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Mission statement thread deleted from FSP forums.

Started by Michael Fisher, July 13, 2005, 06:12 PM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

I grabbed a cached copy of the thread after they deleted it.? The FSP forums are highly regulated.? ::)

Re: Discuss FSP mission & future

? Reply #35 on: Today at 05:13:01 PM ?? ?
In order to make the FSP no longer a mockery of Jason's idea (as it is now), these steps must be taken:

1) Amanda Phillips needs to be removed from having anything to do with the project.? The FSP is a project that aims to increase LIBERTY in one state, not spread moonbat anarchy baby-killing theories and hold those up who support them.? Anyone that still doesn't realize that Amanda Phillips and her anti-American, secularist ilk are nothing more than sabotuers from the Left, or for anyone that actually DEFENDS her single-handed destruction of Jason's project, they should be removed as well.

2) Any and all references to the failed being that is the "Libertarian Party" should be removed from the website, mailings, and any other official FSP documents.? The Libertarian Party is, at best, an irrelevant group of anarchists that have no concept of reality or country...at worst, a destructive group of selfish moonbats that scare any and all actual liberty-loving Americans or constitutionalists away.

3) The lie that the FSP is "not a political organization" should be remedied.? Because of this lie being pushed by destructive people like Amanda Phillips and her ilk, last year the FSP stood around with it's thumb up it's butt while NH lost many points on any liberty scale by losing Craig Benson as governor, and by turning blue in the presidential elections.? Sadly, we'll never know if the FSP could have stopped these two horrible things from happening, because the anarchists wouldn't even allow the FSP to try to save their state from destruction from the secular socialists of the Democratic Party.

4) Because this is Jason's project, the idea of tryannical majority rule which causes the direct democracy WITHIN the FSP should be abolished.? Jason should have the sole power to appoint various leadership positions within the FSP, and the sole power to relieve them of their duties as well.? This prevents roaming bands of leftists/anarchists/LPers from voting themselves into power within the project, as has happened since it's inception.? Direct democracy has never worked successfully for anything, as is seen by the state of the FSP now.

5) The FSP should abandon it's "two/thirds" mantra and remove all fringe opinions (such as legalization of drugs, legalization of prostitution, sexual liberties, and so on) from any and all official documents.? The project should stress only the benefits of increasing liberty as it relates to families and businesses, such as lower taxes, lax business regulations, school choice, less zoning, freedom of faith in the public square and public schools, and so on.? Because of the failure of the FSP to do these things, it is now almost fully comprised by lone, raving lunatics that are attracted to nothing else but fringe anarchy, instead of being comprised by businesses and solid, God-fearing, American families as it should be.

When the above actions are taken, then and only then will Jason's project be a serious movement of any type.

? Reply #36 on: Today at 05:42:05 PM ?? ?
5) The FSP should abandon it's "two/thirds" mantra and remove all fringe opinions (such as legalization of drugs, legalization of prostitution, sexual liberties, and so on) from any and all official documents.? The project should stress only the benefits of increasing liberty as it relates to families and businesses, such as lower taxes, lax business regulations, school choice, less zoning, freedom of faith in the public square and public schools, and so on.?

You're one of those people who wants Libertarians to "Keep Quiet!" about out principles, and how they apply to controversial issues.? Go ahead, keep complaining, and I'll keep talking about them on my radio show.? Also, most in this project are all for "freedom of faith", but I don't think many of us support "public schools".?

Because of the failure of the FSP to do these things, it is now almost fully comprised by lone, raving lunatics that are attracted to nothing else but fringe anarchy, instead of being comprised by businesses and solid, God-fearing, American families as it should be.

Clearly, you've interviewed all of the membership in order to arrive at such a brilliant conclusion.? I think you're shit out of luck, by the way.? Even if the FSP changes in the ways you suggest, (and I don't think they will) I'm an atheist, "Big L" Libertarian with a nightly radio show.? You are "America's #1 Hardcore DJ and producer.".? Let's see who can recruit the most members.? Ready?? Go!

Also, so you know, the FSP is not set up democratically.? The board positions are no longer subject to any vote.

Oh and in case no one went to look, this is on the front page of his website:
This is on his Blog:

No rabid Bush defender can love Liberty, in my book.? Maybe the Christian Exodus is right for you?

Finally, I've never met Amanda Phillips, but from what I've seen, she's an excellent activist and a asset to the FSP.? I know she's done plenty of outreach and more behind the scenes for the FSP.? What have you done?

