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News about Rick's dad and requesting prayers or positive energy please!

Started by Raineyrocks, April 30, 2008, 08:35 PM NHFT

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My husband just found out today that his father did not do well on a stress test, he had a massive heart attack about 3 years ago and he also has an aortic aneurysm .  Anyways the doctors want to do a heart cath, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardiac_catheterization), on him May 7th and if he can withstand surgery for his aneurysm they want to put a Y shaped stent  graft in or worst case open heart surgery on May 13th.  The doctors main concerns are his age and the condition of his heart already, he's 81 years old.

I'm posting this so that I can please just ask anyone that would to send positive vibes or prayers,(if you pray), for Rick's dad on these dates please. :)

Pat McCotter

Having just suffered my second cerebral aneurysm I don't know how well my vibes will do but I'm sending.



Quote from: Pat McCotter on May 02, 2008, 07:45 PM NHFT
Having just suffered my second cerebral aneurysm I don't know how well my vibes will do but I'm sending.

Thank you so much and I know you have been through quite a lot lately, I'm just so glad your alive! :)  Your vibes will be enormous, I'm sure, thanks! 
I hope you keep getting better and better! ;D



I am glad you are better Pat although I don't know ya real well.

You won the lotto, man!

Kola ;)

Pat McCotter

Quote from: raineyrocks on May 02, 2008, 11:02 PM NHFT
Quote from: Pat McCotter on May 02, 2008, 07:45 PM NHFT
Having just suffered my second cerebral aneurysm I don't know how well my vibes will do but I'm sending.

Thank you so much and I know you have been through quite a lot lately, I'm just so glad your alive! :)  Your vibes will be enormous, I'm sure, thanks! 
I hope you keep getting better and better! ;D

Thank you, Rainey!

Pat McCotter

Quote from: kola on May 02, 2008, 11:23 PM NHFT
I am glad you are better Pat although I don't know ya real well.

You won the lotto, man!

Kola ;)

Thanks, Kola!

You probably don't know me well because I don't jump into the conspiracy threads much. :o :D


Pat McCotter

Just keeping the good vibes going here, rainey. Hope all goes well, tomorrow.


Quote from: Pat McCotter on May 06, 2008, 09:21 AM NHFT
Just keeping the good vibes going here, rainey. Hope all goes well, tomorrow.

Thanks Pat! :)  :hug45:

  How are you doing?

Pat McCotter

I'm doing well. I had a bit of a setback Sunday with really bad headache that put me in Mass General overnight. They let me go home Monday, though, when nothing could be found without extreme interventional access to the area - read angiogram. Being home afterward made me investigate my pain further and my indomethacin medication is all that is required to keep these types of headache in check.


Quote from: Pat McCotter on May 06, 2008, 10:00 AM NHFT
I'm doing well. I had a bit of a setback Sunday with really bad headache that put me in Mass General overnight. They let me go home Monday, though, when nothing could be found without extreme interventional access to the area - read angiogram. Being home afterward made me investigate my pain further and my indomethacin medication is all that is required to keep these types of headache in check.

That must be so frightening to have to worry over headaches and stuff.  Did you ever look up that stuff I think I mentioned to keep your arteries clear and it supposed to do lots more than that.  Here's the link just in case you want to check it out: http://www.heartandbodyextract.com/d.cgi/hh1000/home.html

I have some but haven't been taking it like I should which is stupid because it's expensive and plus I looked up the individual ingredients and there was some impressive results, if the testamonials weren't lying. ::)

I tried to get Rick's dad to look it up but he didn't.  I really couldn't say if it works but I have read enough about Cayenne Pepper to know thats pretty good for your circulatory system.

Stupid me, as soon as I got this stuff in the mail I put 10 drops under my tongue, YIKES!  My mouth burned for so long then I read you can mix it in a tablespoon of water when first starting out. ::) 

I might be going away somewhere by myself to do the Stanley Burroughs Lemonade Fast.  I have to see if it would be safe for me since I'll be all alone, which is the way I need it to be to deal with some stuff I have going on with me.

Anyways I know I probably posted longer than you feel like reading, I'm sorry and I'm glad your okay! :)

Pat McCotter

Thanks for the info, rainey, but...

Aneurysm and clogged arteries are the opposite of each other - not to say that an aneurysm can't be caused by clogged arteries.

An aneurysm is a bubble on an artery (thin artery walls, maybe?) that can rupture and cause blood loss to the part of the body supplied by that artery. Picture a garden hose on a hot day with that bubble on it and you'll know what I'm talking about. :o

Aneurysms are hereditary. Just because nobody in my family has died because of one doesn't mean that those who died of natural causes didn't have one.


Quote from: Pat McCotter on May 06, 2008, 10:34 AM NHFT
Thanks for the info, rainey, but...

Aneurysm and clogged arteries are the opposite of each other - not to say that an aneurysm can't be caused by clogged arteries.

An aneurysm is a bubble on an artery (thin artery walls, maybe?) that can rupture and cause blood loss to the part of the body supplied by that artery. Picture a garden hose on a hot day with that bubble on it and you'll know what I'm talking about. :o

Aneurysms are hereditary. Just because nobody in my family has died because of one doesn't mean that those who died of natural causes didn't have one.

Oh, Okay, thanks for explaining that to me, it's confusing.  :BangHead:

The only thing I remember this Heart & Body Extract stuff saying is it would prevent aneurysms and clogged arteries, who knows?  I've always been terrified of dying from an aneurysm because it happens so suddenly at anytime.

Rick's dad has an aortic abdominal aneurysm and god only know what will happen the 7th after they find out if he can even go through with the procedure on the 17th.  He's 82 and has already had a minor and massive heart attack  plus of course 3 or 4 stents in various arteries.

It just seems like everything is happening all at the wrong times right now and I don't want to be selfish.  I want to be here if Rick needs me but I have some health issues of my own that I need to take care of soon or who knows what will happen to me.

I'll tell you Pat when it rains it pours, doesn't it? :)