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Eating Meat and becoming an aggressive scumbag

Started by Raineyrocks, May 27, 2008, 05:19 PM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

Man made meat!  Before ya know it they'll have man made crabmeat!

Pat K

Quote from: Puke on May 28, 2008, 03:39 PM NHFT
Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on May 28, 2008, 01:47 PM NHFT
The whole dilemma over eating meat will ultimately be solved technologically.

I have no dilemma.

Poor Puke, maybe we could all chip in and get him a dilemma.  ;D


Quote from: kola on May 28, 2008, 03:23 AM NHFT
Rainey, Hulda Clarkes protocol is a good one (for parasites and kidney cleanse). I prefer folks to do the Dr Gerson coffee enemas for liver cleanses. Avoid taking any crap like Tylenol, aspirin etc but if you are taking thyroid meds (like synthroid) you CANNOT stop taking it.


Okay, thanks Kola!  So if I guess if I ache from detoxing I should probably plop on the couch and watch movies; so I have to wait until I can get a chance where none of the kids need me. Typically how long do the bad detox symptoms last?

Do the people that do the Gerson's coffee enema get the stones, (bile and stuff), out of their gallbladder and liver like with Hulda Clarkes protocol?  Also sorry for all the questions but I just want to make sure I know what I'm doing,  should I do a parasite cleanse first, then a kidney cleanse, then move onto the liver?  Sorry one more question, with the coffee enema, is that something that you do at home?  Is it gross?

Thanks Kola


Quote from: Pat K on May 28, 2008, 06:25 PM NHFT
Poor Puke, maybe we could all chip in and get him a dilemma.  ;D

Turkey, mustard, and no pickles please.


Quote from: David on May 28, 2008, 09:47 AM NHFT
I tried to go vegitarian a few times, but meat is so good.  Gandi agreed, and he wasn't allowed to eat meat via his religion. 
This is why.  I realize they are not the most reliable people, but a while back I saw a peta video on the warehouse farms unloading their various livestock and poultry, and the crueltry that is sometimes used.  I believed the video to be truthful.  I used to work in a fried chicken restuarant, and would frequently come accross chicken pieces with broken bones, usually wings and legs.  So I know that the throwing of the birds is prolly accurate.  The video showed the poultry being unloaded by pushing, or pulling the birds by grabbing whatever they could first, frequently wings or legs.  I realize the birds are destined for death a short time later, but the crueltry bothered me.  Raising animals for food does not bother me, gratuitous crueltry does.  Call me a softie.   :blush:

My sister worked at a chicken breeder house, she actually owned one on her property in Delmarva and one time when the guys came to take the chickens away after 9 months, she walked in and found the guys beating the chickens with baseball bats, stepping on them, and purposely running some over with their fork lift trucks.   The cruelty bothers me too and also the thought in my head of eating someone else's flesh really gets to me and I was "okay" with keeping those thoughts out of my mind for the past year.  We were eating free range meat but it's still someone else's flesh  so that's  really started bugging me again so I know it's time for me to go back to veggie.


Quote from: raineyrocks on May 28, 2008, 07:02 PM NHFT
Quote from: kola on May 28, 2008, 03:23 AM NHFT
Rainey, Hulda Clarkes protocol is a good one (for parasites and kidney cleanse). I prefer folks to do the Dr Gerson coffee enemas for liver cleanses. Avoid taking any crap like Tylenol, aspirin etc but if you are taking thyroid meds (like synthroid) you CANNOT stop taking it.


Okay, thanks Kola!  So if I guess if I ache from detoxing I should probably plop on the couch and watch movies; so I have to wait until I can get a chance where none of the kids need me. Typically how long do the bad detox symptoms last?

Do the people that do the Gerson's coffee enema get the stones, (bile and stuff), out of their gallbladder and liver like with Hulda Clarkes protocol?  Also sorry for all the questions but I just want to make sure I know what I'm doing,  should I do a parasite cleanse first, then a kidney cleanse, then move onto the liver?  Sorry one more question, with the coffee enema, is that something that you do at home?  Is it gross?

Thanks Kola

yeah Rainey its best to put aside some time to rest when detoxing. Usually the first few days you experience flu-like symptoms.(nausea, weak chills, maybe barf lowgrade fever) Some folks get retracing symptoms where old diseases resurface and cause some minor problems. That is a good thing. I like when people have symptoms and if they don;t it usually means they are cheating and not following the protocol. I would do Huldas parasite cleanse along with the coffee eneams and skip the kidney flush. When I was treated in Mexico at the Gerson clinic we got a copy of his book. In the book it explains the Gerson protocol and how to make the coffee enemas and how to administer it. It is imparative to follow the protocol and I cannot stress this enough. And yes you do it at home on the bathroom floor, turn up the heat, lay down a towel and use a pillow and a blanket if you wish. And no its not gross or radical. I call gross and radical something like injecting mustard gas in your veins(chemo) and overexposure to x-ray(radiation therapy) and butchery (surgery). A little coffee in your butt is nothing compared to that. Its funny how we have been desensitized and were led to believe that posions cure and good nutritional is harmful. It's ass backwards huh? There a bit of a learning curve to doing the coffee enemas but its really no big deal. I advise you buy the Gerson Therapy book from amazon and follow it. Before doing the Gerson my liver enzymes were off the charts as if I was a binged boozer. After 2 months they were back to normal and my BP dropped and so did my cholesterol levels. I had a ton of energy, lost 25 pounds and IMO that it was sparked me into remission. But if you just want to clean up your liver enzymes you can do a modified Gerson and a bit of Huldas workings. Remember in any detox/cleanse you need to do TWO things. Get the shit out and stop putting shit in. Not only must you bowel cleanse but you must stop eating the junk. If you do not do both you are wasting time, energy and money. I advise folks to become fully educated first and then do the detox/flush. The worst scanario is when people jump into an valid and sound alternative program on a whim which no understanding of it and without guidance and get themselves in trouble. The first thing they do is run off to the MD's and then that becomes a blackeye for alternative heathcare..just what the MD's want. (bad press). I counsel people and will even visit their homes to help them out. Occasionally I do seminars as well and it is always good fun. And yes, I take my coffee enemas black no cream or sugar! ( a lil joke).

