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Another whine, I turned the Daily Show off in midshow

Started by David, May 13, 2008, 07:19 PM NHFT

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First time ever.  They had on the war lord cheerleader douglas feith.  To his credit, John Stewart clearly was not looking forward to the discussion and book promotion.  And He made it clear that he was against the war.  I am so angry with the wanton evil that is so casually talked about these days, I cannot even talk about it these days without becoming intensely angry.  Ill stop now. 


I want you goddamn IRS agents and your pussy ass enForcers to know that my conscious is clear.  I do not pay for much of this god forsaken war crime done in my name.  If you motherfuckers come after me, I will not comply, I will not pay your fines, follow your rules, agree to any plea bargain for my 'crime'.  You will have to arrest me, and I will not bail out.  You will hold me, and spend more money paying to do so.  If you steal from my bank account, I will close it, if you steal from my paycheck, I will quit my job.  I am done cowering in fear of you people.  It is the revenue thugs that make all modern wars possible.  And I will no longer be silent about your complicity in this commission of continual war crimes.  You can hide behind you god till hell comes, but his commandment is to not kill, to not steal, to love your neighbor, it is not possible to follow Any of his commands when you drop bombs and cause 'collateral damage'.  You finance this crap, you are complicit.  The warmongers could do nothing without your behavior.  douglas feith and the Decider would be nothing more than car salesmen if not for your complicity. 

David Krouse


I just watched that interview a couple hours ago.  To his credit, I think Feith believes what he says: I don't think him a liar.  This fact, however, does not mitigate his depravity.


Quote from: Vitruvian on May 13, 2008, 07:30 PM NHFT
I just watched that interview a couple hours ago.  To his credit, I think Feith believes what he says: I don't think him a liar.  This fact, however, does not mitigate his depravity.
I didn't actually watch it.  I have no doubt he is a true believer.  Which is why the only way to stop these people is to withdraw funds.  The gov't seems incapable of making that decision.  So I did it for them to the extent that an individual can. 

Kat Kanning

Quote from: David on May 13, 2008, 07:28 PM NHFT
I want you goddamn IRS agents and your pussy ass enForcers to know that my conscious is clear.  I do not pay for much of this god forsaken war crime done in my name.  If you motherfuckers come after me, I will not comply, I will not pay your fines, follow your rules, agree to any plea bargain for my 'crime'.  You will have to arrest me, and I will not bail out.  You will hold me, and spend more money paying to do so.  If you steal from my bank account, I will close it, if you steal from my paycheck, I will quit my job.  I am done cowering in fear of you people.  It is the revenue thugs that make all modern wars possible.  And I will no longer be silent about your complicity in this commission of continual war crimes.  You can hide behind you god till hell comes, but his commandment is to not kill, to not steal, to love your neighbor, it is not possible to follow Any of his commands when you drop bombs and cause 'collateral damage'.  You finance this crap, you are complicit.  The warmongers could do nothing without your behavior.  douglas feith and the Decider would be nothing more than car salesmen if not for your complicity. 

David Krouse

Wow, salty language out of David!  :o


Yes David!  ;D  Wow, you're like a sailor tonight.


yeah, its almost as bad as when I went off on margot katzenjammer and her big scoop of chocolate poop reporting. where is that lil wench?
Kat said she was cute but Joe Haas an I think she is a skank and a half.



Quote from: David on May 13, 2008, 07:28 PM NHFT
douglas feith and the Decider would be nothing more than car salesmen if not for your complicity. 

HEY! I have met many fine car salesmen, who worked hard for their money. To lump these 2 violent sociopaths in with car salesmen is an insult to salesmen everywhere.