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To the Cops

Started by Vitruvian, May 31, 2008, 08:40 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

this was what I was thinking of:

James 4:17
Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.

There is always the right step to take. Maybe it is time for these cops to take that next one.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on June 03, 2008, 07:22 AM NHFT
Quote from: Jacobus on June 03, 2008, 07:01 AM NHFT
Blinking rights don't threaten, harm, or imprison anyone.

Interesting slip...now we have rights, now they blink off...

Well now that you've pointed it out, I can't very well go back and fix it can I?  :)


Quote from: Kat Kanning on June 03, 2008, 04:02 AM NHFT
I wonder how it feels going to work every day and knowing that people don't pay for your services willingly - that your wages have to be taken by threat, at the point of a gun.  And guess what, you get to carry that gun, too!

Well you know, I don't think most (if any) cops think of it that way. Even the ones that are members of this message board. They think of themselves as "serving the folk" or "the public" and thats about as far as it goes.


   My brother is a cop and he is "capeable" of killing every cop he woks with, with his bare hands and take out the rest of the state at will.  He is a good  man and he told me point blank that he'd never have any cop he works with in his home, he doesn't trust them.
   I think there are good cops out there, infiltrating a bad system.  If it wasn't for these cops, we'd not be having ever weakening drug laws for minor offences, we'd be in a total police state by now.  We need to encourage these police that are trying to see both sides in a moral issue to do just enough to get themselves in real positions of power to help change the system from the inside.  We need them in positions to say "No Sir, I can't carry out that order and that is the last order you'll ever give like that or you'll be arrested for treason and tried and sentanced".
   Trust me, there are police out there like that, they are ready to take care of business at a munites notice.
   For once I wish drugs were not the main platform of the Libraterian party.  It makes us all look like Spikoly from Fast times at Ridgmont High.  I'm being a bit of a joker about that but druge always floats up to the top of the issues.  (Spikoy laugh Ahahaha ahahahahahaaaaa) :D ::)
   Ya, I know, it is about all of the unconstitutional laws, not just about pot. :P ::)


It's an interesting utilitarian arument that by only bad cops being around, they'd abuse people more readily and the system would change faster. I could see this being construed as an involuntary martyrdom of those who get abused, make the headlines, and get things changed while we could have 'better' cops who would not be as abusive, though still abusive while enforcing bad laws. Purer tyranny has proven easier to topple than friendlier one, but I'm not quite sure I wanna jump right into pure tyranny to motivate people to get things where they should be. But that's not to say this option has been ruled out.


Grasshopper, a few years ago, after I was just over the fence on the drug issue, I read an essay that argued that the Lib party should de-emphasize the drug issue.  At the time I thought it was a half way decent idea. 

I now totally disaggree.  The reason is that drug prohibition is the single biggest excuse to infringe on any and every right.  "Terrism" has recently exlipsed it, but that is relativity recent.  The virtual police state, the massive prison system, asset forfeiture, those all had their birth due to the prohibition efforts, or at least the greatest growth. 


If police had the reputation of kicking in doors and terrifying everyone, only sadists would sign up to be police, not normal people.  There are far fewer blatant sadists than normal people so there would be less police, hence less tyranny, not more.  I'm encouraging good people to follow their conscience, not become robots for evil machines like the military, police and politics.


Quote from: TackleTheWorld on June 03, 2008, 07:05 PM NHFT
If police had the reputation of kicking in doors and terrifying everyone, only sadists would sign up to be police, not normal people.  There are far fewer blatant sadists than normal people so there would be less police, hence less tyranny, not more.  I'm encouraging good people to follow their conscience, not become robots for evil machines like the military, police and politics.

Very, VERY well put.


Quote from: Porcupine on June 03, 2008, 07:16 PM NHFT
Quote from: TackleTheWorld on June 03, 2008, 07:05 PM NHFT
If police had the reputation of kicking in doors and terrifying everyone, only sadists would sign up to be police, not normal people.  There are far fewer blatant sadists than normal people so there would be less police, hence less tyranny, not more.  I'm encouraging good people to follow their conscience, not become robots for evil machines like the military, police and politics.

