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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Zim (VampireZIM) Arrested for Transporting Loaded Firearm

Started by Coconut, May 23, 2008, 11:23 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning


Because I am not well versed in the legal system.  I want the charge dropped so it doesnt cause me trouble when carrying a handgun in the future.  There is also a possible 1 year jail term that I would rather not have to do, etc.

This isnt a puppet show, its not the same as driving without a license.  I could do a year in jail and in the future could be denied my 2nd amendment right all together.  I intend to open carry so that people who have been sold a lie that claims that only criminals and police carry guns, can see that regular people can carry guns.  So maybe next time they hear the lie, they can go back on personal experience rather than accept the states lies and vote for further infringement.

Civil disobedience in this case would be far too negative and wouldn't help anyone, in my opinion.  A lawyer will help me make my case and make my odds of having it dropped much higher.

Sometimes you have to play by their rules so you can continue the fight on your own terms.

Russell Kanning

you have already been denied your second amendment rights .... they pointed a gun at you arrested you and took your gun.
everything is the same .... they threaten you with jail
I guess you will have to follow the path you think is right. I don't recommend it.


I'd sorta myself be on the fence about a lawyer or not.  They likely are going to spend about 2-4 hours doing work.  I can't see them doing any more than that.

I'd probably try to do it myself and basically use the "I just moved here.  Yes I accidental carried a loaded gun in my car, but there is no reason I don't have a pistol/revolver permit other than I haven't had time, there is no reason for the police department to deny me."

I'd also maybe bring up weather you were assaulted by the police officers immediately upon them seeing the firearm or if they had asked if you had a permit first.... if they did a "shoot first ask question's later" you might get some more sympathy and also have a potential for a lawsuit against them. 

Try to get your pistol/revolver permit in the mean time.  It should in theory take a few days.

Kat Kanning

I took down the article rather than deal with the stupid name games.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 30, 2008, 04:57 PM NHFT
I took down the article rather than deal with the stupid name games.

So, telling this story is no longer important because he wanted his name spelled correctly? I don't get it, doesn't he get to choose what people call him? I was really hoping to read the article...


Quote from: FTL_Ian on May 25, 2008, 10:20 AM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on May 25, 2008, 07:34 AM NHFT
ya know what they really hate?

when you say you won't pay the fines .... they hate it when that happens :)

They also don't like it when your friends come to court and refuse to stand for their "judges".

Sorry to hear the Seabrook area is such a police state.  Why get a NHDL?  I've been fine without one.  Former cop Fred Parsells knows my plate is still from FL.  He mentioned it on the radio yesterday.  It's been nearly two years now.  As I pointed out to Fred, I never agreed to obey any man laws.  He didn't really have anything to say to that.  Surely Lt. Maxfield could have ticketed me on the spot, but nope!  Maybe Keene cops really are better.

not so, Ian. You could be next.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Dylboz on May 30, 2008, 09:51 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 30, 2008, 04:57 PM NHFT
I took down the article rather than deal with the stupid name games.

So, telling this story is no longer important because he wanted his name spelled correctly? I don't get it, doesn't he get to choose what people call him? I was really hoping to read the article...
not all the time
all the info is in this thread

Some people ... like zim here ... are really worried about a lot of details and want to control how they are reported on .... so they can tell their story in their own words. If they get too complicated or uppity with us .... especially Kat ... she just withdraws from the situation. It helps when you use your real name on this forum ... or whatever name you want people to identify you as ... but if you change ... then things get annoying.

Our paper has been concentrating on promoting certain ideas and reporting on the nonviolent revolution in NH. I don't get too excited about gun guys interacting with cops and lawyers. When he asked coconut to change the thread title ... I had Ed Brown control flashbacks.

Kat Kanning

Yes, after asking over and over 'what name should I put in' and several emails back and forth, only to be bitched out about what name I put in AFTER the thing went to the printer, ya.  It was too much of a pain in the ass.  Sorry I offered to do a story.


Thanks for the explanation. I didn't know that side of the story. I work for a newspaper, and I know how that can go. I am in marketing and we do non-daily advertorial pieces mostly, the kind of stuff that promotes local businesses and events. We get bitched at long and hard, even after writing up puff pieces that quote the subjects at length and include huge, fantastic pictures of their stores and products, over the most trivial of matters that no one besides the owners would catch. Some people are never happy with the coverage they get.

