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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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New Hampshire Man Declares The Start Of The Revolution

Started by coffeeseven, April 30, 2008, 11:05 PM NHFT

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Quote from: gu3st on May 05, 2008, 11:14 AM NHFT

I refuse to be walled, fenced or whatever, as if I'm some sort of an animal that needs to be controlled. Therefore "revolution" that strives to merely soften the wall, make it transparent or do anything to it other than completely erasing it - is no revolution at all for me.

I completely agree with you, gu3st.


I have started favoring the term "transition" over "revolution", for two reasons:

1) Revolution is commonly associated with violence. I do not advocate violence, except perhaps as an extreme last resort. Even the term "Non-Violent Revolution" subconsciously suggests violence...

2) A revolution is specifically a "turn of the wheel". In other words, it seeks change, but keeps returning to the same spot. The world has seen countless revolutions, resulting in regime changes, yet the model, with its predictable end result, always remains the same. As a well known song lyric states: "New boss, same as the old boss".

We need to scrap the obsolete concept of "revolution" altogether, and instead seek a permanent transition from the Authoritarian Model Of Government, to the Free Market Model.

J’raxis 270145

I've seen someone refer to it as an evolution before, instead of a revolution. That captures the idea that it's a slow process of change as opposed to a violent and sudden change, and it implies moving forward instead of a circular motion.


Evolution or transition sounds good to me. But when do we evolve and how do we evolve? When is the time to make the next step? And what do you call that step?

I think we can say it like this. The evolution is ongoing. It depends on us, who are capable to reason and act, into what will we evolve. The next step, just as every other step, is "transition".

How do we transit and when? That's the biggest question today for voluntaryists.


Quote from: gu3st on May 05, 2008, 05:42 PM NHFT
Evolution or transition sounds good to me. But when do we evolve and how do we evolve? When is the time to make the next step? And what do you call that step?

I think we can say it like this. The evolution is ongoing. It depends on us, who are capable to reason and act, into what will we evolve. The next step, just as every other step, is "transition".

How do we transit and when? That's the biggest question today for voluntaryists.

Knowing what our destination is would sure make the point of departure easier to define. We tend to focus on what we don't want rather than what we do want. I'm guilty of it too.

Russell Kanning

I think we have solved our problems .... we now know what words to use.

John Edward Mercier

Quote from: gu3st on May 05, 2008, 05:42 PM NHFT
Evolution or transition sounds good to me. But when do we evolve and how do we evolve? When is the time to make the next step? And what do you call that step?

I think we can say it like this. The evolution is ongoing. It depends on us, who are capable to reason and act, into what will we evolve. The next step, just as every other step, is "transition".

How do we transit and when? That's the biggest question today for voluntaryists.

Every day.
The simple act of defining those things you do not wish to participate in, and those you do makes the incremental steps.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on May 06, 2008, 06:02 AM NHFT
I think we have solved our problems .... we now know what words to use.

Mockery at its finest.

After all, when you have nothing of value to impart, it makes little difference what words you use. ;)


Quote from: gu3st on May 05, 2008, 05:42 PM NHFT
I think we can say it like this. The evolution is ongoing. It depends on us, who are capable to reason and act, into what will we evolve. The next step, just as every other step, is "transition".

Exactly. The transition to Free Market Civilization is not the first major transition that the Human species has undergone, and it will certainly not be the last.

Free libertarian

Quote from: coffeeseven on April 30, 2008, 11:05 PM NHFT

Written by vintageus   
Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Revolution www.revnh.com (New Hampshire)
Reply to: jasonruths@revnh.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Date: 2008-04-27, 5:11PM EDT

Revolution- public notice

I Jason Ruths citizen of New Hampshire call for immediate revolution and hereby evoke Article 10 of the New Hampshire Constitution. I fully accept all the rights, responsibilities and consequences from the result of my action. I demand legal protection from any governmental agents or representatives that wish to do me harm in any way. As host of the Wicked Good Show I also demand all of the rights and accesses extended to members of the press. I consider this a public announcement and encourage people to cut copy and/or forward any part of this information to who ever they like. Please visit my website revnh.com and help us spread the word as quickly as possible.

Thank you
Jason Ruths

Text from; Revolution- Common Sense Part Deux:

Citizens of New Hampshire, the United States and the World - Hear my words, listen to my message and heed my warnings. The time has come -the time for change. The time to hold our leaders responsible. The time has come for revolution.

Here in New Hampshire revolution is still our legal right, guaranteed by article 10 of our state's constitution. Article 10, the right to revolution, is not only part of our bill of rights, but is also our responsibility when government serves only the needs of a few.

Most of us already see that the path we are on will lead to disaster. The signs are many and in plain sight: the environment, the economy, energy and wars– the health care, education, justice and retirement systems. These are just a few of the issues we face. It seems that nothing our government is responsible for is going well.

There is a terrible strain pushing down on our world right now and those closest to the edge have already started to fall off. The warnings range from road rage to school shootings and the sad part is these may not even be the worst examples you can think of. People have started to crack and it's a sobering warning sign.

It is time to for us to take a deep breath as a society, decide where we want to go and then go there before it's too late. It will be too late when you show up to the store and gas is $20 a gallon and bread is $10 a loaf. But this is the path we are on.

