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Who's coming to Burning Porcupine

Started by Kat Kanning, June 18, 2008, 05:34 AM NHFT

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I (Jesse from NY) will be there for the entire thing. I plan on brining a Slip-And-Slide, so I'd like someone to volunteer to bring the pork fat so we can grease the sucker up.


Welcome Jesse.  Glad to have another anarchist. 

Tom Sawyer


I'll try to make it up for the weekend.
I can't promise anything though.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Puke on June 18, 2008, 05:52 PM NHFT
I'll try to make it up for the weekend.
I can't promise anything though.
so ... this helps us for our count how?



I may have to come up and camp for the weekend. All my kids will be gone (including Eli) so I may actually need to be up there to see "family" for my own sanity.


Russell Kanning

Quote from: maulotaur on June 19, 2008, 12:18 AM NHFT
I will come if I can find it. 
Burning Porcupine is not for the meek or for those who will not venture out into the wilderness.
Actually you will drive on less than one mile of dirt roads ... there will be yellow flags to guide you ... and you can always follow my directions on

Becky Thatcher

We'll be there for at least some of the festivities, and will probably be camping.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on June 19, 2008, 05:32 AM NHFT
Burning Porcupine is not for the meek or for those who will not venture out into the wilderness.

HEY - I'm not venturing into any wilderness now...that would be dangerous and I couldn't be meek anymore.  And anyway, I already had my venture into the wilderness last year when I took my Dodge sundance onto an unmarked road to get around a mountain.  The road turned into fine gravel and then as it started going up and around, the rocks got larger.  Rather than try to turn back, I decided to keep going since the map showed a dotted line supposedly looping back to a road.  Well guess what - it did not lead back at all and I ended up having to get out and move rocks every few yards or so for the next couple of hours.  Then I got to place with small dirt mounds that I had to get around.  At one point the car was stuck and I turned it off, got out to look around, and saw the remains of a very old rusted car down below in some trees.  Then I just screamed... ARGHGHGHGHHHH!!!!!  "I'm not getting out of here"  I waited a few minutes and decided to try something - drive it forward and reverse while turning the wheel slightly to rock the car back out of the pit.  That finally worked and I was on my way until I came upon this large (small lake sized) puddle of water.  It didn't look too deep but it probably was not flat on the bottom either.  Anyway, I got this far so what the hell.  I backed up, and put the pedal to the metal to drive through it and by some miracle I got to the other side.  If that wasn't enough, next came the fallen tree across the road.  There was just enough space between the end of this tree and the edge of the path (dropped almost straight down out of sight) to ram my way around, scraping the side of the car.  By then it was dusk and I thought that I might be spending the night. Fortunately about that time, the path emerged back onto a relatively flat, unpaved road leading out.  Only damage was a busted headlight, torn-off muffler attachment, and my nerves.  I am not sure that setting a porcupine on fire would have made it worth the trouble either.

Pat K

Ah you wont have to do all that, to get to
Burning Porc.

Route 4 is paved and there is only a little bit of
graded dirt road to travel at the end.

Tom Sawyer

I mean it's nothing like coming to my house... just ask PatK.  :D

Lloyd Danforth

You should make bumper stickers. "This Car Climbed......"

Pat K

Quote from: Tom Sawyer on June 21, 2008, 09:13 PM NHFT
I mean it's nothing like coming to my house... just ask PatK.  :D

Some people probably think Roger is kidding.
He's not.

There have been mountain goats at the bottom
of Rogers drive way that have looked up and
thought, oh no Fucking way!!