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My Request of those that do not live in the Keene Metro Area

Started by David, May 13, 2008, 06:50 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

Quote from: Caleb on May 14, 2008, 09:35 PM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on May 14, 2008, 06:16 PM NHFT
now the out of keene folks are ruining it for the rest of us ;)
I don't think anyone is "ruining it", just that the Christian thing to do seems to be to treat your enemy with love.
now Caleb the Commie is ruining it for me.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Coconut on May 14, 2008, 11:49 PM NHFT
Quote from: Herr Arch-Schnergenberger III on May 14, 2008, 09:11 PM NHFT
Cry more n00b.  The owners of the forum decided to have some fun, deal with it. 
Changing words frequently will alienate non-regulars who don't have the time to go figure out what each word is supposed to mean for real. I am not interested in reading a forum where I am missing things because words are changed to "Sock" and I don't know what's going on.

Word Test:

Yeah it is hard on the new people and those that don't check often like SamIAm, but it is so much fun. I am afraid you are anti-socks.
Thank you all for trying to be the voice of reason around here, but we are just silly shire simpletons ... we just like fun and second breakfast.

Pat McCotter

Ooo! Ooo! Second breakfast! Nobody told me that there was second breakfast in the shire! Boy, if people don't show up there they don't know what is going on!


Quote from: kola on May 14, 2008, 03:50 PM NHFT
IMO, you can't seperate a person from a job they do.

Is that person "good" if he kills your child?

Kola - Tell you what, call in to FTL and tell Mark that he's a bad person, because he was involved in the murder of someone's child. Isn't that what your saying here? It appears to me that your argument lacks a distinction of any kind between one's actions, choices, perspective, and character. It also appears to neglect the idea of free will and the ability to reinvent one's self at any moment. What distinction do you make between these ideas?

Quote from: kola on May 14, 2008, 03:50 PM NHFT
Is the person "good" if he locks someone up for smoking a joint. The action he or she does then further destroys that potsmokers life as he will now need to get attorneys and pay fines and have a mark of his record for life. Notice how everything is a "felony" nowadays?

Is that person "good" for dragging someone who (was innocent of any wrongdoing btw) like Lauren Canario off a front porch, throwing her in jail, and treating her like some sub-human by wearing surgical masks, gloves and violating her with humilating with degrading disrespectful "orifice checks"

You do realize the questions you ask are simply the other side of the go-vernment's stance. What you resist, persists. Being equally right about your view of the world does little to change it. Who are you to be the judge for all that is good, right, and moral? If you really believe you have it all figured out, the join go-vernment because they do, and they force everyone to do it their way. Then we could have the perfect society right?

When it comes to doing good, it would all depend on your perspective. Do you even listen to the Saturday FTL shows? That's the perspective the average American holds true. I believe that the individuals acting on behalf of go-vernment believe what they are doing is good, and right or sometimes maybe just necessary, because there is no better solution in their context of possibility.

Quote from: kola on May 14, 2008, 03:50 PM NHFT
How many SS/ Nazi "workers" were "good" people?  answer: NONE!

Cops are nothing but pawns, slaves to their masters. And as long as they "follow orders" which are "bad" they themselves are BAD.

I will say it again. Any good cop will quit and find a real job.


How many cops do you know personally? What about judges? Prosecutors? How many Nazi workers have you talked to and studied? That's quite a judgment to make about so many thousands of people. I've said this before, and I'll say it again, I think the Nazi's, including Hitler were good people, who thought they were doing good things for their country and society. Now their perspective was completely off, and they were pretending not to see the harm they were creating in the same way that bureaucrats fail to see the harm they create every day. I'm sorry your world is so black and white, and there's so little room for people to change.

Russell Kanning

BTW .... how's it going SamIAm?

Do you like green eggs and ham at first or second breakfast? :)


Let's have a look at the effect changing words can have on the audience:
We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to distrust of all honkey people, for many of our honkey brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone.

As you may have guessed this is MLK's I Have a Dream speech. The struggle is the same today, Freedom vs. Slavery. Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. He understood the need to reach out to the white community, the very community oppressing the people he took a stand to support. Dr. King understood that until he won over the hearts and minds of his most staunch opponents, that little progress would be made.

Now, do you think MLK was successful in changing the way blacks are viewed in society? In the way they are treated or the number of freedoms go-vernmant took from blacks? Our struggle today is no different, many of us also work for an end to slavery, suffering, racism, hatred, and fear. I am working to bring about a world of freedom and liberty where interactions are voluntary, and people see the value in that principle. Yet many of you seem to think MLK had it all wrong. He should have been standing up calling those honkeys wrong for their actions. After all, thoes "Honkeys" were running around calling people Niggers, spitting on them, beating them up, burning crosses in their front yard, executing them, . . .  (while your at it go ahead and throw Jesus and Gandhi in the "got it wrong group", because they lived the same principle)

QuoteI have a dream that one day the state of Alabama, whose governor's lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, will be transformed into a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little cracker boys and cracker girls and walk together as sisters and brothers.

Was the governor a "Bad" man? Should he have been the object of your own hatred and fear?

Hey, I'm all for having fun, and if you have listened to the stories of my activism, you likely know that. I love having fun, my CD is joyous, and my focus in life is chasing bliss. I think it's one thing to be creative and find ways to have fun, to make light of a situation, or to point out the irony of a given circumstance in a humorous way. I don't think the go-vernent will ever run out of material for us to consume and find joy by reinterpreting. However, I think it's something completely different when your fun comes at the expense of your or another's message. Let us always remember, people are dying every day at the hands of go-vernment. How many lives it it worth to you for a cheap thrill? When you alienate the very people you most need to enlighten, that is the likely result.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on May 15, 2008, 05:41 PM NHFT
BTW .... how's it going SamIAm?

