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Questions for the Free State Project People

Started by Luke S, April 01, 2008, 01:21 PM NHFT

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J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Luke S on April 10, 2008, 11:03 PM NHFT
Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on April 10, 2008, 10:50 PM NHFT

Luke is starting to sound like an incoherent troll. Either that or Dave Ridley randomly took a trip to Ohio to scope out Luke's house... ::)

No I'm not an incoherent troll. And in fact I found out exactly who owns that car I was talking about earlier. And no, it's not Dave Ridley. The car is owned by a man named Tyler Stearns. Here is his blog: http://tylerstearns.blogspot.com. Here is a photograph of him standing next to his car, and you can clearly see the license plate that says "NHFREE": http://tylerstearns.blogspot.com/2007/08/ron-paul-wins-strafford-straw-poll.html

Ah. I think Ridley might be NH-FREE, then. Denis has FREE-NH. I'm sure other combinations are out there.

So perhaps Tyler can tell us if that community of yours really is as drug-free as you think it is, and if all the people out there really do obsessively poke their nose into everyone else's doings.

Tom Sawyer


Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on April 10, 2008, 11:44 PM NHFT
So perhaps Tyler can tell us if that community of yours really is as drug-free as you think it is, and if all the people out there really do obsessively poke their nose into everyone else's doings.

I think Luke's mom is Mrs. Kravitz from Bewitched.



most DMV's have a good online website where you can check to see if a vanity plate is available.  anyone actually check if this plate is real, or issued to someone?  I find it hard to believe that a NHFree ohio plate was in front of him.

This kid seems to know how to push most of our buttons, and know exactly how to communicate to us, to get us all fighting..  Interesting..

John Edward Mercier

Maybe its because I don't, and have never smoked... but I don't see the difference between tobacco and marijuana other than who makes the profit.


Quote from: John Edward Mercier on April 11, 2008, 10:04 AM NHFT
Maybe its because I don't, and have never smoked... but I don't see the difference between tobacco and marijuana other than who makes the profit.

When pot gets legalized and is in the non black/gray market (just a matter of time) and big companies start making money on it, I guarantee liberals will start campaigning against it with all the vigor they're currently pouring into cigarettes.


Quote from: John Edward Mercier on April 11, 2008, 10:04 AM NHFT
Maybe its because I don't, and have never smoked... but I don't see the difference between tobacco and marijuana other than who makes the profit.

one of them causes lung disease.


Quote from: mackler on April 11, 2008, 11:52 AM NHFT
one of them causes lung disease.

And that's just one thing. Tobacco is so much more harmful than pot in so many ways. It's way more addictive and time-consuming for one thing. As an employer, I'd not mind at all if an employee smoked pot in his off time but if someone smokes cigs, I can't help but imagine how often they're going to take breaks from the job to go smoke. Ugh.  ::) I sure don't want cig smoke lingering where I work. That shit gets into everything. Maybe it's just from the sheer volume of smoking since most cigs smokers seem to need them all day long, but pot smoke doesn't seem to get into everything and linger forever like cig smoke does.


Quote from: d_goddard on April 07, 2008, 09:21 PM NHFT
Quote from: Facilitator to the Icon on April 07, 2008, 07:25 PM NHFT
He is an asshole.  As a matter of fact he is a Fucking Asshole. 
I care about you and what you say less, because I know you less.
You are the kind of intolerant asswipe that judges people less "NAP holy" than yourself and gives them no opportunity to progress along the path.
I expect that kind of behavior from you.

From Lloyd, who is generally a laid-back kind of guy, and who I know at least slightly, I expect more.

Quote from: Sophia Loren on April 07, 2008, 07:53 PM NHFT
Nah!  And if you think someone can be bullied in print, there is something wrong with your thinking.
If you think shit you type on the internet doesn't get read by real live human beings, you're more fucked up than I thought.

I don't know Luke from Adam. By his own admission, he's done a really asshole, bullshit thing by turning somebody in. But he stayed here and was (is?) willing to question his outlook on the world. And just as he gets close to the revelation that you take for granted... you attack him. In print. And Facilitator comes and joins in. Like the sniveling side-kick that seems to accompany any bully.

It's one thing to attack someone out of ignorance.
It's another thing to attack someone out of pure spite.
What kind of sick satisfaction does it give you?

Fuck you, Lloyd.
Fuck you, Facilitator.

I'm out of here. I don't want to associate with abusive people.



I sure do hope Denis rethinks his position and returns to the forum. I have always considered him a valuable member of the forum, and will miss having him on here. Not only that, but I know very well from personal experience how easy it is to lose one's composure and leave this forum in a huff... only to regret it after the heat of the moment has passed.

The point he was trying to make was certainly valid -- in fact, it is crucial to getting our message across to outsiders effectively. Calling other people names -- or any other method of bullying -- is counterproductive to the extreme. Empathy (but not necessarily agreement) is absolutely critical to successfully communicating the rational paradigm.