btw I have done many cleanses myself and helped several other folks. I have never seen a gallstone flushed out. I have seen parasites(worms) and yes some very large(6-8 inches) ones. Liver flukes are quite common and often disrupt liver functions. Everyone has parasites to one degree to another. Why it is never talked about or addreesed by mainstream medicine tries me insane. Its appears to be taboo in this country yet we accept that our horses and dogs and cats be treated for them.

If you need help, let me know..but do not do anything without fully understanding the details.



Quote from: kola on May 28, 2008, 07:29 PM NHFT
Quote from: raineyrocks on May 28, 2008, 07:02 PM NHFT
Quote from: kola on May 28, 2008, 03:23 AM NHFT
Rainey, Hulda Clarkes protocol is a good one (for parasites and kidney cleanse). I prefer folks to do the Dr Gerson coffee enemas for liver cleanses. Avoid taking any crap like Tylenol, aspirin etc but if you are taking thyroid meds (like synthroid) you CANNOT stop taking it.


Okay, thanks Kola!  So if I guess if I ache from detoxing I should probably plop on the couch and watch movies; so I have to wait until I can get a chance where none of the kids need me. Typically how long do the bad detox symptoms last?

Do the people that do the Gerson's coffee enema get the stones, (bile and stuff), out of their gallbladder and liver like with Hulda Clarkes protocol?  Also sorry for all the questions but I just want to make sure I know what I'm doing,  should I do a parasite cleanse first, then a kidney cleanse, then move onto the liver?  Sorry one more question, with the coffee enema, is that something that you do at home?  Is it gross?

Thanks Kola

yeah Rainey its best to put aside some time to rest when detoxing. Usually the first few days you experience flu-like symptoms.(nausea, weak chills, maybe barf lowgrade fever) Some folks get retracing symptoms where old diseases resurface and cause some minor problems. That is a good thing. I like when people have symptoms and if they don;t it usually means they are cheating and not following the protocol. I would do Huldas parasite cleanse along with the coffee eneams and skip the kidney flush. When I was treated in Mexico at the Gerson clinic we got a copy of his book. In the book it explains the Gerson protocol and how to make the coffee enemas and how to administer it. It is imparative to follow the protocol and I cannot stress this enough. And yes you do it at home on the bathroom floor, turn up the heat, lay down a towel and use a pillow and a blanket if you wish. And no its not gross or radical. I call gross and radical something like injecting mustard gas in your veins(chemo) and overexposure to x-ray(radiation therapy) and butchery (surgery). A little coffee in your butt is nothing compared to that. Its funny how we have been desensitized and were led to believe that posions cure and good nutritional is harmful. It's ass backwards huh? There a bit of a learning curve to doing the coffee enemas but its really no big deal. I advise you buy the Gerson Therapy book from amazon and follow it. Before doing the Gerson my liver enzymes were off the charts as if I was a binged boozer. After 2 months they were back to normal and my BP dropped and so did my cholesterol levels. I had a ton of energy, lost 25 pounds and IMO that it was sparked me into remission. But if you just want to clean up your liver enzymes you can do a modified Gerson and a bit of Huldas workings. Remember in any detox/cleanse you need to do TWO things. Get the shit out and stop putting shit in. Not only must you bowel cleanse but you must stop eating the junk. If you do not do both you are wasting time, energy and money. I advise folks to become fully educated first and then do the detox/flush. The worst scanario is when people jump into an valid and sound alternative program on a whim which no understanding of it and without guidance and get themselves in trouble. The first thing they do is run off to the MD's and then that becomes a blackeye for alternative heathcare..just what the MD's want. (bad press). I counsel people and will even visit their homes to help them out. Occasionally I do seminars as well and it is always good fun. And yes, I take my coffee enemas black no cream or sugar! ( a lil joke).

btw I have done many cleanses myself and helped several other folks. I have never seen a gallstone flushed out. I have seen parasites(worms) and yes some very large(6-8 inches) ones. Liver flukes are quite common and often disrupt liver functions. Everyone has parasites to one degree to another. Why it is never talked about or addreesed by mainstream medicine tries me insane. Its appears to be taboo in this country yet we accept that our horses and dogs and cats be treated for them.

If you need help, let me know..but do not do anything without fully understanding the details.


Thanks Kola!  Ha,ha to your joke,it was cute!

Here's a site where they show all kinds of stones that have come from doing gallbladder/liver flushes.  http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=pictures+of+stones+from+a+liver+flush&um=1&ie=UTF-8

I definitely won't do anything until I understand it, thanks!   You have an excellent point about animals being treated for parasites and stuff but a lot of humans don't think it pertains to them.