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WoW! I got banned from FTL

Started by Riddler, April 14, 2008, 11:50 AM NHFT

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Something is fucked up. My computer has been off for many hours and I was in Manchester for allergy shots and Taproom Tuesday. I came back, logged in, (I was logged out, presumably just due to passage of time because I'm set to stay logged in for a week at a time), and I attempted to bump a couple of people's karma. For a couple of them, it said it had not been an hour.  :o :o :o :o :o

Uhm, it most definitely had been an hour. Is someone into my account? Caleb, can you see any activity for me between about 4:30pm and 10:15pm today?


err...I'll check.

but I don't know if I can see that or not


I can't see any login IP that you haven't used before, but I can only see IP #'s where you've posted a message, and your current IP.  Maybe Kat will know more.  :-\  For now, I would change your password immediately.


Quote from: Luke S on April 15, 2008, 08:57 PM NHFT
Tom Sawyer, I'm just curious, are you that kid I saw in the UN flag burning video that I saw?

I think this calls for a new Shire Playing Card -- Tom Sawyer trapped in a child's body.  >:D

Luke S

Quote from: Caleb on April 15, 2008, 09:12 PM NHFT
I know you were using "free for all" in a different way, but true freedom must be for all. Or else it isn't for you. Someday, the socialists in this country are going to come after your guns, and then your gun will be against the law. What will you do?

If they did that, then they would be the ones doing something against the law, not me, since the right to keep & bear arms is guaranteed in the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land.

QuoteHitler had laws. I'm sure you wouldn't have liked a lot of his laws. Just because something is written down on a piece of paper that got voted on by some rich white men, doesn't make it moral. So when they come for your guns, you can count on me, a pacifist, supporting you if you decide not to cooperate with them. The difference is that I can't count on your support if they come after my medicine. Oh, you might say, "well, I think it should be legal for you to use it under those conditions," but you still think I should comply with the law and cooperate with it, until the rich white men decide to change their minds and graciously permit me to do it. And if that time never comes, then I should just go along, like a good little Nazi.

I don't know about NH, but here in Ohio, if the "rich white men" voted marijuana decriminalization into law, then the "rich white men" would soon find themselves voted out of office and replaced by people who are committed to protecting Ohio citizens and Ohio families from marijuana dealers and marijuana junkies, and who would criminalize marijuana once again. But that's not an issue right now since here in Ohio right now the "rich white men" are focused on making the penalties harsher for being a marijuana criminal, not more lenient, and certainly not on decriminalization.

QuoteNever mind that the CIA uses the drug war to bypass congressional funding so they can commit crimes without even congress knowing about it. Nah. That's no big deal. Why should that be my concern. The fact that the rest of the world hates ME, just because I was born in this landmass, and wants to commit terrorism against me, is largely because of the CIA, which has been enabled by the drug war. but in your mind it's much more important to keep me from getting a nice little high than it is to prevent murder, rape, torture, pillaging, genocide, and other crimes that have been funded through "white gold" narco-trafficking. If I might make a little book recommendation to you, read "Whiteout".

As far as I know, there isn't any pillaging or genocide going on here in the USA. If you're talking about murder, rape, torture, pillaging, and genocide that is going on in other countries, then it's not fair to ask Americans to hand over their tax dollars to police other countries, or to ask Americans to quit having the goal of a drug-free America because of stuff that's going on in other countries that doesn't even concern us.

As far as terrorism goes, we are not unique in being targeted by terrorists. Britain has been targeted by terrorists too, and they've had terrorist attacks against them, as have other countries. We had a really terrible terrorist attack on 9/11, but that doesn't mean we're the only country that's ever suffered a terrorist attack, so don't feel like we're being singled out.


you've given me many more reasons to never go to Ohio.


Ok, Luke, let's go down this rabbit hole a little. I think you're getting close, and you don't even know it yet.

QuoteIf you're talking about murder, rape, torture, pillaging, and genocide that is going on in other countries, then it's not fair to ask Americans to hand over their tax dollars to police other countries, or to ask Americans to quit having the goal of a drug-free America because of stuff that's going on in other countries that doesn't even concern us.

As far as terrorism goes, we are not unique in being targeted by terrorists. Britain has been targeted by terrorists too, and they've had terrorist attacks against them, as have other countries. We had a really terrible terrorist attack on 9/11, but that doesn't mean we're the only country that's ever suffered a terrorist attack, so don't feel like we're being singled out.

I am talking about Murder, rape, torture, pillaging, and genocide that is going on in other countries. But it's murder, rape, torture, pillaging, and genocide that is going on as a direct result of criminal actions committed by the Central Intelligence Agency.

