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New Firearm

Started by MengerFan, May 27, 2008, 12:12 PM NHFT

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Pat McCotter


Yeah, I saw that a while back.
They should make that. It's a great idea.


I remember that from robocop 2!

As you can see it's only on screen for about 2 seconds, so I got some screen caps for you.


Holy shit! It looks exactly the same.
Good memory man. 
I wonder if MagPul copies the idea or bought the rights?



QuoteBy the way, counter to what's been stated by some folks on the web (on YouTube, specifically), I believe I remember Rich Fitzpatrick informing me (verbally) at the end of the show that MagPul does indeed intend to put the FMG into production in limited quantities as an SBR (Short Barreled Rifle). We'll try to verify this.

Pat McCotter


QuoteThe FMG9™ is currently a conceptual prototype. No determination of production of the system has been finalized. If the weapon were to be produced it would be regulated by the National Firearms Act of 1934. The semi-automatic version would most likely be classified as a Short-Barreled Rifle (SBR) or Any-Other Weapon (AOW) depending on an evaluation from the ATF Firearms Technology Branch. This would require a registered transfer only to qualified individuals. Fully-automatic versions would be classified as a post '86 Machine-Gun (MG) and would not be available to individuals other than Class 3 dealers, military and law enforcement personnel.


  Ok, Let me tell you that what I am about to say will make the JBTs all hot and bothered.
  It is legal for YOU to MAKE what you are able to own for a firearm.  If your interested, I can send you some BATFE information on just this subject.   This being typed (said), I feel we could make just such a firearm, semi auto, quite easy.
  Wanna see?

Pat K

I'M holding out for these weapons.


Quote from: Pat K on May 27, 2008, 05:51 PM NHFT
I'M holding out for these weapons.

They appear to be very heavy and impractical.

Pat K

Quote from: Puke on May 27, 2008, 07:19 PM NHFT
Quote from: Pat K on May 27, 2008, 05:51 PM NHFT
I'M holding out for these weapons.

They appear to be very heavy and impractical.



Quote from: Pat K on May 27, 2008, 05:51 PM NHFT
I'M holding out for these weapons.

Double Kill! : 2 kills
Multi Kill! : 3 kills
Mega Kill! : 4 kills
Ultra Kill! : 5 kills
Monster Kill! : 6 kills
Ludicrous! : 7 kills
Holy Shit! : 8 kills

Pat K
