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when do you think the Govt will kill people and blame it on Iran?

Started by grasshopper, June 16, 2008, 07:04 AM NHFT

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Blue helmets on American soil?????????? You've got to be kidding me, gun owners have been praying for that exact scenario for quite sometime now. That would be most likely the best thing to happen to this country for quite sometime. Talk about the perfect recipe for returning a constitutional govt to power. Dont think the powers that be are that dumb Keith.


thats a very good point Keith.

and you are right, the sheeple will beg for it.

i believe that nazi bastard Kissinger made a quote similar to that.


Pat K

"Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government."

Henry Kissinger



Ive heard that quote more times than I care to remember. He has also recently said that their plans are behind schedule and America isnt ready for that yet. There is still too much resistance. I see Kola is hitting my Karma every hour again. Guess some things never change.


  fuck the karma, what is important is that we as a people discuss this.
   "Shoot for the officers", is what my Dad said, then, arrest the leaders of the movement, that is, the people that made the problem.  Try them publicly and then hang them "by law".
Thomas Jefferson said it best and he was rite on the money with the "times" it would happen.  He knew the AngloGermanic brotherhood would take this country back.  If we have to take this country back by force, there will be millions dead.  No, violence is not the way.


Violence is never the preferred way my man but if there are Blue Helmets on American soil you better believe there will be violence.

keith in RI

Quote from: Romak on June 16, 2008, 06:49 PM NHFT
Blue helmets on American soil?????????? You've got to be kidding me, gun owners have been praying for that exact scenario for quite sometime now. That would be most likely the best thing to happen to this country for quite sometime. Talk about the perfect recipe for returning a constitutional govt to power. Dont think the powers that be are that dumb Keith.

yeah i think blue hats here.... and with them being "peacekeepers"  it will look like the people are attacking those sent to help. the majority of the people here will demand they be here with the pipe dream of the UN restoring our lifestyle back to what it was/is now, which we all know will never happen, and as for all the "gun owners" people keep referring to....... i think the few that dont get ratted out by friends and neighbors for bits of food or pats on the back will be hunted down by the military as insurgents. and i hope no one is placing hope in any militias, they are mostly a joke and heavily infiltrated not to mention not very well organized. i mean is there any group in the continental united states that has the organization of say hamas or the IRA?? thats what it would take to have a violent revolution that would stand  any chance.... and please im not making any claims of knowledge of the aformentioned groups just that their organization, in my opinion, is what has given them there longevity, organization that no group/militia in this country even comes close to so how could we possibly stand a chance??

  and before anyone asks YES i think friends and neighbors will rat out each other in a minute. when you have people in our position, with the lifestyles we are used to, and they get knocked to the lowest of the low with no jobs, no money, no food, no hope, maybe even having to stand in bread lines to feed their families i think they will do anything for the promise of getting their lifestyles back...... i think our futures are very very bleak........
i predict that the first shots in the second american revolution will be fired,not at the GOVERNMENT but between NEIGHBORS trying to prevent each other from stealing supplies..... and then "they" will use that to their advantage......


If we impeach the bastards, they won't be able to do anything evil. Sure beats martial law.


Keith I don't know what type of people you know but you obviously dint know the same type of people I do. I was talking to an ex Ranger the other day who is a good friend of mine and he basically said him and ten of his friends could bring this country to its knees. And we're talking about a guy who is completely on our side in terms of protecting the Constitution. There are thousands like him across the country not to mention countless others who are presently in the military. Thats why they would bring in the UN. And thats why they don't stand a chance. You may need to get out more and meet some different people. Something tells me you are going by the actions of certain people in this forum who's idea of protecting the constitution is protesting at a court hearing playing a flute. This forum is a good place to get information about local happenings etc but if you think for one moment the majority in here would fight to preserve our freedoms you are sadly mistaken. You all bash the FBI, Marshalls, Military, etc on a daily basis without realizing that there are countless men and women in these agencies who are just as Patriotic as the best of any of you. And they would stand with many of the people I know without hesitation.

John Edward Mercier

Prediction. Bush will not get impeached/removed. We will not see martial law. The US will get a new president. The Iraqi policing action will continue.

Israel doesn't need the US to protect it from Iran... Saudi Arabia and Kuwait do.


  Buy food, guns and ammo, learn to use them and pray that you dont have to.
  As far as peace guys?  We need them as much as we need fighters.  We all compliment each other and make the others think.  We are all Americans and more important, fellow humans.  Now if all of us in this world acted like humans and not silver back apes!


