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Violent dog-loving rant

Started by dalebert, May 18, 2008, 11:30 PM NHFT

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Quote from: raineyrocks on May 21, 2008, 11:04 AM NHFT

But see? That's what I mean, the calico cat plops right down at your feet and "expects" a back rub!  They're so ignorant! 

;D ;D ;D

Oh, she most certainly did get the backrub! When I started petting her, she just kind of stretched out like she was thoroughly enjoying getting exactly what she came to get. ;D


I am allergic to cats, but, sorry, I have to agree with Robert Heinlein. Cats are independent critters. Dogs, as they have been bred to be, are slaves. Nothing terrible endearing about dogs aside from loyalty, but that ain't out of love. :-\

Then, I doubt many have a cat bred from pure awesome as mine was. Slept curled around my head in the winter, flea free and keeping my ears warm, and I discovered that I no longer required an alarm clock. My feline was an atomic clock! Every morning at around 6:30, that fur ball would wake me to the heartwarming sound of a hearty purr, and one very wet, very clean ear for his breakfast. He'd be nearby whenever I came home, alone, or, annoyingly at times, with company. Annoyingly, because the damned champagne colored bastard tom had far more charisma than I could ever hope to possess.

Pity Ratt let himself be flattened by the neighbor's suburban as she backed out of her driveway. No, the cat wasn't stupid, mind. Simply far, far too laid back, and overly confident of his control of his dominion, and at the time, an area fairly rich of feline strays was vacant, and he sired three litters that I know of. At least she paid for the vet bill. *Shrug*

As with poison ivy, I have found, at least it worked for me, that the more you're exposed to it, the more likely you are to develop a resistance. I no loner so much as get a drippy nose around cats. ;D

Don't know 'bout you, but as for me and my house, we shall give sweet succor to the pussy.



Plus, I love cats, my Dad got me a cat on my birthday, no really, the cat was born on my birthday.  He was a doubl pawed giant coon cat, jet black, we called him Midnight.  He died when I was 18 in july weekend.  I cried.  He was my buddy.