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Eating Meat and becoming an aggressive scumbag

Started by Raineyrocks, May 27, 2008, 05:19 PM NHFT

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Here's the link for the entire article if you want to read all of it  http://www.naturalnews.com/023299.html

The connection between meat and emotion
Let us talk about the correlation between meat consumption and human emotions. What you see in meat eaters - -especially beef eaters -- is a lot of internal anger, fear and violence. Just look around. Pick ten people that you know who eat a lot of meat and rate their level of emotional stability, anger, fear, and violence.

Then take ten people who are vegetarians or vegans and do that same exercise. Then compare those two groups of ten. You will find an amazing correlation. All the people who eat plant-based diets -- vegetarians or vegans -- are non-violent. They are not angry. They do not live in fear. They do not support war and violence. They do not treat others inhumanely. They probably love animals and I do not mean love to eat them. I mean love to have them around.

They probably have pets. Maybe horses, or dogs and they treat other living beings with compassion and with ethics. These are the vegans, the vegetarians or the plant-based-diet people like me. Of course, I am not on a 100% plant-based diet, but I eat a mostly plant-based diet.

Now, compare that to meat eaters, which is what I used to be. Meat eaters are violent, and fearful. They support war. They might own many guns and like to use them. They might go hunting just so they can kill an animal and put its trophy on their wall. That is a classic behavior of meat-eating people. They support all kinds of violent acts by society.

For example, they typically support the death sentence. They also think that animals can be treated cruelly without any real consequences. They do not believe in animal rights. They do not believe that animals really have to be taken care of. They just rather believe that humans can destroy, kill, torture and maim whatever they want -- even other humans.

You see, their lack of compassion does not stop with animals. It also extends to other people. That is why people who eat a lot of beef and red meat also support war. They have no problem with the U.S. invading other countries, bombing civilians and killing tens of thousands of people. They have no problem with it at all as long as they can eat their steak and say, "Oh, we are fighting for freedom." That is very characteristic of meat eaters.

Pat K

If you listen hard you can hear Carrots scream
when you crunch on their still living bodies.


I voted first and I voted total bull!  I read the entire article and usually I like what this guy writes but in my opinion this article is baloney, no pun intended!

I was a vegetarian for 15 years and I'm going back to it for several reasons, however, I loved animals, hated war, etc. even when I ate meat.  Now I do wonder about something he says; he writes in the article about if anyone worked in a slaughterhouse they wouldn't be able to eat meat anymore.  Reading about what happens in the slaughterhouses and other things too made me decide to become a vegetarian years ago, right away. So I wonder how someone could see what goes on and still eat meat.  But that's me wondering I'm not casting judgment, it's against my Rainey rule.

Okay, l've been off the forum for a few days so I guess some of you knew I couldn't keep this post that short.  I do think it's awesome that I could change the color of the article to purple, there goes my attention span!
I've known many meat eaters that are the sweetest caring people and many veggies who are stuck up snots so I think it has to do with the person. 

Since I started eating meat again last year I haven't had an urge to kill anyone, vote for war, blah, blah but I'm stopping the meat now because I don't like it anymore, I feel it's just not right for me, and it didn't do my health any favors at all, (long story).

Vote Away!  I hope a lot of you find this to be a neat topic!  I just popped my poll cherry, how cool is that!!!


Quote from: Pat K on May 27, 2008, 05:22 PM NHFT
If you listen hard you can hear Carrots scream
when you crunch on their still living bodies.

Okay, we're going to go there already?  I thought that might have been written about on page 2 or something! Big Smiley!

P.S. I'm hard of hearing so I don't hear them scream, aren't I lucky?


Charles Manson and Hitler are/were vegetarians.


Quote from: Puke on May 27, 2008, 05:43 PM NHFT
Charles Manson and Hitler are/were vegetarians.

Excellent point!  I didn't know Manson was but I knew Hitler was, there may not be a better argument to this guy's article than what you just wrote.


It's just complete conjecture on the authors part.
Show me a real scientific study and then lets talk. 

Kat Kanning

Have you heard Lauren's story about not eating meat vs. eating meat in jail?


Quote from: Puke on May 27, 2008, 05:48 PM NHFT
It's just complete conjecture on the authors part.
Show me a real scientific study and then lets talk. 

Wait a minute, I'm on your side!   I used to think there was something to the "fear" carry over into our karma when people ate meat especially after reading that book by John Robbins, ( I forget the name of it and I think that's the author's name).   I do think animals are treated inhumanely in a lot of places but that's not what this poll is about otherwise my vote would be way different. 

I wish the world could be beautiful and everyone and being could carry out a wonderful happy full life but it's not like that and never has been.

Anyways I just know way too many nice people that eat meat to agree with his article.   When I started eating meat again last year, I tried to remember to give thanks at every meal but then I thought what a bunch of shit that is too.  It's not like the cow said, "oh let me give part of myself to Rainey."  So where was my thanks going?  To the cow, god, I didn't know and it started getting too confusing for me so I just said, "thanks for the food to god."   Does that make any sense at all to anyone?


Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 27, 2008, 05:49 PM NHFT
Have you heard Lauren's story about not eating meat vs. eating meat in jail?

I think so, they wouldn't serve her veggie meals, right?

Kat Kanning


Lloyd Danforth

Total Bullshit!  I eat a lot of meat and I'm not like that. I'm not the least bit fucking aggressive, and, I'll kill the first Mo**er Fucker who says I am!

Kat Kanning

 :o  I guess I better go back to the vegan thing!


when an animal is slaughtered it often releases hormones (adrenaline, etc) because of the "kill". In turn, who ever ingests the meat will absorb some of these fight/flight hormones that were induced and yes this could emit certain aggressive behaviors.

lets not forget commercial beef and steroid use. Is it possible that a human could get roid rage from steroid injected cattle?
