And when you went into your snit and started callling me names, I was frankly, baffled as to why.

I deleted the post because it seemed you were upset that I brought up the subject at all. Really, I am not lying awake nights thinking of ways to piss off Lloyd Danforth. I'm too busy for that.. honestly.


Quote from: lawofattraction on April 08, 2008, 08:36 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on April 08, 2008, 04:09 PM NHFTSo, hope everyone is healthy and well and getting enough to eat...etc. ;D

And I hope you won't be such a stranger around here. Even if you are a little crazy. ;)

F you sweetie. :-)

I wish I were a 'just a little' crazy... then I would be more exciting right? (Or at least I'd fit in here better...since according to you I'm too conservative. )

I save the crazy for my personal life.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: jjschless on April 08, 2008, 08:28 PM NHFT
I must say I found the drama here to be most amusing.

Ohhhh... so you find us amusing?!
(In my best mob hitman voice)


Quote from: d_goddard on April 06, 2008, 03:20 PM NHFT
Quote from: Luke S on April 06, 2008, 02:30 PM NHFT
Quotemarijuana "criminals"

Sapphire! This is an excellent phrase! Marijuana users and marijuana dealers are, collectively, marijuana criminals.

The same way that people who own guns & sell guns in Washington, DC are "gun criminals"

The same way that legislators who pass unconstitutional laws are political criminals.


i am a brandy criminal

and a pipe tobacco criminal.

oh wait..those drugs are "legalized."

btw Luke?

things always go full circle buddy... theres no other way. :)


Kat Kanning

Quote from: CNHT on April 08, 2008, 09:24 PM NHFT
Really, I am not lying awake nights thinking of ways to piss off Lloyd Danforth.

Boy I am.  Pissing off Llllloyd is what I live for!