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Every $650 buys another Ron Paul Billboard for the June 3rd SD Primery!

Started by tracysaboe, April 23, 2008, 12:10 AM NHFT

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We already have this board up in Yankton, Sioux Falls, Sturgis, Aberdeen, and Watertown.

Please chip-in

We only need $300 for another board in Brookings. This is a college town, with a sizable Ron Paul base. It's important to let them know that Ron Paul is still in the race, and fighting for every Delegate.

Then Every $650 buys a new BillBoard for a month in another strategic decent sized town.

We need a BillBoard in Pierre (The CApital)
We need a BillBoard in Vermillion at the Elk Point Turnoff (These people are voting in disproportionately higher numbers because of a local hyperion issue. Both sides can learn from Ron Paul's message.

We need a BillBoard in Mitchell. This is another decent sized town. Halfway between Sioux Falls, and Pierre.

$650 x 3 is $1,950 Plus we need $300 more for Brookings. Total, is $2,200 more.

But we have to hurry. We need to get the contracts signed, and the money before May 1st, if we're going to have them up for the month, before our June 3rd Primery.



Politics isn't really welcome here, BTW, but I have to ask. Can you really justify this expense to people? Do you not feel a little bit like a used car salesman asking people to spend hard-earned money on this campaign right now? This is actually getting rather silly. I care about the people here too much to not express my opinion about this. Spend your money wisely. Save up for losing your job for a period of time. Have cash on hand for a run on the banks. Buy precious metals. Spend it on frivolous stuph that you find personally satisfying even. All of that has pretty clear value. But please honestly ask yourself if you're really getting $300 worth of value by causing this billboard to go up. Just think about it and if you do this, don't do it impulsively or out of some misguided sense of duty.

I don't mean to offend. I know this is a touchy subject. I realize it's your money to do with as you please. I'm just hoping to inspire a little careful thought first.