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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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The Democrats are coming! The Democrats are coming!

Started by Karl, January 14, 2005, 11:19 AM NHFT

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Right wing groups target Dover city government
Effort supported by out of state activists

A letter and leaflet campaign is underway in Dover supporting nine conservative candidates for the city's Charter Commission. The ultimate goal is to rewrite the city charter according to far-right ideologies. Basic issues of city governance have been on Dover's radar screen for some time. A special vote will take place on January 18th to elect members of the Charter Commission.

For background on the vote, see Foster's Daily Democrat:


Locally, the campaign is spearheaded by Dave Scott and a group calling itself the "Coalition of Dover Homeowners for Tax Relief." Mr. Scott recently lost a bid for re-election to the NH House of Representatives. In Mr. Scott's own words, "This is part of the blitzkrieg we have begun against the high spending liberals in Dover. We are going all out to crack this municipal dictatorship that has grown up like an octopus and is strangling many helpless people." (source: New Hampshire Underground)

On the surface the issue is high property tax rates -- a legitimate problem for everyone in NH -- but the groups associated with the effort share an anti-government, anti-public education agenda.

Behind the scenes, Mr. Scott is receiving technical and financial assistance through Tim Condon, a libertarian activist who lives in Florida. Mr. Condon is a driving force behind the NH Free State Project. In December, he also founded the New Hampshire chapter of the Republican Liberty Caucus. Mr. Condon is now the chairman of that group and has made re-electing Mr. Scott a "personal project." (source: New Hampshire underground)

What you can do:

Time is very short -- act quickly.

1) Write a letter to Foster's Daily Democrat: letters@fosters.com

Follow up your letter with a phone call to Mr. Dietterle. General number: (603) 742-4455, attn. Buzz Dietterle: ext. 5841.

2) Be innovative -- do whatever you can to alert the voters of Dover. If you have friends or relatives in Dover, contact them today by phone or email and tell them that anti-government, anti-public education forces are backing the following candidates:

? ? * Ted Anglace
? ? * Raymond Curti
? ? * Michael Graves
? ? * Ron Huml
? ? * David Landry
? ? * Scott Rawding
? ? * Charles Reynolds
? ? * David Weller
? ? * Phyllis Woods

Links of interest:

New Hampshire Underground -- an on-line forum used by New Hampshire Libertarians and the Free State Project (click on Dover Taxpayer Revolt)

Tim Condon's bio at the Free State Project

Republican Liberty Caucus -- founded in 1990, this organization promotes chapters of libertarian grassroots activism within the Republican Party.

Coalition of NH Taxpayers -- the CNHT is historically affiliated with Grover Norquist's organizations nationally. In the last year and a half, the CNHT has been closely affiliated with the Free State Project.

Club for Growth -- this is a powerful national organization -- Tim Condon has contributed articles.

Russell Kanning

I love it. Thanks Karl.

Quote from: Karl on January 14, 2005, 11:19 AM NHFT
On the surface the issue is high property tax rates -- a legitimate problem for everyone in NH -- but the groups associated with the effort share an anti-government, anti-public education agenda.
So if high property taxes are a problem how do democrats solve them if you can't lower government or education spending?

Russell Kanning

Man what are they dissin' the NHLA?...don't these people know that it is also a group that wants to lower property taxes the old fashioned way...by cutting spending. :)


Quote from: russellkanning on January 14, 2005, 11:28 AM NHFT
Man what are they dissin' the NHLA?...don't these people know that it is also a group that wants to lower property taxes the old fashioned way...by cutting spending. :)

God forbid we lower the property tax or cut spending!


Russell Kanning

Dave Ridley

Where did your post come from Karl?

Bad idea to have out of staters involved in local politics, but ya learn by doing.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on January 14, 2005, 12:57 PM NHFT
Where did your post come from Karl?

Bad idea to have out of staters involved in local politics, but ya learn by doing.

It came from a DFNH "action alert" e-mail.