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My Request of those that do not live in the Keene Metro Area

Started by David, May 13, 2008, 06:50 PM NHFT

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Please remember that many of us do.  I would like this to continue to be the peaceful and pleasant place I initially moved to. 

My concern is that due to the well justified hostility many here hold against the law enForcement officers, many have taken their anger out on the Keene area cops.  Please remember that all are individuals, and that they should be treated as such. 

My request is that we as individuals never show deference to another individual, whether they be a judge, or a police officer, but to treat them with respect that you would normally show to all other persons you come across in your daily life.  I expect the police to shake my hand when I offer it, just like I do of others, and not hide behind a badge of authority.  I will not stand for a judge, just as I will not bow for a king, but I will treat the respectful judge with respect, even as I tell him that I will not pay his fines, or cooperate with their foolish rules.  That is respect, without deference.
The net does give some anonymity, but please do not hide behind it.  Their enForcement and escalation of conflict in regards to victimless crime should never be forgotten, but I fail to see how inferring they want to take us behind walmart and beat the sense out of us is productive, or the open hostility shown towards some of the police here.

We have known the LEO's have been monitoring us for quite some time now, that doesn't change just because some of them have chosen to register and engage us.  The police are the enForcers for the greater culture that wants to use force against us to dictate unpleasant behavior.  But they are just the tip of the iceberg. 

Thank you for your cooperation, and please continue to join us online, or even better, in person here in Keene. 


That's easy to lose sight of and it's an important point to make. I must admit I prolly lose sight myself but I like to remind myself that it's the position that I have a problem with; not the person. Thanx, David.

Kat Kanning

The person behind that position is choosing to be there.  He is responsible for his own actions.  If he locks up a person who hasn't hurt anyone, he is responsible for his act.

Russell Kanning

I do not share the concerns David does. The cops are part of a complicated and entrenched mafia organization. I do not think they deserve the same respect as normal individuals I meet on a daily basis. Some individuals do bad things and I do not respect them.

Maybe we need more moderators for this section of the forum. ;)


I will throw my lot in with Russell and Kat: given the nature of their "profession," the police do not deserve respect, and so they will receive none from me.

Russell Kanning

uh oh .... even some of us that have to deal with the Keene Police government workers are not cooperating .... some of us individuals are going down a different path. :)


"And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will." - 2 Tim. 2:24-26

A Christian has a responsibility not to capitulate to evil. But he must not be unkind to persons, who are made in the image of God, in the process.

That's always easier said than done. The tendency can be either to a) come on too strong and be unkind, or b) failing that, to capitulate and compromise, failing to speak the truth.



Pat K


Quote from: Russell Kanning on May 13, 2008, 08:48 PM NHFT
I do not share the concerns David does. The cops are part of a complicated and entrenched mafia organization. I do not think they deserve the same respect as normal individuals I meet on a daily basis. Some individuals do bad things and I do not respect them.

My best friend (and girlfriend at the time) works for a defense contractor. She makes a lot of money doing it, and she's very good at her job. Should I shun her because of her current choices or seek to educate and enlighten her to understand the harm she's creating?

When I found this out, I could have not spoken with her, treated her with less respect, or pushed her out of my life. I thought about it more and realized that would accomplish little in way of changing the world. So instead I showed her this video:

(warning very graphic)

She cried, I told her she's a beautiful powerful woman who can create anything she wants in the world, and this is what she's currently choosing to create. Later that month she choose not to pull out all the stops to get Israel that additional shipment of missile parts (in the middle of the Hezbollah missile attacks). Now, which one do you think was more effective Russell?

Good, Bad, Right, Wrong - Those are all judgments, the same thing govern-ments use to justify their treatment of the people they rule over.

(Moderators: I just posted and noticed the board changed "govern ment" to mafia.  Isn't this how the govern-ment acts, changing words and misrepresenting what people say in the war on drugs? Rest assured, I'm perfectly capable of choosing my words, by changing them your misrepresenting ME! I find this very disrespectful, and I'm not sure if I'm going to continue posting on a forum that chooses to alter my statements without prior warning or my consent, what is happening to this place?)


The word filtering was not the decision of the Monadnock/Keene mods. 

I agree with your perspective, Sam.  One's posts should generally be left untouched.  Perhaps an announcement to the forum and modification to the TOS would have been a more appropriate way to roll out the word filter.  I'd like to know in advance which words will be modified.  So far I know only about the change to "gov ernment".

Also, I'm speculating here, but knowing the admins, I doubt the change was made in as serious a manner as you are taking it.

Kat Kanning


I don't think "respect" is the right word. But I will not stoop to "there" level and be an asshole.
Cordial maybe? Civil?

Whatever the word, I think the flys/honey/vinegar analogy works.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 13, 2008, 08:36 PM NHFT
The person behind that position is choosing to be there.  He is responsible for his own actions.  If he locks up a person who hasn't hurt anyone, he is responsible for his act.

This is an undeniable truth, painful as it may be. I can't imagine how someone can be in the role of police officer and not knowingly violate people's rights and still keep their job for any length of time. I've heard the argument that if they leave based on their conscience, despicable people will take their places, but that sounds too much like the justification games people play to participate in politics under the pretense of reducing the harm. "I'm knowingly doing some harm to specific individuals, but presumably reducing the overall harm in a collectivist sort of way because someone else in my place would perhaps arrest more people or write more tickets."

I think the point though is that each of us is imperfect and we should judge people by their actual actions rather than presuming. Not all police officers are the same. If we begin by at least holding out hope for them, then there is some chance we can persuade them to be better people. In time that may mean they are no longer comfortable in the role of a government police officer. I think that's true for anyone. I choose the people I will relate to not based on them being morally perfect (I'm certainly not), but rather on whether there seems to be hope that they can become better and sometimes because they may make me become a better person. Hard to imagine, I know, but it's possible.  ;) :D