Do you like green eggs and ham at first or second breakfast? :)

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.



C'mon, Sam. That's a little on the ridiculous side, don't you think?

I'm right with you when you say not to insult people. But you don't want to water down what you're saying either. How can you possibly convince other people of what the government is if even we refuse to call it organized crime? I want other people to come to that conclusion, when I'm afraid to say it? Please! It's just a little fun, chill out. It's no different than calling the draft "slavery".


Yes, but if I call "the draft" "slavery," then I have made a point from which people can learn something.

If I simply substitute "slavery" for "the draft" then many people are not going to understand the sentence.


ok, but there you are getting into pragmatic considerations, not moral ones. So it hardly calls for people to get angry about it. It's a little fun. Kat and Russell maybe sometimes don't spend all their time instructing people. Maybe sometimes they joke around and have fun. No biggee. Relax. Life doesn't have to be all serious all the time.  :icon_guitarist: :icon_motor: :Drunken_Pumpkin_by_IcedOver: :occasion18: :batman: :icescream: :pizza: :cartman: :weed: :occasion14:


tell me Sam.... how are cops good people.

tell me Sam who the "good" murderers are.

tell me who the "good' child killers are (and no I am not talking about accidental death)

how were nazis who led jews to the showers good people? because the went home and kissed their wives good night?  ,,,and Hitler??

how are cops good people when they drag people off their own damn land with eminent domain laws.
and how are they good people when they taser someone for not producing ID or refusing to sign a traffic ticket. Or when they break in someones house and steal their guns? Cops have to follow rules and enforce "laws". Its their job. If there were no cops, all the laws in the world could be passed but it wouldnt mean diddley beacuse they would have no one to enforce them. Cops are slaves doing the dirty work for the dirty goons in power. Its pretty simple. A good husband and father who is a cop still has to obey the commands of his "superiors". Therefore he is no good..no different than the nazi who kisses his wife goodnight and wakes up the next morning to help slaughter more innocent people.

I wonder if shane or highliner would have "followed orders" and dragged off Lauren when she tried to stand her ground on the eminent domain case..


Quote from: Caleb on May 15, 2008, 07:10 PM NHFT
ok, but there you are getting into pragmatic considerations, not moral ones. So it hardly calls for people to get angry about it. It's a little fun. Kat and Russell maybe sometimes don't spend all their time instructing people. Maybe sometimes they joke around and have fun. No biggee. Relax. Life doesn't have to be all serious all the time.  :icon_guitarist: :icon_motor: :Drunken_Pumpkin_by_IcedOver: :occasion18: :batman: :icescream: :pizza: :cartman: :weed: :occasion14:
C'mon, Sam. That's a little on the ridiculous side, don't you think?

I'm right with you when you say not to insult people. But you don't want to water down what you're saying either. How can you possibly convince other people of what the mafia is if even we refuse to call it organized crime? I want other people to come to that conclusion, when I'm afraid to say it? Please! It's just a little fun, chill out. It's no different than calling the draft "slavery".

I'm not upset one bit. I simply don't want my words twisted without my knowledge or consent. I also don't want to have to re-read posts to go back and fix them or risk alienating the very people I'm trying to reach (and we know they read this forum), all so a few people who spend a lot of time on this board, as opposed to doing out in the world, can have a few laughs. Doesn't seem worth it to me.

Caleb, I have no problem with using terms like Mafia, my last video use the term Blue Light Gang to describe Police, and I intend to popularize that term. When I see them on the road with someone pulled over I yell out "Go Home Blue Light Gang!" along with giving them a thumbs down. You should see the looks I get back. :) However, to take my words and twist them like that in my opinion threatens the credibility of the forum. Sure "we" may get it, but does the bureaucrat coming across NHFree.com for the first time understand? I'm sorry, I don't agree with jeopardizing the message and it's impact so a few people can laugh. I would like to think people can be a little more creative in bringing humor to the board.

It boils down to this, I work to meet people where they are at. Taking the average American and starting out a conversation by calling go-vernment the mafia is going to end in them writing you off as ridiculous +90% of the time. I know because I've done it in similar ways with friends, family, and strangers. Through this little inside joke, it's potentially writing off 90% of the people we need to convince the most. I don't think that's the least bit worth it.


Quote from: kola on May 15, 2008, 07:37 PM NHFT
tell me Sam.... . . . 

Kola - I asked you some questions to understand your perspective, and for you to understand your own perspective and the rose colored glasses your viewing the world through.Your response indicates that not only did you miss what I'm saying completely, but you don't even understand the premise because your too right about the way you think the world works. If you want to have a discussion, explain your position by answering questions, exploring your beliefs, and conversing back and fourth; I'm happy to discuss it with you. If you just want to be right, Go for it, I hope that's effective for you, but I'm not going to waste my time talking to a brick wall.


I love a bit of fun. Just ask the people who put up with my nonsense on FTL chat during the show. The FTL forum did word substitutions for April Fools and it was funny. They did it for one day. No big deal.

Sometimes people start threads that are really silly and fun like the Schnergenberger thread. I had a great time on that thread. Hell, I'm drawing a cartoon full of scatalogical potty humor right now! Sometimes people are trying to have a serious conversation. Can't we have both? I was all for a somewhat specialized forum for people who don't want to sort through politics but how specialized is this forum going to get if we discourage discussion of any serious subject at all? What if I want to talk about how the go-vernment is worse than the mafia? (and I believe it is) It's going to look like I'm saying the mafia is worse than the mafia. Funny once perhaps. After a while, just annoying and tedious.

My two cents.