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Any Computer Geeks in Da House?

Started by Caleb, April 06, 2008, 12:38 PM NHFT

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I have a quick question. First a little background: Just built myself a new computer. Finally got the operating system installed (was having trouble due to a difficult motherboard, and Ubuntu kept telling me that IOAPIC couldn't figure out what time it was, or some sort of nonsense like that, and that for that reason it wasn't going to install on my computer.) Anyway, I got that figured out. But I'm running an old CD of ubuntu, dapper drake, and wanting to fully upgrade, but don't have internet connection because 1) it won't recognize my wireless card, despite that ndiswrapper says that the driver and hardware are both present 2) I can't figure out how to configure my evdo card because I can't figure out what the address is for my usb cables. dmesg usually gives me that info, but it's not cooperating this time. or maybe I am looking at it wrong, because i'm expecting it to be in the form of tty--- and there's nothing of that sort, so maybe dmesg is giving me the info, and I just don't recognize it...anyway, suffice it to say I have no connection to the internet, so I can't upgrade my operating system.

Here's the thing: I do have my laptop, which has internet access. I'm running Xubuntu 7.10 on it. I've even downloaded the latest, greatest version of Kubuntu, but I guess the CDwriter is broken on the laptop, cause it won't write the file to CD ...

My question:

Can I network the laptop easily to the desktop, and pull the file that way?  Is it as simple as just connecting a crossover ethernet cable and voila!?

Lloyd Danforth

Check the connection between the Portalegus and the Strateratus


I thought of that, but there just isn't any Dirigidoo port


Quote from: Caleb on April 06, 2008, 12:38 PM NHFT
My question:
Can I network the laptop easily to the desktop, and pull the file that way?  Is it as simple as just connecting a crossover ethernet cable and voila!?


Though for moving small files, I'd suggest a usb flash drive would be easier still.


Thanks Seth! I hadn't thought of buying a flash drive, but that would actually be a really good idea, cause I move music around all the time anyway. Thanks!

Although for now, I'm going to go with lloyd's stratelegus idea. I think that has real possibilities.  ;D

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Caleb on April 06, 2008, 12:56 PM NHFT
I thought of that, but there just isn't any Dirigidoo port

They are found only on Australian computers

Kat Kanning

If Russell were here, he'd help you  :-\


QuoteIs it as simple as just connecting a crossover ethernet cable and voila!?

You have to set the IP address for both ends as well. 
Comp 1:   ifconfig eth2 netmask up
Comp 2:   ifconfig eth4 netmask up

And remember to reference them by IP not hostname...

Go with the external storage idea, tis easier.

My two cents?  Get the Beta of the upcoming Ubuntu LTS release (to be finalized April 28th).  Boot it up and see if wireless 'just works'.  If it does, click the install icon.  :)

Lloyd Danforth

Once again, to paraphrase Mark Twain, "He spoke Geek.......and, it was Geek too me"

K. Darien Freeheart

Quote from: 'Dan'My two cents?  Get the Beta of the upcoming Ubuntu LTS release (to be finalized April 28th).

I'd agree with that one too and I'm a Debian guy. :) Hardy is looking nice... If you're into that sort of thing. ;)


Twain learned early geek from Hartford experience....


Quote from: Dan on April 06, 2008, 07:41 PM NHFT
QuoteIs it as simple as just connecting a crossover ethernet cable and voila!?

You have to set the IP address for both ends as well. 
Comp 1:   ifconfig eth2 netmask up
Comp 2:   ifconfig eth4 netmask up

And remember to reference them by IP not hostname...

Go with the external storage idea, tis easier.

My two cents?  Get the Beta of the upcoming Ubuntu LTS release (to be finalized April 28th).  Boot it up and see if wireless 'just works'.  If it does, click the install icon.  :)

I downloaded Kubuntu 8.04 beta last night, and am going to try to install it this morning. Is it going to be better on the 28th?  The reason I have been reluctant to try 8.04 is cause I don't know if the old version of automatix will be compliant, and automatix decided not to release any version for 8.04, which is a shame because it was a really great program. I know I can take the time and update everything automatix got me on my own, but that's a lot of hassle.


Your EV-DO card should show up as /dev/ttyACM* but some cards are finicky and you may have to eject and reinsert it a couple of times before it comes up.


Thanks. I'd rather get the wireless card working on the desktop though. I can't figure out why it isn't working. Everything says that it is working, it just isn't. I can't find any visible problem. The only thing I can think of is that maybe ndiswrapper is corrupt, and so I'm hoping that when I can finally upgrade ubuntu, the problem will be taken care of. I think I'm moving files too many times, though, cause I keep making bad cd's. The last one I made had three errors, even at 4X write speed. 3 errors doesn't sound like a lot, but i guess it's enough to keep it from loading.


automatix was discontinued because most of it is pulled in with:

sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras

See:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats

I used to keep a webpage with a list of all the 'extra' crap needed, and when I discovered this metapackage I went down the list and checked every one of them off.  It's got it all.