Ok, let's look at two regions. First, you've got Central America.  Costa Rica decided to play by the American rules, so they got away with very little American meddling in their affairs. But Honduras is practically a CIA client station. El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua were subjected to brutal "civil wars" where the US (particularly the CIA) was supporting military or paramilitary groups dedicated to defeating leftists movements. So, the US sets up a terrorist training facility. Let's be honest and call it what it was, because those guys were doing stuff that can only be defined as terrorism, and we were training them at Fort Benning in Georgia. It was given the cute little moniker "School of the Americas" where the US government trained latin american guerrillas in the art of brutality and terrorism. For more info, you can go here: http://www.soaw.org/

Anyway, so here's a famous example of the type of stuff that's going on. Like in El Salvador. You've got a guy named Oscar Romero, who is a bishop of the Catholic church, but he's a little too concerned about the poor for our tastes. So one of the SOA grads busts in and shoots the guy in the head while he's delivering a mass to his church. Stuff like that. It becomes a daily occurrence, right. And of course, the US guvmint doesn't just train these guys, they need weapons too. So the US keeps sending them weapons.

Well, Congress starts to learn what some of these groups are actually doing, and since some of them at least have a conscience, and all of them are worried about getting reelected, they start to tell the President, "No more weapons to Central America" - particularly Nicaragua, which was a particularly brutal affair. Congress cuts off the funding and forbids the CIA from spending any more money to fund terrorism in Nicaragua.

Enter a guy named Oliver North. Now Ollie's not going to let a little thing like morality stand in the way of funding his terrorist proxy wars. So he starts arranging arms deals, to bypass congressional funding and continue funding the Contras (terrorists) in Nicaragua. But what's interesting is how much of the funding came from cocaine, with the CIA personally running drug flights, as was detailed in Ollie's journals. Now, the American Congress eventually caught on to this charade and now the arms deals are common knowledge, but the drug deals haven't worked their way into mainstream consciousness.

Now, if you want to know why Latin Americans dislike the US so much, all you need to do is look at what the US government has been doing to them for the past half century.

What about the Arabs. Well, can you name a Middle Eastern vicious dictator who hasn't been funded by Washington? Saddam Hussein? Yep, he was "our guy". So was the Shah. (The CIA personally overthrew Mohammed Mossedegh and installed the Shah, who proceeded to commit crimes against his countrymen until they finally got fed up and overthrew the Shah, establishing the current theocracy in Iran. So is the Saudi Royal family.

So you've got these horrible murderers who receive funding from the US to keep them in power. This is going on all over the world. But sometimes, a guy who isn't "our guy" gets in power in a country, and that's when the CIA goes into overtime trying to overthrow that guy. (Think, Fidel Castro here.) And to overthrow governments, we have to create bad situations and discontent within that country, which is most effective by using violence and paramilitary groups. And that ain't cheap. You know, terrorism isn't free. But the problem is, where do we get the money to do these evil things. Congress is a little reluctant to earmark $100 Million to sow seeds of discontent in, say, Venezuela by random killings and assassinations, destruction of property, as well as economic warfare. I mean, don't get me wrong, Congress will vote for evil things. For instance, Plan Colombia, part of which says that we are going to spray food crops of desperately poor Colombian farmers with herbicide. Yeah, Congress will vote for evil things. But they like to keep it on the downlow as much as possible, and the problem is those pesky american dissidents are always throwing a fit every time we do something Nazi-esque. So Congress just won't pay for all the evil that we need to accomplish around the world.

If only there were a product that we could sell and launder the proceeds. A product that would generate quick amounts of cash. If only.

Ever noticed that the countries where the CIA is most active are also the countries that produce the most amount of drug?

Read Whiteout, Luke. Then we can talk more.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: Caleb on April 15, 2008, 09:54 PM NHFT
Quote from: Luke S on April 15, 2008, 08:57 PM NHFT
Tom Sawyer, I'm just curious, are you that kid I saw in the UN flag burning video that I saw?

I think this calls for a new Shire Playing Card -- Tom Sawyer trapped in a child's body.  >:D

More personal questions from Luke.

Landon Jeffery

Quote from: Kat Kanning on April 16, 2008, 01:50 AM NHFT
Quote from: Caleb on April 15, 2008, 09:54 PM NHFT
Quote from: Luke S on April 15, 2008, 08:57 PM NHFT
Tom Sawyer, I'm just curious, are you that kid I saw in the UN flag burning video that I saw?

I think this calls for a new Shire Playing Card -- Tom Sawyer trapped in a child's body.  >:D

More personal questions from Luke.
Kat I agree that he is asking alot of odd personal questions without even trying to build a positive reputation.  Perhaps he is a clumsy Federal agent ;)   Unlikely I am sure.