Some one will tell us that there is acid in the rain and the weather is changing, and its all because of fossil fuels exported by Iran...Lets blow these Persian Bastards to dust and use there rotting bodies for organic farming...The world will be saved at last!


Quote from: Romak on June 18, 2008, 08:17 AM NHFT
You all bash the FBI, Marshalls, Military, etc on a daily basis without realizing that there are countless men and women in these agencies who are just as Patriotic as the best of any of you. And they would stand with many of the people I know without hesitation.

Dissent is patriotic. If they were really patriots or even had a conscience, they would have already quit their jobs. Will they fight to protect their property and families? Sure. Big deal. Will they fight for my rights or the Constitution? I doubt it.

Kat Kanning

Leiberman is saying it will be just after the inauguration:


Lieberman Latest To Pitch For New Terror Attack
Senator says new president will be welcomed by "test"

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, June 30, 2008    

Senator Joe Lieberman has echoed a national talking point by promising that the new president will be welcomed by a terror attack in 2009, continuing a disturbing trend of talking heads anxiously relishing a catastrophic pretext to reinvigorate the Neo-Con agenda.

"Our enemies will test the new president early," Lieberman, I-Conn., told Face The Nation host Bob Schieffer. "Remember that the truck bombing of the World Trade Center happened in the first year of the Clinton administration. 9/11 happened in the first year of the Bush administration."

Lieberman's comments follow last month's Washington Times report concerning a warning from national intelligence spooks that, "Islamic terrorists will attempt to exploit the transition in power by planning an attack on America."

Let us swiftly dismantle the naive pretense that a terror attack is a negative thing for a new president - both Clinton and Bush exploited terror in America to realize preconceived domestic and geopolitical agendas.

The 1993 World Trade Center bombing was an inside job from start to finish - it did not come as a "surprise" to the U.S. government since they ran the entire operation, having cooked the bomb for the "Islamic terrorists" that they had groomed for the attack.

In 1993 the FBI planted their informant, Emad A. Salem, within a radical Arab group in New York led by Ramzi Yousef. Salem was ordered to encourage the group to carry out a bombing targeting the World Trade Center's twin towers. Under the illusion that the project was a sting operation, Salem asked the FBI for harmless dummy explosives which he would use to assemble the bomb and then pass on to the group. At this point the FBI cut Salem out of the loop and provided the group with real explosives, leading to the attack on February 26 that killed six and injured over a thousand people. The FBI's failure to prevent the bombing was reported on by the New York Times in October 1993.

The attack, coupled with the Oklahoma City bombing less than two years later, enabled Bill Clinton to whip up support for the passage of a plethora of unconstitutional legislation, including the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, the Brady Bill, the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act, and a $100 million dollar grant to Israel for "counter-terrorism" purposes.

By the time Clinton left office, the Patriot movement - which before the OKC bombing had grown in leaps and bounds, spurred on by the atrocities committed by the federal government at Waco - was effectively dead.

Few need reminding of George W. Bush's agenda before he took office. The ideological framework that would shape his presidency - encapsulated by the goals of the Neo-Con Project For a New American Century - required a "new Pearl Harbor" to get things started, which is exactly what they received on September 11, 2001.

Furthermore, the attacks enabled Bush to pursue an invasion of Iraq that he had dreamed of achieving as early as 1999, according to the ghostwriter of Bush's autobiography Mickey Herskowitz.

"One of the keys to being seen as a great leader is to be seen as a commander-in-chief. My father had all this political capital built up when he drove the Iraqis out of Kuwait and he wasted it. If I have a chance to invade---if I had that much capital, I'm not going to waste it. I'm going to get everything passed that I want to get passed and I'm going to have a successful presidency," Bush told Herskowitz.

That "chance to invade" arrived on the morning of 9/11, within hours of which Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, "Was telling his aides to come up with plans for striking Iraq — even though there was no evidence linking Saddam Hussein to the attacks."

The pattern is clear - each time a new President takes office they have a mandate to act as a torch bearer for the same agenda - domestic repression and foreign invasion. A terror attack provides the perfect pretext to realize those goals.

Whether it be Barack Obama or John McCain, we can expect a new crisis to conveniently arrive shortly after they take office, enabling them to pursue the same tyrannical blueprint followed by their predecessors.