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What is your favorite song of the last 5 minutes?

Started by Friday, May 26, 2008, 07:24 PM NHFT

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William Lee


PattyLee loves dogs

I Love the liberty themed music and poetry of Jordan Page. Three of my favorites featured here:

Jordan Page - "Liberty"

LISTEN by Jordan Page

The song "The Reckoning" is myspace profile song on Pattylee76@myspace.com      ;D >:D :_fire__by_zacthetoad: :icon_guitarist: :icon_cheers: :boogie: :blob6: :bdance2: :love4: :blueman: :_WeightOfTheWorld__by_Ugghhzi :protest: :clap: :protest: :love10: :thanks: :blowkiss: :toocool: :bow: :Dragon_Ball_emoticon_by_Wereg :peace: :broc1: :icon_war:  :flower: :weed: :angry4: :grommit: :jailbird: :glasses1: :angel4: :_fire__by_zacthetoad:

Pat K

Pat K


"Way Out Here", some county song about backwoods living, by some singer I've never heard of. It was on the radio tonight. Part of the lyric goes:

We've got a fightin' streak a mile wide, but we pray for peace
     because it's mostly us fightin' overseas.

Tom Sawyer

Gov't Mule - Beautifully Broken Warren Haynes

Gov't Mule - Beautifully Broken - Warren Haynes

Love the chorus...

Live version with and interesting incorporation of "When Doves Cry".


In our beatiful little town of Grafton there has been a very heated (from one side) issue in town about whether or not to turn off some of the taxpayer funded street lights, so I started a thread on graftonforum.com called Lights Out.
The forum is not particularly busy - yet. And I don't recall ever seeing anyone post any music there - until yesterday when this song got posted in that thread: Lights Out - Rick Astley

Good stuff.

Tom Sawyer

Resonates with me...
Childhood's End ?? Pink Floyd

You shout in your sleep.
Perhaps the price is just too steep.
Is your conscience at rest if once put to the test?
You awake with a start to just the beating of your heart.
Just one man beneath the sky,
Just two ears, just two eyes.
You set sail across the sea of longpast thoughts and memories.
Childhood's end,
Your fantasies merge with harsh realities.
And then as the sail is hoist,
You find your eyes are growing moist.
All the fears never voiced say you have to make your final choice.
Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why?
Some are born;
Some men die beneath one infinite sky.
There'll be war, there'll be peace.
But everything one day will cease.
All the iron turned to rust;
All the proud men turned to dust.
And so all things, time will mend.
So this song will end.

Pink Floyd - Childhood's End - album Obscured by Clouds


Mary accidentally discovered "our song" a few nights ago while watching Graham Norton. (We're coming up on our 9th anniversary, it's about time we had a song!)

The song is "Better" by "Boyzone", an Irish boy band that got back together after a decade apart. I like their video, but this is an almost musically identical version by Tom Baxter, and the video uses real couples instead of actors.

Tom Baxter "Better" (Director's Cut)

Pat McCotter

Russell Kanning


Russell Kanning


[new arraingment of] Tull's A Christmas Song
"Once, in Royal David's City, stood a lowly cattle shed
where a mother laid her baby
You'd do well to remember the things He later said.
When you're stuffing yourselves at the Christmas parties,
you'll laugh when I tell you to take a running jump.
You're missing the point I'm sure does not need making:
that Christmas spirit is not what you drink.

So how can you laugh when your own mother's hungry
and how can you smile when your reasons for smiling are wrong?
And if I just messed up your thoughtless pleasures,
remember if you wish, this is just a Christmas song.

Hey, Santa, pass us that bottle, will you?

Ian Anderson: A Christmas Song (2003)