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Cops Mandated to Arrest on Underage Drinking and Driving?

Started by FTL_Ian, April 21, 2008, 11:54 AM NHFT

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The legal limit below age 21 is 0.02 blood alcohol I think. So 2 drops of beer and driving is not illegal.

I have to say I'm against any drinking and driving civil disobedience. You're not going to have any public support. While some people can drink a little and drive safely, it isn't something I want to be associated with advocating at all.


I wasn't a fan of the gambling C.D. because I didn't expect it to garner much sympathy and I'm even less a fan of this. Which underage people are we volunteering to get arrested, btw?


Nobody.  I didn't say it was a good idea, just the only one that will guarantee an arrest, apparently.


Well, that and domestic violence (also a mandatory arrest), but there's a victim there.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: FTL_Ian on April 21, 2008, 07:04 PM NHFT
Well, that and domestic violence (also a mandatory arrest), but there's a victim there.

...Not necessarily. ;D

Any firearms owners thinking of civil disobedience involving domestic violence charges should be aware of this federal law first.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: FTL_Ian on April 21, 2008, 07:04 PM NHFT
Well, that and domestic violence (also a mandatory arrest), but there's a victim there.

Now there's an idea!  We could get Julia to beat you up  :D

K. Darien Freeheart

Ian, I have absolute respect for you. Every day you're on FTL spreading the message to more and more people. Not only have you found a good way to spread the message of liberty, but you've found a way to do it and sustain your life. Kudos.

That said... What do you really hope to gain by underage drinking CD? Is it really a burning passion for you that teenagers be able to drive after drinking? It seems that this one is more "in your face, we're gonna do whatever" than "this action harms nobody and shouldn't be a crime."

I'm not judging either way, I think CD certainly has it's place. It just seem that this pops up simply because it's shocking and not because it reminds people that laws aren't always right. I'm just looking for your logic here, I suppose.


Well, they ignored us this weekend, so I was just suggesting something they couldn't ignore.  If you'll notice, in my initial post I said it probably wasn't a great idea.   ::)

Though, I don't see what the big deal is about someone having a beer and driving.  I understand people won't look rationally at it though, which is why I expected a cold response.


J’raxis 270145

Landon Jeffery

I was arrested here in utah on what is called a "Not a Drop" charge.  Basically it is a charge given because there was a miniscule amount of alcohol in my system while I was driving and I was under 21.  I was obviously not driving eradically I just was dumb enought to be driving on a friday night(Friday the 13th too  :( )  I was pulled over for 7 over the limit and I am still paying bribes(fines) to the local government for that.  I feel like I should not have recieved the grief I have had as I was certainly driving safe.   The laws certainly BS.  I don't suggest the driving part but I would love to see someone serve me(20 yo). 


It is not a mandatory arrest after all, but underage "transportation" is.

Thread locked.

Lloyd Danforth