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3rd Annual Jaffrey Live Free or Die Celebration & Forum

Started by Friday, May 28, 2008, 03:55 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

Kat Kanning

From Coutu:

QuoteI'm renting a pig roaster on tow trailer to put in Sawyer's Field for Saturday,Aug.23, 7PM thru Sunday L.F.O.D. Rally evening events. Anyone interested in buying & roasting the pig to sell for $5.00 a plate, please contact me. Thank You, Jean Coutu, caacp01 at aol dot com


I have just sent this message to Mr. Coteau:


I have enjoyed your event in the past but I will not attend this year and encourage others to also not attend if the band Pokerface is allowed to play/attend.  They are clearly racists, and I don't want to be associated with them.  I look forward to hearing from you that they have been booted.  (Please see the attached file for evidence of my claim - it's an email from their lead singer to the Free State Project.)

Ian Bernard
Host, "Free Talk Live"

The lead singer in the band Pokerface has been outed as a racist (also anti-immigrant), and boy is he despicable.  See the attached email from him for proof.


Mike Barskey

Quote from: FTL_Ian on July 31, 2008, 10:07 AM NHFT
Good news:  Pokerface has been canceled!   8)
And only 18 minutes after your first post! :)


Holy !@#$   :o

karma to Rich G.

edit after reading the whole email:  :o   :o   :o

I feel dirty for ever having listened to that band.  Good riddance.   >:(

Kat Kanning

Well, hopefully they screen the political views of everyone who attends the celebration, too, before they let them in.  People could fill out a questionaire to determine their political correctness to see if they can go to the party.  ::)


Quote from: Kat Kanning on August 01, 2008, 08:39 PM NHFT
Well, hopefully they screen the political views of everyone who attends the celebration, too, before they let them in.  People could fill out a questionaire to determine their political correctness to see if they can go to the party.  ::)

This wasn't about PC, it was about ostracizing a band of men (Pokerface) who hate others based on the "group" they perceive them to be a part of.  Don't you think the right thing was done here?

Russell Kanning

I can think of worse people that have been invited to parties that I have also been invited to.
Pokerface has never voted to spend billions of $s to bomb brown people.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on August 01, 2008, 09:01 PM NHFT
I can think of worse people that have been invited to parties that I have also been invited to.
Pokerface has never voted to spend billions of $s to bomb brown people.

How do you know?  The lead singer's writing clearly supports state crackdowns on brown people crossing the "border".  Close enough.

Kat Kanning


True, but Ron Paul is just a pandering politician.  Based on his 1988 campaign statements, he probably really doesn't feel that way.

The Pokerface guy is a White nationalist/separatist, from what I gather.  Here's what dalebert found him saying on their forum:

QuoteWe will largely eliminate both crime and racial conflict by making America a largely white country again. In particular, we propose to offer blacks a substantial payment -- say, $100,000 -- to renounce their citizenship and go elsewhere, and to require sterilization in exchange for welfare if they remain. (Note: Blacks are only 13 percent of the population, but commit 50 percent of the crime.) As for illegal immigrants -- particularly Hispanics -- we propose to round them up like Ike did in the 50's when he got rid of thousands, or else to pressure employers not to hire them by making it risky and costly to do so.

This Pokerface guy is sick.  Good for Coteau for kicking their sociopathic asses out of his event.

Russell Kanning

I have heard their music ... I didn't mind it. But then politicians, also can sound fine, until you watch their actions.

Russell Kanning

that post is really nasty ... I guess I will be avoiding scheduling them for future events .... oh yeah ... I never considered it in the first place.

If anyone goes to the event. Try to catch Josh Noone and his partners (The Federal Crime) playing music. They are really good and have a decent message and are really nice guys in person.