Luke S

Quote from: Kat Kanning on April 16, 2008, 01:50 AM NHFT
Quote from: Caleb on April 15, 2008, 09:54 PM NHFT
Quote from: Luke S on April 15, 2008, 08:57 PM NHFT
Tom Sawyer, I'm just curious, are you that kid I saw in the UN flag burning video that I saw?

I think this calls for a new Shire Playing Card -- Tom Sawyer trapped in a child's body.  >:D

More personal questions from Luke.

I'm sorry. The reason why I asked was because the kid in his avatar looks exactly like the kid I saw on that video.

Luke S

Quote from: Luke S on April 16, 2008, 02:39 AM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on April 16, 2008, 01:50 AM NHFT
Quote from: Caleb on April 15, 2008, 09:54 PM NHFT
Quote from: Luke S on April 15, 2008, 08:57 PM NHFT
Tom Sawyer, I'm just curious, are you that kid I saw in the UN flag burning video that I saw?

I think this calls for a new Shire Playing Card -- Tom Sawyer trapped in a child's body.  >:D

More personal questions from Luke.

I'm sorry. The reason why I asked was because the kid in his avatar looks exactly like the kid I saw on that video.

Well maybe not exactly, maybe just a lot like. It's hard to tell.

Luke S

Quote from: Landon Jeffery on April 16, 2008, 02:02 AM NHFT
Kat I agree that he is asking alot of odd personal questions without even trying to build a positive reputation. 

Well let's see... what would give me a positive reputation...

I've burnt UN flags right in front of UN supporters before. I hate the UN. I hate Social Security. I hate Alphabet Agencies. I hate Medicaid and Medicare. I hate NAFTA. I hate the nanny state. I hate the sue-happy culture. I hate race-agitators. I hate gender-agitators. I hate socialists. I hate gun-grabbers. I hate the income tax. I hate Real ID.

There ya go. That's 90% of your platform right there, ain't it?

Landon Jeffery

Quote from: Luke S on April 16, 2008, 03:04 AM NHFT
I hate race-agitators. I hate gender-agitators. I hate socialists. I hate gun-grabbers. I hate the income tax. I hate Real ID.
But you support building a wall around the US.  You support the initiation of violence towards non violent people that are not harming others.  So you must hate Individuals. 

You must hate someone coming to this country without jumping through all the hoops that the government unfairly places in their way.  I never had to jump through any hoops as I was born here.  What more of a right do I have than they who could not choose where they were born? 

You are heartless and insensitive to someone who may just want to get a little high.  Why should I not have a right to my body?  I don't care about some government approvel of what I can put into my body because it is my body and I understand that I and only I am responsible for what my body does.  With that in mind I consider my reaction to the substances I put into my body.  You claim that I will lose my mind and I won't be able to make that kind of decision.  Your reasoning does not stand up in the face of numerous experiences I have had using(not abusing) what ever chemical, or natural, substance that I so choose willingly. 


Quote from: Luke S on April 15, 2008, 10:42 PM NHFT...the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land.

I want to know how I am supposed to write something on a piece of paper in order for it to become the "Supreme Law of the Land". In Dungeons and Dragons, if you wanted to write a magical spell scroll like the Constitution, you had to like use dragon blood and crush a pearl and put it in the ink, and then you had to memorize the magical spell that you wanted to empower the magical scroll with and you spent however many hours painstakingly scribing the scroll. If you made one tiny little mistake, the magic was ruined.

OK, so I'm sure it's a difficult process but apparently the founding fathers figured it out. Oh wait! That's right. We're living the the REAL WORLD, not The World of Grey-the-fucking-Hawk. Listening to statists spout their mumbo jumbo is like watching video of the snake handlers and strychnine drinkers in South Georgia. I realize you were raised to believe in this magical mumbo jumbo, but how do you not come to your senses when the irrationality of it is pointed out? What will it take for me to convince you that the founding fathers, the founders of this bullshit cult of statism, were just regular people like you and me, and when they write something down it doesn't cast a polymorph spell or a limited wish spell or a protection from evil spell. It just sits there on the paper because it's fucking normal ink on normal paper, written by people who were most definitely not Gandalf the Gray.

If that reality ever settles in, you might begin to understand why minions of the state are walking all over our rights and passing gun laws and enforcing them and stealing our money and on and on and on. But keep believing in the Constitution so you can feel comfy and cozy in your little fantasy land.

Oh, cartoon idea!

K. Darien Freeheart

Quote from: 'Luke S'There ya go. That's 90% of your platform right there, ain't it?

You agree about 90% of the issues, but spit in the face of the platform. The platform is liberty, that using force or the threat of force to tell people how they must or mustn't live their lives is acceptable under ANY circumstance.