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CNHT e-blast

Started by Dave Ridley, July 26, 2005, 03:22 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

from cnht:

Greetings:# 37 This E-Blast, its information and commentary is the property of CNHT and is forwarded al over NH and the US to taxpayer activists and their e-lists.

   Sorry for the gap in news but the cookout took a lot of energy away from writing E-blasts. We had a small cookout (off year) but what a group! Lots of new faces.

Here is an update:

   CNHT and other freedom-minded groups are working on the petition we now have legally signed with the required amount of names under RSA 39:3 in Weare to ask the voters there to begin the process of taking Weare property-owner David Souter's 8.08 acres and Colonial home assessed at $104,800.00 in 1999 values for a public Constitution Park.

   We are beginning the process in Plainfield as well because - this is hard to believe but - US Supreme Court Justice and pro-Kelo judge Steven Breyer has a summer home there.

   Liberal Justice Breyer is so fond of taking private property that we thought he should share his 167 acres with all US citizens by having his home and property turned into a Constitution Park as well. His property was assessed by the same firm that did Souter's and looks a little "light." We will check that out as well.

   If you read the papers today you will see a "story" by the usual suspect, AP "reporter" Beverly Wang. Old Bevy did not mention in her story that former State Rep. Gary Hopper has the legal petition in Weare to take Souter's house - even though he faxed it to her and she "interviewed" him on the phone.

   Wang will probably saunter up to the Pork-Fest in Lancaster this week and do another hit piece on them like she did last year. My advice:

   Don't talk to her. It can do you no good. She will make up her own story anyway.

   If you are up there look for Wang to be wearing green knee-high rubber boots. Honest, that is what she had on last year in summer heat. I guess that is the latest style for muck-rakers.

   If you are interested, and you should be, these are up and coming folks, The Free State Project is having their shindig this week and I will be a speaker Sat. morning 10:45 am. It is a great time and there are all kinds of opinions and political views expressed - but the bottom line is personal freedom and smaller government. Sound good? Don't believe what you hear in the press. Try to meet some of the Free State crowd in person they are a boon to our state political scene. There were 300 there last year. I expect more this time.

   You can get details on our site www.cnht.org under LINKS then click on Free State.

    Saturday evening is the Liberty Alliance Dinner in Plymouth, again, check our site.

   CNHT has an opportunity to meet with a national contact about voter fraud who will be in town this week. That issue is not going away. We have the goods. It may take a surprising twist. Stay tuned.

   Thank you Rep. Lee Slocum for mailing us Ass. AG Bud Fitch's "investigation" of the Moderate Voters of Amherst and Milford who did not file reports of campaign expenditures. No prosecution though, the offenders are left-over Deaniacs.

   In Bedford, Katie Heneage who we worked with day and knight for about a year and a half is in Hanover for serious surgery. Prayers are appreciated. John is taking care of their daughters. They could use any encouragement or help. jheneage@comcast.net

   So Lynch the Governor tried to intimidate the Commissioner of Transportation into breaking the law regarding transponders and his give-away deal. Didn't the AG do a 65 page investigation into Dept. of Safety Commish. Richard Flynn after County Attorney Marc Hathaway's 45 page investigation for "intimidating" adult Lamboda-dancer Peter Heed into resigning? I think its called an "October Surprise." And wasn't that part of the never-ending line of "ethics" stories out of Foster's, The Monitor, WMUR, Telegraph, and NHPR during the last campaign they ran for Lynch?

   If there is an ethics problem in NH it is inside those news outlets. They should at least be part of any list of in-kind campaign donations.

   Hats off to Senator Clegg who "reported" his $5 transponders from the "Token Governor" as gifts. Did Ruth?

   I love this time of year because the dragon flies are as big as swallows - and they got that way by eating mosquitoes - alive.

Ed Naile

Michael Fisher

Quote from: DadaOrwell on July 26, 2005, 03:22 AM NHFT
? ?CNHT and other freedom-minded groups are working on the petition we now have legally signed with the required amount of names under RSA 39:3 in Weare to ask the voters there to begin the process of taking Weare property-owner David Souter's 8.08 acres and Colonial home assessed at $104,800.00 in 1999 values for a public Constitution Park.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on July 26, 2005, 03:22 AM NHFT
? ?We are beginning the process in Plainfield as well because - this is hard to believe but - US Supreme Court Justice and pro-Kelo judge Steven Breyer has a summer home there.

? ?Liberal Justice Breyer is so fond of taking private property that we thought he should share his 167 acres with all US citizens by having his home and property turned into a Constitution Park as well. His property was assessed by the same firm that did Souter's and looks a little "light." We will check that out as well.




You guys are really opening up a huge can of worms here.

I'm planning on moving to New Hampshire. I hope the liberty activities of the on-the-ground people, aren't making it worse.

I'm with-drawing any consideration of financial support to the CNHT.

That means I'll have more to give to the Liberty Scholarship fund I guess :)


Michael Fisher

Quote from: tracysaboe on July 26, 2005, 01:42 PM NHFT
That means I'll have more to give to the Liberty Scholarship fund I guess :)

Woohoo!  :)

I don't know what to tell you about CNHT's efforts other than this:  Those of us opposing the use of eminent domain against Souter and Breyer are a tiny minority, and we probably cannot expect the FSP or CNHT to take a principled stance against it, even though that would be the right thing to do, in my opinion.

If we try to get revenge against CNHT, Clements, or others in our movement, it will only make things worse.  We should probably try to convince them to change their minds because they are our closest friends and our influence over them is very great compared to our influence over those who share no principles in common with us.

