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when do you think the Govt will kill people and blame it on Iran?

Started by grasshopper, June 16, 2008, 07:04 AM NHFT

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  So, when do you think a "false flag" event will happen this year?  Will it be our nukes?  Oh ya, the "missing warheads" that were flying around last year in b52s... Where do you think it will happen?
  1.  In the Cont. Us? (doubtfull)
  2.  Porto Rico?  (nazis love to fry brown people)
  3.  Phillipines? (nazis love to fry little brown people)
  4.  Gwam?  (nazis love to fry little brown/yellow people)
  5.  One of our African Embasies?  (nazis love to fry black people.)
  6.  Isriale?  (nazis have a really bad track record of burning Jewish people.)
   As far as I'm concerned, the attack will be on American soil or a protectorate, I guess Porto Rico, the Euro-nazis have always wanted to get it away from the US and what a better way to get Portoricans really mad at the US, if we can't stop an terrorist attack.  The euros would step in, support Portorican sovernty and then the oil fields will be under UN protection.
  Oh, not to mention that pesky Constituton getting thrown away.
   So, am I the only one waiting for this curtain to fall?

Kat Kanning

I think it'll be before the Nov. elections and in the cont. US.


I 2nd that, in the cont US and the elections will be suspended. We would've been guaranteed of that if Ron Paul looked like he was going to win. I think it all depends on who looks like he will win in November. They have to attack Iran in their eyes very soon and they desperately need someone in office who will. So in a nutshell if it looks like McCain will win I say probably no attack, and if Osama Bin Laden looks like he will win than yes.


   I knew you'd respond to this one my friend, how are ya?
  Oh, where do ya think they'll do it?


I'd say before the Nov elections maybe about 2-3 weeks before.  Most likely outside a major city.  My guess would be for Dallas.

Now are you being sarcastic with your spellings of all the locations or do you really not know how to spell them?  Just a quick reference:

Puerto Rico
African Embassies
And usually Nazis is capitalized; even though they were evil, it's still capitalized.


east, west coast and/or chicago attack...maybe 3 large scale regions.

this way, they can start war with iraq and more importantly declare martial law here in the USSA.


Pat McCotter

Quote from: kola on June 16, 2008, 09:33 AM NHFT
east, west coast and/or chicago attack...maybe 3 large scale regions.

this way, they can start war with iraq and more importantly declare martial law here in the USSA.


We're already at war with iraq.


Somewhere a little less obvious like Omaha or something like that. This way they can say we locked down the major areas that are most likely to suffer an attack and didn't expect an attack in the heartland in small town America. That way they can say we need more civil liberties restricted in order to broaden their powers. I think Kola meant Iran. I'm doing great Grasshopper thanks for asking, rifle is being completed this week. I'll send you some pics when I finally get it.


  Naaa, My spelling is horrible and I typs stuff on the clock and don't care too much about spell check.  All my legal documents are grammaticly correct.
  I can't wait to see "it" !  It has been what? Over a year now?  You should have fun with it, sneeking and peeking, snooping and pooping around the woods, tracking deer! That thing will preform out to 700 yards on a good day.


This aint gonna be a deer rifle brother. And 700 yards is childs play after this thing is completed. Grasshopper you going to volunteer for Iran come this fall? Im sure you could pick up some more Dragunovs since Im pretty sure thats what they use.


Accually, they have their own version of the Tobruk. (or something like that.  It has a longer barrel in 7.62x39.  Here is the banner of the butt muches flag.

Pat K

keith in RI

heres my take.  i dont think it will be nuclear, i think the "event" is going to be the financial crash that is now inevitable.....  once the crash happens people will panic rather quickly, crime will rise rapidly and i think the end result will be chaos in the streets i.e. katrina..... that alone will give the government the reason to bring the military in under marshal law, hell people will probably be screaming for them to come in. if this happens before the election, which i believe it will, they could easily "postpone" the elections which will become permanent. besides the military i believe they will also put blue hats (un peacekeepers) inside the u.s.a. which will get everyone used to seeing foreign troops on our soil for some time.
   i think they have destroyed the military overseas, ruined the middle class with the market and things that led us here i.e. nafta spp etc, and once we cant pay our bills because our dollar is worthless then it will be time for the sweet corporate "contracts" they have signed to take over or rather foreign countries.... i think you will see chinese troops on the federal highway system to protect their roads (which we will then pay a toll to use) that were put up as collateral to back our debt or maybe the national parks will become chinese owned or the utilities etc etc etc... it will all become what zbignew brezinski said it would...... world run by corporations..... and hes obamas foreign policy advisor IMO ......

  hey its just my 2 cents.....