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being forced to flee New Jersey, help!!!

Started by JDouglasFisher, May 01, 2008, 12:13 PM NHFT

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as a FSP member who made the promise to move, I was hoping to plan for an organized move to the "live free or die" state. Unfortunately, the economy is collapsing in New Jersey at a rapid rate, and now I have till may 15th to find affordable housing in NJ, or be homeless.

If I end up on the street, I prefer to be homeless in New Hampshire, atleast there I will have my freedoms. (Like the freedom to sleep in the cab of my truck for instance.)

Is there anyone up that way who is willing to shack up a couple people till they get back to work and a roof over their head?

I wish I could say I was kidding, but unfortunately, I am not. Rents in New Jersey are skyrocketing in my area, because the "new yorkers" who lived on the east coast can no longer afford their $4,000.00 a month rents in their high rises, and are coming west, causing rents where I live to double in some cases because of the demand.

And who feels the squeeze in the end? The working class poor, like myself. (thanks to Bush, Lautenburg, CorSLIME (our douchebag governor) and the rest of the crooked bastards who so fucked up our country...

Just asking, so I can make preparations for after the 15th.

Joe (quickly becoming a refugee of New Jersey)


Good luck, Joe. I was in the same situation in the fall and there is definitely no lack of caring people here in NH willing to help.



Yeah, its looking like I will be fleeing North.

Going through the papers today (mind you, at 10.00 am,) and the couple of "affordable" apartments listed, where already gone.

But there is plenty of housing in Jersey City right now, if you can afford 3500.00+ dollars a month for rent. (not that I want to live there anyway..)

Is there any truck stops up there that I can live out of if I do not get offers of a roof?

I'm already saddened by the realization that I'm probably going to have to set my cats free, (I will not shelter them, in NJ they are over crowded and just put them to sleep) and its completely rediculous to ask someone who is already extending a roof over your head, to allow you to bring your pets too. I might be able to pigeonhole some of my belongings in a storage unit here for the short term, but I will be ridding myself of some things. Can anyone say craigslist? Might be able to generate some quick cash that way.

uugghh, the stress of oppression.


J’raxis 270145

J’raxis 270145

Okay, for some reason that's not loading right now. Try contacting Alec Muller directly to find out what he has available in Manchester.


PorcManor is still not working, and I have emailed Alec Directly...

Also, Dave Ridley made mention of a "Porc Manor East?"

Thanks folks,


Dave Ridley

This is an interesting post, and I wonder if it could be the harbinger of things to come.   Others have speculated we will get our share of activists, as folks lose jobs due to the meltdown and have nothing to lose by coming here.

I guess it's both good and bad; certainly good to have new activists but bad what is happening to them.

Joe I sent messages to some porc manor folks trying to direct them here.

J’raxis 270145

Porc Manor is now the name of a website, which derives from a number of Porcupine houses that have been called "Porc Manor" at one time or another. I've heard the name most frequently used to refer to Alec's place in Manchester, but he also calls that "Porc Central" because it's on Central St.. Ron Helwig has his own porc manor of sorts, usually referred to as "Little Minnesota," out in Deerfield. People have also called Lauren Canario's place "Porc Manor," if I recall correctly. I think both Ron and Alec are behind the idea for setting up the porcmanor.com website.

Porc Manor East is probably a reference to Max's place in Seabrook.


I know Alec has space where I am, at what I'll call the Porc Central Annex, not sure if it's been filled yet.


Good luck.

Perhaps if someone where able to purchase a large building or office space that could be used as a type of refugee shelter for folks like JDouglasFisher.
Just a place with a cot and toilet. It's better than living out of your car (No offense Menno.).



Interesting how you thought this was coming down the pipe. NJ 2nd Congressional District Candidate, Donna Ward (HUGE RON PAUL SUPPORTER, KEY PLAYER IN SOUTHERN NJ) have discussed this for the past 6 months now. She brought attention to me about tent cities being set up in California, and how the media tried to play it off as a hoax. (She's also a JBS Member as well).

She has been predicting this fallout now for a while, and is beyond frustrated that no one in the government will even acknowledge its coming. Thats why she is running.

I believe her website is http://www.donnawardforcongress.com

Realistically speaking, I think New Hampshire is going to be the defensive position for liberty activists in the coming months as the economy continues to collapse, all the while the Fed keeps pumping more dollars into the system.

Problem is here in NJ, the citizenry are about as dumb as a sack of rocks. They cry how bad it is with government, but won't even pick up a phone to complain to their state representatives. They are more worried about party affiliation than they are about actually voting, or perhaps calling their representatives. Makes me wonder about U.N. Agenda 21, and how real that threat is.

John Adams had it right when he warned Jefferson about political parties, but the founding fathers of the time insisted that it was the only way. I personally think the party system should be abolished, and people allowed to run based on their own merits.

As I said, if I cannot arrange housing, atleast point me in hte right direction of a truck stop. They cannot harrass you there usually if you sleep there at night.


BTW, when I do come up, are you going to meet me at the border?



I've always been a fan of taking old mill complexes, cleaning them up, and making housing units out of them. The problem however lies in the ideal that when people do these kinds of things, they must turn them in 2,000.00+ dollar a month condo units, and actually prefer to sell them to the well off to do folks, instead of extending a hand to the working class.

From a free market standpoint, The owner has the right to use his land as he sees fit, but one must weigh in the question of morality, something which very few in New Jersey do these days.


Post Script

How about Fortress: Porcupine. Take an old office building (since they are usually exteriorly supported), demo each of the floors, and turn them into efficiency apartments.

Make the rent dirt cheap (enough to cover expenses plus %10 to cover for vacancies) and allow people to move in. The rules are simple: You stay for as long as you need to get on your feet (its not meant to be long term) and your obliged as part of the lease to help out in small ways such as mopping the hallway floors, cleaning the windows, etc.

If you had alot of cash to invest, an old armory would work perfectly for this, AND in most cases, it would be secure.

Ron Helwig

Little Minnesota is full up inside, but campers are welcome. Especially if they are willing to help with finishing the range  8)

I know Jose has talked about letting porcs camp at his place in Canterbury as well.

PorcManor.com has had some server issues, like all inexpensive webhosts do. Please try again later when you have trouble loading it. It is currently up.
BTW, we do need more landlords on the site. $3/quarter is all I'm charging landlords - $1/month! You really can't beat that, especially when you can upload pictures and show videos. With moving season upon us, we will need all the available rooms we can get.

There are places for rent here in Deerfield, but I don't think you'd find them online anywhere. The situation is probably the same all over - just landlords putting out signs and hoping to avoid fees.

Anyway, just come up. You will be taken care of, for a short while at least; and you'll have an easier time finding places when you're here.


Two bedroom converted mill condos are now renting for $1000 per month in the Manchester mill conversion near Elliot Hospital    Exit 6 I93 easy commute to anywhere there is work.  What is it that you do?