Unfortunately, there's not much left we can do to stop CNHT.  They've already managed to get the theft of Souter's home on the March ballot.  I may be able to stop them from trying to take Breyer's home, but I doubt it.

I'm pretty distressed right now, and may fast soon.   :-\


With-drawing donative support is certainly not revenge though.

Where liberty groups diverge I think competition is helpfull. We don't all need to agree, or even pretend to like working together.

Liberty isn't going to be achieved by all the liberty groups colluding to make sure they present a united front. all that's going to do is create a different lobbying group.

I thought, you were going to try and get a pettition to make emminent domain illegal in Wear, so that should the other pettion to take his home, not fail, it'd be illegal if the other thing passed.


Michael Fisher

Quote from: tracysaboe on July 29, 2005, 03:16 AM NHFT
With-drawing donative support is certainly not revenge though.

Where liberty groups diverge I think competition is helpfull. We don't all need to agree, or even pretend to like working together.

Liberty isn't going to be achieved by all the liberty groups colluding to make sure they present a united front. all that's going to do is create a different lobbying group.

Good points, and I agree entirely.  Hopefully CNHT will realize that they are alienating us with these actions.

Quote from: tracysaboe on July 29, 2005, 03:16 AM NHFT
I thought, you were going to try and get a pettition to make emminent domain illegal in Wear, so that should the other pettion to take his home, not fail, it'd be illegal if the other thing passed.

I would do this, but I'm an anarchocapitalist and it is a violation of my principles.  I believe government force is the cause of our problems.

It is ridiculous, in my opinion, to use government force to stop CNHT from using government force against government officials in revenge for using government force against innocent people.

The force of government ends with at my doorstep.  I will not use it for any reason!


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on July 29, 2005, 11:49 AM NHFT
The force of government ends with at my doorstep.? I will not use it for any reason!
MIke quick question that is way off topic.

Are you against all forms of govt?  even tiny small government?
Not trying to pick a fight -- just trying to understand.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Dreepa on July 29, 2005, 01:01 PM NHFT
Quote from: LeRuineur6 on July 29, 2005, 11:49 AM NHFT
The force of government ends with at my doorstep.? I will not use it for any reason!
MIke quick question that is way off topic.

Are you against all forms of govt?? even tiny small government?
Not trying to pick a fight -- just trying to understand.

Yep!   :)


Quote from: LeRuineur6 on July 29, 2005, 01:09 PM NHFT
Quote from: Dreepa on July 29, 2005, 01:01 PM NHFT
Quote from: LeRuineur6 on July 29, 2005, 11:49 AM NHFT
The force of government ends with at my doorstep.  I will not use it for any reason!
MIke quick question that is way off topic.

Are you against all forms of govt?  even tiny small government?
Not trying to pick a fight -- just trying to understand.

Yep!   :)

He's going to ask you to define government now.



BTW, I really wouldn't see anything wrong, with using that aproach. Spooner was an Anarchist, but he diddn't see anything wrong with Voting per say. Yes, the institution is evil, but a libertarian, needs to vote, if only as an act of self defence. Rothboard didn't have any moral qualms about such things either.

I don't really have a problem with using government apparatous defensively against the government.

But all actions just needto result in smaller government, not the other way around.

My complaint about taking Souter's property is that.

1)  we're not using government against government to shrink it. We're using government against an individual. A dispicable individual, but against an individual nevertheless.

2) It's not an act of self defence, like voting against a tax increase, or for a libertarian candidate, etc.

3) The taking of Souter's home will result in an expansion of government. If nothing else, from the increased tax revenues -- but also the new layer of beurocracy it will create.

I'm an Anarcho-Capitalist to, for both moral and utilitarian reasons, but I guess I'm a bit more pragmatic then you are in getting there.


Michael Fisher

Quote from: tracysaboe on July 29, 2005, 11:32 PM NHFT
Quote from: LeRuineur6 on July 29, 2005, 01:09 PM NHFT
Quote from: Dreepa on July 29, 2005, 01:01 PM NHFT
Quote from: LeRuineur6 on July 29, 2005, 11:49 AM NHFT
The force of government ends with at my doorstep.? I will not use it for any reason!
MIke quick question that is way off topic.

Are you against all forms of govt?? even tiny small government?
Not trying to pick a fight -- just trying to understand.

Yep!? ?:)

He's going to ask you to define government now.

Government:? An organization exercising authoritative control through a monopoly of force over a specific geographic area.

Sorry, but that's the best I can come up with.


Nah I wasn't going to ask you.   ;D


OK. That's the definition I would use to. I'd probably add -- typically it also has the right to tax to fund that monopoly on force. -- basically a legitimized protection racket.

I guess I've spent too much time talking with greenies and communists. I just assume that they're going to say that Businesses and Corporations and hierarchy, etc. are government too.

I'm sorry I had those types of thoughts about you, Dreepa. I'm developing some bad habbits on the FSP boards :)



I am just trying to understand the 'anarchist'.

When I hear that work I think.. punk rock or I start thinking about my old Russian History classes.
I can say that I am not one but just trying to understand the whole thing..
ok Mike point me to some books.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Dreepa on August 01, 2005, 11:30 PM NHFT
I am just trying to understand the 'anarchist'.

When I hear that work I think.. punk rock or I start thinking about my old Russian History classes.
I can say that I am not one but just trying to understand the whole thing..
ok Mike point me to some books.

I've never read a single book about anarchy.  It's all about the free knowledge available on the internet these days!  ;)  Wikipedia is your friend.


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