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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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To the Cops

Started by Vitruvian, May 31, 2008, 08:40 PM NHFT

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   I fled Mass in 93, thank God!
   You are rute about the biggest scumb bags being cops, that is why My Brother hates them himself.
   He did tell me stuff that was wrong about the law.  He was told to slam people the the ground weather legal or not if they were carrying a firearm, with or without a permit.  Yup, he was told to arrest them and have the judge deal with it.  I sowed him the law, he told me for self presivation, this is what cops are told to do.
   I had a frien of mine almost killed by these same Hampstead police officers, Plaistow police, Danville police and a few others. 
  He was driving along, speeding, and a cop pulled out to follow him, fair enough.  He parked in my friends house and walked in.  The cops about 6 cars and full of pork, surrounded the house, did doughnuts on the lawn to piss mt buddy off, smashed windows, made boobie traps with the dog chain out frount, and spraied mace all over the windows, the broken ones and doors.  This guy has 2 small children, ther were cowering in the hallway by the bedrooms.  They were both crying.  Somebody called the Derry Police and Derry called the Hampstead Police chief and he got the saamunches out of there, filed NO REPORT and covered it up.
   In came Ed, ME!  I was told this the next day.  I was furious, I went to his house and taught him how to use my AK 47, I taught this on the front lawn, the cops drove by a few times, it was really fun.   I wrote the state, I told them what happened, the AG, called the Hampstead police, no reports, no reports from any of the participating police stations.  All the police had to make reports, but the State AG gave these guys my name............  it was a tip line, supposed to be protected.  The assholes did this.  My Brother was called in by the Police CHief and yelled at because of Me and had his houres cut.   What assholes.  I tried to follow up on it but they didn't go ferther because it was NOT a legal document.  I had misspelled words and my name was NOT in capital letters.  I dropped it but this incident helped my buddy get off scott free!!!!!!!


Grasshopper long time no talk. Interesting topic. On a personal note I'm very close to quite a few officers from around the area. I have the local chief and some others come by and shoot at my house occasionally. Cops for the most part are decent people the problem is the MP types that get to become officers and act like they are still in Iraq. I cant tell you how many friends I have that are on the job that would turn in their badge as opposed to following orders, ie gun confiscations etc. Same with most of my friends in the military. Some of my best buds are serving right now. The officer from Keene who is on here seems like a decent guy. From my prospective it seems as though a lot of people in here are jumping down his throat just becuase he chose to work in a profession that a lot of you would prefer not to exist to the extent that it does. We have 4 cops here in town which in my opinion is 2 too many, but they are all small town oriented and treat people with respect for the most part. Even where I grew up in NYC where they deal with the scum of the earth everyday they were mostly decent. Guess some people just have different experiences than others.


now theres a fricken fed.,,fricken Romac. ACK!

i believe your comments grasshopper. good inside knowledge.

name in capital letters? interesting too. 2 different things.. you and a gov entity.


Ahh Romak, my friend!  Got that Romak yet? >:D
   Hey, My brother is like your friends, he really wants to help people.
   I wouldn't want to be a police officer, i couldn't handle it.  Going to help drunk ladys from getting beat up, people hating you for trying to be helpfull.  I couldn't imagine being that police officer a few years back cleaning up the mess after a tractor trailer truck killed 3 people, including a 3yo.  I can't imagine going to help at a traffic area and getting hit by a person that doesn't like cops or is an old person that is out of his mind, that happened to a Hampstead cop last summer.  How about saving lives in accidents, keeping your property safe in your neighborhood when you are not home or on vacation, protecting your children to and from school, working with the community to keep kids on the strait and narrow.  Keeping crimminas that want to take all your stuff away from you, responding to a home invasion with children home.  I can go on and on.   
   Being for anarchy is good if the world is perfect but some government is a necessary evil.
   Look, if the police want to stop crime, they soud start with lobbyest and polititions.
   Oh did I mention the my friend likes to screw with the police?  If I were the police involved in the before mentioned post, I'd have beat the crap out of him  85MPH through town!  What an ass. He would have killed somebody if the police didn't do what they did.  He got the point.