That's why it's time for a revolution in the Information Age, where the internet changes all the rules of engagement. If the pen is mightier than the sword then the internet is The People's ultimate weapon and the best part is no one has to die.
The world has completely changed since our founding fathers in every way. Our revolution will be fought on a digital battlefield. We'll shoot people with cameras and drop media bombs that spread to every corner of the globe.

Here in New Hampshire we will once again set an example for the rest of the world, as we did in January of 1776 by declaring independence from England and becoming the first nation of the New World. The Sovereign Nation of New Hampshire; Live Free or Die.

If it's possible anywhere it's here, if it's ever been possible at anytime it's now –with our unique history, our unique government and our unique mentality.

Once again we will focus the world's eye here for a grand experiment. This experiment will redefine the term "reality TV". By creating our own reality we will be the founding parents of the new millennium and allow this great nation of freedom to be reborn. To accomplish this we must hold politicians responsible, hold big business accountable and truly take the power back. Each has been working in the best interest of the other while ignoring the common interests of the people. For once, let's use the World Wide Web's true potential, turn "The All Seeing Eye" inward and form a transparent government.

The initial demands of the Revolution are simple. Paid politicians, your schedule needs to be posted to the internet weekly along with a two minute video explaining to your boss "We the people" what you have done in the past week and what you are going to do in the coming week to solve the major issues. If something is secret or personal on your schedule mark it down but we need to see if you are earning that ridiculous salary, benefits package and retirement plan with lifetime healthcare.

We will focus first on our state governor, the representatives that we send to Washington and the candidates running for president. After all, everyone from small town representatives to the most powerful world leader works for the people whether they choose to recognize it or not. It is time to act.

There is no doubt the machine is broken. Government has failed us. We have failed government. We have allowed politicians and Corporate America to plunder this great nation at the expense of all but a few. This is a call to true patriots who wish this country to be well and to be well respected once again throughout the world.
With your support we will visit every city and town in New Hampshire and anywhere else our journey takes us to make sure our elected officials do their jobs. We will talk to and interact with as many people as we can along the way to get their input, opinions and suggestions. We will seek out officials and have them pledge loyalty to the people they represent. We will then make sure that they honor that pledge.

"We The People" must put aside our party loyalties and instead be loyal to the ideals of freedom and democracy. It is time to alter our reality and make history.
This address will be our "shot heard around the world". Please help by getting the word out to all those that you know. Most importantly we need to reach every person living in New Hampshire.

I ask of any possible detractors, nay-sayers or opposition: Do you believe the system is efficient? Do you believe the politicians are doing their jobs well? Do you think government is serving the needs of the people?

Politicians, our demands are not unreasonable. We need to see positive results for the faith we have placed in you.

While we have no intentions of ripping the fabric of our society, we must remove the barriers we and those before us have built lest they are all we have to pass on to our children.

Big business has their lobbyists, now it's time to level the playing field! The internet changes everything!

I am Jason Ruths- lobbyist for the people.
The Revolution will be televised!

  So this guy doesn't exactly have all the answers, okay, at least he's become aware that the status quo is unacceptable.  Revolution? Evolution? Transition?  Yes, a transition is better than a revolution, revolutions are so 19th century. Although the hangup on the proper wording sort of reminds me of the old television commercial where a young Indian woman is talking about margarine I think she says "you call it corn...we call it maize".             
Just yesterday I was talking to two young men about what it will take to wake up the "average American". Apparently quite a bit to get them to the action level.  It seems like a good deal of Americans never get past the idea that anything we do can make a difference.  Some of us have been there. So in that respect I'll hand it to this guy at least he's trying something even if he's asking for permission to be protected in his Revolution, he's at least talking about it and is obviously thinking something needs to be done.  He may wake some people up, who knows maybe some will get to the next level in their thoughts and deeds.  Getting people to think and talk about a free society is the first step, if they take action that's even better.  So I say  "Viva la Revolution er Transition" !  ;D


Russell Kanning


Don Pedro of Aragon: Officers, what offense have these men done?
Dogberry: Marry, sir, they have committed false report; moreover, they have spoken untruths; secondarily, they are slanders; sixth and lastly; they have belied a lady; thirdly, they have verified unjust things; and, to conclude, they are lying knaves.
Don Pedro of Aragon: What is your offense, masters? This learned constable is too cunning to be understood.


This reminds me of a website I saw like 10 years ago where some guy and his buddies were calling (and planning, apparently) for a "continental congress" of citizens so we could replace the wayward government with a new one.

Instead of calling for revolution, which would require coordinated action of lots of other people, why not just declare your own independence? 


Quote from: Jacobus on May 08, 2008, 06:36 AM NHFT
This reminds me of a website I saw like 10 years ago where some guy and his buddies were calling (and planning, apparently) for a "continental congress" of citizens so we could replace the wayward government with a new one.

Instead of calling for revolution, which would require coordinated action of lots of other people, why not just declare your own independence? 
Unfortunately I don't think he understands the dynamics.  He uses the prase 'we the people', at least a couple of times.  He doesn't understand the dynamics of gov't, there is no we, only individuals.  He also states that the gov't legislature should post their schedules on the internet so their bosses, we the people, that is as AG Gonzales said of the Geneva Conventions, quaint.  'We', haven't been there bosses in several generations.  That should be obvious to anyone who has studied the dynamics of gov't, just by looking at their behavior.

Russell Kanning

We have an individual declaration of independence here somewhere.
Yes ... "we"
sometimes individuals can join together