Very, VERY well put.

I agree, and +1! :clap:


Kat Kanning

Quote from: TackleTheWorld on June 03, 2008, 07:05 PM NHFT
If police had the reputation of kicking in doors and terrifying everyone...

If?  They don't?


Quote from: Kat Kanning on June 04, 2008, 06:44 AM NHFT
Quote from: TackleTheWorld on June 03, 2008, 07:05 PM NHFT
If police had the reputation of kicking in doors and terrifying everyone...

If?  They don't?
I don't think they do, at least in a majority of the country.  A large minority believes they do.  I think the majority that believes they are bright eyed and bushy tailed, blame themselves when they are targeted for speeding, and other forms of revenue gathering under the guise of 'safety'.  This would explain the almost subserviant behavior people have afterwords. 

Russell Kanning

when most people see blue flashing lights behind them .... do they say ... oh yea ... the good guys are here to save the day?


Quote from: David on June 04, 2008, 07:03 AM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on June 04, 2008, 06:44 AM NHFT
Quote from: TackleTheWorld on June 03, 2008, 07:05 PM NHFT
If police had the reputation of kicking in doors and terrifying everyone...

If?  They don't?
I don't think they do, at least in a majority of the country.  A large minority believes they do.  I think the majority that believes they are bright eyed and bushy tailed, blame themselves when they are targeted for speeding, and other forms of revenue gathering under the guise of 'safety'.  This would explain the almost subserviant behavior people have afterwords. 

I can tell by this post that you aren't a young black guy in inner L.A.  ;D


Quote from: David on June 04, 2008, 07:03 AM NHFTThis would explain the almost subserviant behavior people have afterwords. 

For anyone with any enlightenment, that's not true. The subservient behavior you refer to comes from the fact that when the LEOs arrive, the slaves are always put in the worst possible position, facing overwhelming odds and firepower, and thus forced into that behavior by their own self-preservation instincts.

I recently visited my birthplace (and where I grew up) in another part of the country. Because I know who people are and because it is a small town, an epiphany occurred. Every single LEO on the local PD came from the ranks of those who, in jr/sr high school, were bullies and thugs. Every single one! The current Chief there was a "friend" of mine (out of self-preservation) growing up and he came to visit while I was "back home". That's how I learned who comprised the entire force... These were the kids that mugged others for their lunch money, pushed the "nerds" into lockers (and locked them there for the entire day because even the teachers and administrators were scared of them), treated everyone else like their underlings, etc. I have in-laws who are LEOs and Feds... I have told them straight out that I will NEVER trust them and they are not to come to my home. I told each of them that the "just enforcing policy" and "just following orders" are BS excuses. Those same excuses weren't allowed at Nuremberg and at some point they won't be tolerated in any truly free place... so don't even pull that with me.

On a related note... (Even though I don't believe in paying the "state" for the right to travel, I do have my vehicles registered and follow those "rules") But... I am sick and tired of off-duty cops driving around without their front registration plate (illegally), but with those black plates with the metallic blue line across the middle, driving to endanger and getting away with it because other Cops see that blue-line plate and just ignore the infractions. I was heading home a few weeks ago with my infant son in the car and was literally forced off the road (fortunately there was a dirt/gravel area and I was able to stop before going down the bank) by one of these jerks because I was doing the speed limit and that wasn't fast enough for him to get to Dunkin's. This was in the People's Republic of MA to the South... I got his plate number and called the MA State Gest... Police. They blew me off! (Enraging, but not suprising) They (literally) laughed and the person I was talking with basically asked me if I really wanted to pursue it knowing that the other driver was an off-duty LEO. I just hung up... (fortunately I called from a pay phone... try finding one of THOSE these days!) As soon as I can, the economy willing, I will quit my employment in that awful State and, if needed for travel, drive west through VT & down through NY in order to avoid that bastion of totalitarianism!