Missed ya Kola. Grasshopper seems as though Im a Fed. As for your question no that dipchit still hasnt finished those two rifles yet. Ironic thing is he is a cop doing this work on the side. Starting to think he liked my Romaks a bit too much.


I was explaining to my friends one time about CCW laws in NH and explained I had a license to carry. One of my friends asked his friend, a cop our age about it and he said it was illegal for me to carry a firearm concealed, and my license must be invalid. When my friend Paul relayed this to me, I asked to meet this cop who clearly had no understanding of NH law. We went to his house, and it ended up being an aquaintance of mine from high school. He asked if I wa carrying and I said he had no reason to believe I was and couldn't search me anyways. I schooled him in the law and had to show him the RSAs online before he believed me. Then he explained he was under the impression carry of all sorts was illegal in NH except open carry with a license. Then he said the academy wasn't incredibly clear and they had learned so much he couldn't keep up with all of it. I delved into a harangue about how police may do a better job properly enforcing proper laws if the academy spent less time treating them like soldiers in boot camp. So it doesn't surprise me that it was mentioned above that an officer was taught to arrest anybody carrying and let the judge sort it out, but I'd encourage lawsuits to quickly put police of that sort in their place to respect the law.

Not that man's law should be respected over natural law, but every once in a while, such as with the right to carry in NH, the two laws aren't mutually exclusive.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: FreelanceFreedomFighter on June 05, 2008, 10:40 AM NHFT
Quote from: David on June 04, 2008, 07:03 AM NHFTThis would explain the almost subserviant behavior people have afterwords. 
For anyone with any enlightenment, that's not true. The subservient behavior you refer to comes from the fact that when the LEOs arrive, the slaves are always put in the worst possible position, facing overwhelming odds and firepower, and thus forced into that behavior by their own self-preservation instincts.
I agree

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Giggan on June 05, 2008, 01:15 PM NHFTSo it doesn't surprise me that it was mentioned above that an officer was taught to arrest anybody carrying and let the judge sort it out, but I'd encourage lawsuits to quickly put police of that sort in their place to respect the law.
guilty until they decide you are temporarily not


   Hey, Romak, gfet it back and we can do it.  Give me a chance to do a cammo job. Might as well screw yours up thaty mine.  I still have the black and white bake paint also.
   Hey, dont JBTs carry black ar rifles?  What you doin wit a ruskie gun?


Ive got enough Black rifles, ruskie guns shoot better in any weather. Im still trying to remember with JBT means? Jack booted thug?


  Hey I have to order from DPMS soon, a receiver parts kit and a hammer forged 22" or a 24" barrel for my KT Ar 15 80% non receiver.  Bring your gun down to Harolds and I can finish my receiver while you are doing your rifle.  Have a cook out, have a hard cyder or 2, some bunny food ect.ect....maybe we can get a few feds to help out   ;D  This is open to everyone, Jr's Gunsmithing is a cool place, law biding, God fearing.


Ahh thats right, that was given to them after Waco, eh? I see Kola has already knocked me down a couple pegs. Oh well. Gotta get back to Harolds soon, talk about alcohol, tobacco, and firearms all in one room. Fun fun fun. I was breathing black smoke for a week.


are there 2 "grasshopper" usernames here?


No we just happen to be friends. Think he works for DEA or possibly ESP. Last I heard he was hunting aliens in and around area51. Heard some got loose. Not sure if they are tall greys or short greys.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Russell Kanning on June 03, 2008, 07:25 AM NHFT
There is always the right step to take. Maybe it is time for these cops to take that next one.

This is why I and a lot of other people think it's such a bad idea to attack and alienate the police who seem to be amenable to our movement here. They've taken the first steps in the right direction, and if we're actually able to keep them on our side, friendly, and engaging in dialog with us, they'll probably eventually take the next step, and the next, and so on. But if we make an enemy out of them (which is far easier than keeping them friends or at least friendly), we've lost any chance to get them over to our side, period.

And if they are only involved with freestaters to gather intel, so what? As long as we check ourselves around them and don't give them anything useful, and don't commit crimes in front of them, let them watch. Hell, if one of us actually have reasonable suspicion someone is a mole, let's feed them misinformation. The worst thing to do with a suspected mole is to call them out before we have anything conclusive, which only makes them put up their guard, making it that much harder to ever get something conclusive on them.