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Eating Meat and becoming an aggressive scumbag

Started by Raineyrocks, May 27, 2008, 05:19 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on May 27, 2008, 06:54 PM NHFT
Total Bullshit!  I eat a lot of meat and I'm not like that. I'm not the least bit fucking aggressive, and, I'll kill the first Mo**er Fucker who says I am!
Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on May 27, 2008, 06:54 PM NHFT
Total Bullshit!  I eat a lot of meat and I'm not like that. I'm not the least bit fucking aggressive, and, I'll kill the first Mo**er Fucker who says I am!

Thanks Lloyd, your post really gets the point across well!  Ha, ha! 


Quote from: kola on May 27, 2008, 07:02 PM NHFT
when an animal is slaughtered it often releases hormones (adrenaline, etc) because of the "kill". In turn, who ever ingests the meat will absorb some of these fight/flight hormones that were induced and yes this could emit certain aggressive behaviors.

lets not forget commercial beef and steroid use. Is it possible that a human could get roid rage from steroid injected cattle?


I bet I can guess what you voted if you did vote! Big Smiley!

Pat K

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on May 27, 2008, 06:54 PM NHFT
Total Bullshit!  I eat a lot of meat and I'm not like that. I'm not the least bit fucking aggressive, and, I'll kill the first Mo**er Fucker who says I am!

Lloyd would be like this even if all he ate was Soy and Sprouts. ;D


Quote from: Pat K on May 27, 2008, 07:07 PM NHFT
Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on May 27, 2008, 06:54 PM NHFT
Total Bullshit!  I eat a lot of meat and I'm not like that. I'm not the least bit fucking aggressive, and, I'll kill the first Mo**er Fucker who says I am!

Lloyd would be like this even if all he ate was Soy and Sprouts. ;D

Yikes!   I always thought Lloyd was so sweet!


Quote from: raineyrocks on May 27, 2008, 05:58 PM NHFT
Quote from: Puke on May 27, 2008, 05:48 PM NHFT
It's just complete conjecture on the authors part.
Show me a real scientific study and then lets talk. 

Wait a minute, I'm on your side! 

My bad, I was referring to the author.

Pat McCotter

But I'm not a "New American," I'm an "Old American." I'll stick with the diet I grew up on.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: raineyrocks on May 27, 2008, 07:09 PM NHFT
Quote from: Pat K on May 27, 2008, 07:07 PM NHFT
Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on May 27, 2008, 06:54 PM NHFT
Total Bullshit!  I eat a lot of meat and I'm not like that. I'm not the least bit fucking aggressive, and, I'll kill the first Mo**er Fucker who says I am!

Lloyd would be like this even if all he ate was Soy and Sprouts. ;D

Yikes!   I always thought Lloyd was so sweet!
Sweet Meat!


Quote from: Puke on May 27, 2008, 07:24 PM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on May 27, 2008, 05:58 PM NHFT
Quote from: Puke on May 27, 2008, 05:48 PM NHFT
It's just complete conjecture on the authors part.
Show me a real scientific study and then lets talk. 

Wait a minute, I'm on your side! 

My bad, I was referring to the author.

Oh, sorry!


Quote from: Scott Roth on May 27, 2008, 08:27 PM NHFT
"Diet For A New America" - John Robbins.  Excellent book.

That's the one! Thanks Scott!  I read that and cried so hard.  Mr. Robbins seems to have a very sweet heart.  Do you remember the part in the book where he went into some kind of "animal processing" plant undercover and then said he couldn't stop crying over the things he saw?

I've been wanting to ask you, Kat, Kola, anyone that I think might know something about cleanses a few questions.  I've googled them of course but I get too many conflicting opinions.   I'd like to do a liver flush but do I need to do a parasite and kidney flush first like Hulda Clarke says?  Also what are the best, least painful cleanses besides the Master Cleanse?   I need to focus on my liver, I had a blood test and it didn't have good results regarding my liver but I don't want to just do a liver flush if there are other things I need to do before that.  Also can I take thyroid meds or tylenol if I'm in pain doing the cleanses?

I'm just wondering if you guys/gals have done any of these particular cleanses and if Hulda Clarke's protocol the best to follow?


I've been on the Dr. Bernstein low carb diabetes diet for 6 years. There was an adjustment period to eating so much meat, but I can't say it's changed my overall personality.

Malnourished people have a tough time being aggressive, which was why historical guards/armies were fed meat. The concept of getting a complete protein didn't exist.


Rainey, Hulda Clarkes protocol is a good one (for parasites and kidney cleanse). I prefer folks to do the Dr Gerson coffee enemas for liver cleanses. Avoid taking any crap like Tylenol, aspirin etc but if you are taking thyroid meds (like synthroid) you CANNOT stop taking it.


K. Darien Freeheart

I'd get awefully damn cranky if you tried to take my meat away!


I tried to go vegitarian a few times, but meat is so good.  Gandi agreed, and he wasn't allowed to eat meat via his religion. 
This is why.  I realize they are not the most reliable people, but a while back I saw a peta video on the warehouse farms unloading their various livestock and poultry, and the crueltry that is sometimes used.  I believed the video to be truthful.  I used to work in a fried chicken restuarant, and would frequently come accross chicken pieces with broken bones, usually wings and legs.  So I know that the throwing of the birds is prolly accurate.  The video showed the poultry being unloaded by pushing, or pulling the birds by grabbing whatever they could first, frequently wings or legs.  I realize the birds are destined for death a short time later, but the crueltry bothered me.  Raising animals for food does not bother me, gratuitous crueltry does.  Call me a softie.   :blush:

J’raxis 270145

The whole dilemma over eating meat will ultimately be solved technologically. Scientists have already figured out how to basically "grow" meat in laboratories, and it probably won't be much longer until it will be refined and perfected to the point that it can be passed off as 100% real meat (taste, texture, nutrition, &c.), and become a cheaper alternative to factory farming. Some people will of course elect to still hunt, or have their own small private farms—and they should, so that they still have the skills to survive if such technologies ever become unavailable due to a collapse—but the vast majority of cruelty to animals and animal killing won't occur anymore.


Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on May 28, 2008, 01:47 PM NHFT
The whole dilemma over eating meat will ultimately be solved technologically.

I have no dilemma.