Still, I hope that ZIM gets off without a felony conviction or any further restriction of his 2nd Amendment rights.



Quote from: kola on May 30, 2008, 10:51 PM NHFT
You could be next.

Talk about stating the obvious.  Thing is, I'm not worried and don't care. 


Kola, while I'm certainly not pleased about Russell's kidnapping, it will work out in our favor as it always does. 

We have already won.  They are still figuring it out.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 30, 2008, 04:57 PM NHFT
I took down the article rather than deal with the stupid name games.

Wow, you couldn't even give him the choice of having his name in their incorrectly or not printing it.  Even though you had already printed it incorrectly, you didn't even give him the option.  You just outright throw a temper tantrum and decide to "punish him" yourself at the expense of the news and truth.  How very mature of you.  I guess you showed him.

Quote from: Russell Kanning on May 31, 2008, 02:09 AM NHFT

Some people ... like zim here ... are really worried about a lot of details and want to control how they are reported on .... so they can tell their story in their own words.

That's not what I saw, what I saw was that some random guy gave you his name incorrectly.  How is that Zim's fault?  He simply wanted to make sure his name would be reported correctly, which is very understandable.  And we are not even talking about a simple misspelling, but a completely different name.  It would be like if a paper who was reporting on you, Russel, called you "Roger Keeting" instead.  I'm sure you would like to have it correct in their reporting if given the option, wouldn't you? 

He didn't know that you had printed the story already, and if he did, I'm sure he would rather have the name in their incorrectly rather than the story dropped altogether.  But again, you didn't even give him the option.   

Quote from: Russell Kanning on May 31, 2008, 02:09 AM NHFT
Our paper has been concentrating on promoting certain ideas and reporting on the nonviolent revolution in NH. I don't get too excited about gun guys interacting with cops and lawyers. When he asked coconut to change the thread title ... I had Ed Brown control flashbacks.

Yeah Russel, you're right about that.  Nothing too news worthy there.  It certainly doesn't compare to the certain "non violent revolution" stunts that have been reported on in the past, such as throwing snowballs at federal buildings.  I'm glad you have such a nose for news, that you can sniff out the important stories from the garbage. 

Besides, guns and gun law infringements aren't important, right?  They are only our last line of defense against total enslavement, protecting all our other rights.

Those stories with gun guys and cops.....just not exciting.  Certainly nothing as exciting as marihuana.  It's much more important being able to get high rather than being able to defend your life, liberty, and property.

Now because of this stunt, I will go one step further than not reading your paper, but actively give this as an example to others as to why they shouldn't waste their time with it either.     

As I pointed out to Fred, I never agreed to obey any man laws.  He didn't really have anything to say to that.  Surely Lt. Maxfield could have ticketed me on the spot, but nope!  Maybe Keene cops really are better.

Then why have the florida plates on at all?  If you're so brave and confident in your convictions that you have to talk down to the man, let's see what would happen if you were to remove your plates altogether.  Or wait until a non Keene cop pulls you over and runs your plates.  You've been lucky up until now, and that's all. 

Quote from: FTL_Ian on June 01, 2008, 12:26 AM NHFT
Quote from: kola on May 30, 2008, 10:51 PM NHFT
You could be next.

Talk about stating the obvious.  Thing is, I'm not worried and don't care. 

Well some of us do care.  You are just living in a fantasy land.  You think you can just ignore the state, play law games with the police, and have everything work in your favor?  It doesn't work like that now, and the state no longer cares to play your games.

Maybe you don't care about being arrested and spending possibly the rest of your life in jail.  That's fine, you take the responsibility of living out that course of action.  But by doing nothing, you are actually doing nothing to stop the problem.  By making legal precedence, winning law suits, or even having some bad laws repealed you can make the state back off and protect that many more people's liberties. 

Don't think it matters anymore since you simply choose to ignore the state?  Ok, try to open carry in NH vs. MA.  Try to smoke weed publicly in Amsterdam vs. any of our states.  Yes, the system you are under does matter, and most people would rather not have to worry about dealing with such BS in the future. 

Would you rather call off the thugs, or worry about tiptoeing around them behind your back, with the risk of serious repercussions? 


Sorry, I don't care to change the system within the system.  That's YOUR fantasy land.

Actually, we've already gambled in public.  I'm pretty sure public marijuana smoking is on the way.  Patience!