The best way to relay that fact is through verbal expression combined with active demonstration. Actions always speak louder than words, and when one's behavior is at odds with one's message, the behavior will always drown out the message.

Unfortunately, Denis used the exact same behavior on Lloyd and Jim as they used on Luke -- if not worse -- thus his message to them is naturally every bit as ineffective as their message to Luke. Talk about a greater indiscretion by far! Lloyd and Jim never claimed to have any superior understanding of how to effectively engage others. Denis, on the other hand, does make that claim (implicitly), by calling them on it -- yet engages them in the exact manner that he verbally refutes.

I trust that is merely the result of acting in the heat of the moment, which is an easy trap to fall into and entirely understandable. Everyone does it at some point, regardless of how well they understand the importance of guarding against it.

I look forward to having Denis back soon, this time actually demonstrating the all-too-valid principles he expressed! :)

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: dalebert on April 11, 2008, 10:07 AM NHFT
Quote from: John Edward Mercier on April 11, 2008, 10:04 AM NHFT
Maybe its because I don't, and have never smoked... but I don't see the difference between tobacco and marijuana other than who makes the profit.

When pot gets legalized and is in the non black/gray market (just a matter of time) and big companies start making money on it, I guarantee liberals will start campaigning against it with all the vigor they're currently pouring into cigarettes.

I don't know about that. I think the campaign against tobacco is because the authoritarians—specifically the busybody types who feel the absolute compulsion to control people's personal lives—see the writing on the wall with regards to the future of marijuana prohibition, so now they need a new target. Enter tobacco.

In ten years, we'll have legal marijuana but the exact same drug war will continue, against tobacco.


I am a tobacco pipe smoker and not very happy with the nanny bullshit regarding smoking laws.

especially for business owners..they have the right to run business as they see fit.

i do not like smoke when i am eating but there is no reason why a business owner should be able to accommodate  whatever group of clientels he/she wishes.

i smoke my pipe in my office and if people do not like it they are free to go elsewhere. its pretty simple.
otoh, i smoke "aromatic" tobaccos like cherry, raspberry, maple, butternut etc and most people actually make nice compliments about the smell.



Quote from: Landon Jeffery on April 10, 2008, 01:36 AM NHFT
Quote from: Luke S on April 06, 2008, 04:53 AM NHFT
And in the Netherlands, in Amsterdam, where it's legal and where I've been, it along with heroin causes people to throw bottles and other garbage all over the streets, so the streets are nothing but a great big mess of bottles and garbage. I saw it with my own eyes.

ummm.   luke?   Did you go to the same Amsterdam that I went to?  You couldn't have because the Amsterdam that I went to happened to not have heaps and heaps of bottles/garbage in the streets. 

I was a resident of Amsterdam from '99 through '01.  I can also attest that allegations of drug use leading to dumpster avoidance is totally false.  Furthermore the red light district there is artificially popular due to the swarms of Brits and American tourists who travel for vice.  If you visit any city or village apart from Amsterdam, Rotterdam, or The Hague, you'll find the same menu of services, but the patrons are much better behaved.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Morey on April 12, 2008, 02:18 PM NHFT
Quote from: Landon Jeffery on April 10, 2008, 01:36 AM NHFT
Quote from: Luke S on April 06, 2008, 04:53 AM NHFT
And in the Netherlands, in Amsterdam, where it's legal and where I've been, it along with heroin causes people to throw bottles and other garbage all over the streets, so the streets are nothing but a great big mess of bottles and garbage. I saw it with my own eyes.

ummm.   luke?   Did you go to the same Amsterdam that I went to?  You couldn't have because the Amsterdam that I went to happened to not have heaps and heaps of bottles/garbage in the streets.

I was a resident of Amsterdam from '99 through '01.  I can also attest that allegations of drug use leading to dumpster avoidance is totally false.  Furthermore the red light district there is artificially popular due to the swarms of Brits and American tourists who travel for vice.  If you visit any city or village apart from Amsterdam, Rotterdam, or The Hague, you'll find the same menu of services, but the patrons are much better behaved.

So in other words, it's people coming from oppressive societies (the one Luke S helps create), and pushing things to excess because of their newfound, albeit brief, freedom. And if we ever established such a free society here, people would behave just fine once they got used to it.

This is what people mean when they say the government is its own worst enemy, Luke. Remember how the Iraqis looted the whole country the moment Saddam was overthrown? Creating an oppressive society just makes people go nuts when they're exposed to freedom.

Luke S

Quote from: Morey on April 12, 2008, 02:18 PM NHFTI was a resident of Amsterdam from '99 through '01.  I can also attest that allegations of drug use leading to dumpster avoidance is totally false.

I saw it with my own two eyes, and I can have my family sign up and come onto the board and attest to it. We all saw it.