? Reply #37 on: Today at 05:45:15 PM ?? ?
I suspect Djentropy is having a lark...

I haven't responded to any of the suggestions yet, but that doesn't mean I'm not reading. Keep 'em coming! There are some good ones in there, and some things I think we should follow up on very soon.

? Reply #38 on: Today at 05:47:49 PM ?? ?
a "lark"?

Jason, I was, and am, 100% serious.

"No rabid Bush defender can love Liberty, in my book." - FTLIan

Case in point.? The vast majority of the country disagrees with you, hence why there are only 6000 some-odd moonbats signed up to the FSP (of which I can imagine all of 25% at most will actually move).

? Reply #39 on: Today at 05:59:36 PM ?? ? ?

I'm sure there are plenty of Bush supporters who would love to move to Texas and create the type of paradise you're talking about.? Perhaps your efforts are better suited for that type of project.

Amanda Phillips is a great woman.? Your disrespectful insults are uncalled for.? I believe you should apologize to her.

There is so much hatred and anger in your tone.? I feel sorry for you and anyone you come in contact with.

Michael Fisher

Russell Kanning
? Reply #36 on: Today at 06:11:01 PM ?? ?
In order to make the FSP no longer a mockery of Jason's idea (as it is now), these steps must be taken:

1) Amanda Phillips ...........I like Amanda

2) The Libertarian Party is ............pretty lame

3) The lie that the FSP..........doesn't want to change anything? ? ?............ should be remedied.

4) Because this is Jason's project ..............I think he likes the leadership structure

5) The FSP ... remove all fringe opinions .................liberty is a package

Because of the failure of the FSP to do these things, it is now almost fully comprised by lone, raving lunatics that are attracted to nothing else but fringe anarchy, instead of being comprised by businesses and solid, God-fearing, American families as it should be.

..........I am a God-fearing anarchist.......and a lunatic

Kat Kanning


Michael Fisher


How ironic that "djentropy" is talking trash about legalization of drugs, but I bet his music is consumed mostly by the drug culture.  I've reposted my original post on the new thread.

What a jerk.


Looks like he quit over it, and they deleted that post, and my post saying "We'll replace you, best of luck"

Michael Fisher

And they deleted my posts, including the one linking to this thread.   ::)

Russell Kanning

Quote from: LeRuineur6 on July 13, 2005, 06:35 PM NHFT
Quote from: katdillon on July 13, 2005, 06:24 PM NHFT
Did they delete Russell's post too?
Not yet.
now ::)
really annoying
.....and I had just started to enjoy posting over there again......more "moving" talk and reform ideas.....oh well :-\


Thanks Mike.

Russell a lunatic!  Imagine being grouped in with that bunch! Ha!

Kevin I await your comments about Amanda.

Although I do think that as President the FSP members participants should hear more from Amanda.

Kat Kanning

I tried to talk to that djentropy guy.  What a punk.


Quote from: Dreepa on July 13, 2005, 11:15 PM NHFT
Kevin I await your comments about Amanda.

What, that she's a hottie?

I think it's undeniable. I'm a happily married man, and my happily married wife (who is also a hottie), agrees. Intelligence and certitude are sexy (and good looks don't hurt). That's what attracted me to Mary, and what she says attracted her to me.

Although I do think that as President the FSP members participants should hear more from Amanda.

I agree, although I'm amazed that she manages to just live her amazingly busy life.



Quote from: LeRuineur6 on July 13, 2005, 07:13 PM NHFT
And they deleted my posts, including the one linking to this thread.   ::)

What's funny is that they left in Jason's comment that djentropy was just having a lark. That post is just hanging out there with no context or reference.



Debra Ricketts, who was on the BOD, has now piped in to say that there is a Sept. 2006 deadline.

I don't know why the leadership won't just admit it and move on.

Someone should add this to that thread, as it is about the best proof of the Sept. 2006 deadline:

QuoteThe membership numbers over the past year indicate that the project will meet its self-imposed deadline of September 2006 for the beginning of the move.

The windows media video clip:
The President, Chairman on the Board, and founder of the FSP, Jason Sorens at the State Announcment press conf., Oct. 2003:
QuoteIf we don't get 20,000 by September 2006, then people don't necessarily, they aren't held to their obligations for signing up. So,many have said they are going to move whether or not we reach 20,000 and our current projections show that we will reach 20,000 by 2006. So, if we don't meet the 20,000, the movement may fold into some other form, though it looks as if we will.