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News about Rick's dad and requesting prayers or positive energy please!

Started by Raineyrocks, April 30, 2008, 08:35 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Pat McCotter on May 14, 2008, 10:46 AM NHFT
I'm doing better. It's a slow and laborious process that isn't going to be easy.

That's good that your doing better.  Are you allowed to take walks or anything like that?  I hope your not stuck in front of the tv, (unless you like that), then again you've got the computer too obviously.

Rick's mom just called all upset, she's on her way to the hospital and will call Rick when she knows exactly what's going on but there is talk of not letting him go home today like he was supposed to.  So I don't know what's wrong yet.

Pat McCotter

Well, here is that rock and hard place.

I wanted to write "I'm home - I can do anything I want to do." and then you write about Rick's Dad not being released. Please keep us updated.

Pat McCotter


Quote from: Pat McCotter on May 19, 2008, 07:58 PM NHFT
Are there any updates here, rainey?

Yes, I'm sorry I've been so involved in trying to fix my profile forum I've been ignorant to keeping you updated.  I'm trying to remember where we left off and I know I wrote that Rick's mom got a call from the hospital, his dad was vomiting probably due to the anetheshia, (sp?), which is normal but I think her nerves are just frayed. So anyways the hospital wanted him to stay an extra night, so he did.

Then a couple days later he ended up back in the hospital, Sunday, I think because he was severely constipated probably from all of the pain medications so the hospital took care of that problem for him, I'm sure you probably know how.

He's home now and I talked to Rick's mom on the phone this morning and she said he's tired and weak; otherwise okay.  It made me happy to hear him say he was bored while I was on the phone with her because that means he's slowly getting back to his ornery old self.  She asked him if he wanted to go have sex and we all got a big laugh out of that one.

Thank you so much for caring throughout this whole ordeal! If I had my smileys, I'd give you a big hug!

How are you doing?

Pat McCotter

Thank you, rainey. I'm glad to hear he's doing better.

I'm doing well. I had a close call yesterday. My mom and her husband, Grant, were visiting and we were out walking. Well, we were looking back at something while walking and I just fell to my left, no warning, no ability to stop myself. Fortunately Grant was there and caught me before I got too far. This no balance thing is irritating!


Quote from: Pat McCotter on May 20, 2008, 03:27 AM NHFT
Thank you, rainey. I'm glad to hear he's doing better.

I'm doing well. I had a close call yesterday. My mom and her husband, Grant, were visiting and we were out walking. Well, we were looking back at something while walking and I just fell to my left, no warning, no ability to stop myself. Fortunately Grant was there and caught me before I got too far. This no balance thing is irritating!

Your welcome!

Geesh, it's a good thing Grant caught you!  Is that supposed to stop ever? 

P.S. Don't stand by any cliffs

Pat McCotter

It should stop. I just have to retrain my brain - practice, practice, practice. And, no people, I don't mean practice falling! :o ;D