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Good cop

Started by Romak, June 24, 2008, 10:43 AM NHFT

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Quote from: grasshopper on June 25, 2008, 02:49 PM NHFT
  If a cop sees you in a town area doing a high speed, he doesn't know if you just killed somebody or are suicidal, or a stupid kid he doesn't want to peel out of a car, he also hopes there isn't a child on a bike trying to get it under control, chasing a ball ect ect...
   I love those people that think that they are the only ones in the world, pull out in front of you doing 4 when you are doing the speed limit and then crank the jelopy up to a staggering 27 in a 45.  This happened to me once, I almost rear ended him, my adrenelin dumped, I dropped the transmission into 2nd and raced ahead of him, pulled the car sideways in front of him.  He stopped, I got out of the car, raced up to his window, and the little dweeb was getting a pen ready to write my lisence plate, shaking like a leaf with round eyes :o i got even angrier!!!!!!!  I reached into his car, grabbed the pen, shattered it in my hand, and (ya, you thought I was going to hurt him) I told him what he did and to be carefull.  (thanks God for calming me down).

That sounds like a good way to get hurt. Someday, you wont be the larger man. And even if you are, you might just get shot or run over. Yes, the guy was annoying and caused you inconvenience and danger, but you didn't know why or what may have been going on, you simply assumed you did, then you escalated the situation, making it more dangerous for both of you. That's typical cop bullshit. Stick your aggressive face in where it isn't wanted, intimidate and destroy property, then act like you did someone a favor. Are you a cop?

Anyway, whenever someone pisses me off in traffic, I just let it go. I regard the other drivers as robots, like in a video game. I learned to do this because my dad is the same kind of hothead as grasshopper here, and I remember the shame and embarrassment, as well as abject terror of his road rages and the danger they put me and my family in.

And in Romak's last post here, he makes it clear that it IS all about him and his desire to get from place to place as fast as he can. You own the road, Romak? You are the only one who is important, and you never ever fuck up and get in someone's way, or drive too slow, or get lost or have to read a sign, or any other thing that might possibly annoy another driver. Riiiiiiiiiiight.  ::)


Quote from: Dylboz on June 25, 2008, 07:48 PM NHFT
Anyway, whenever someone pisses me off in traffic, I just let it go. I regard the other drivers as robots, like in a video game. I learned to do this because my dad is the same kind of hothead as grasshopper here, and I remember the shame and embarrassment, as well as abject terror of his road rages and the danger they put me and my family in.

yep.  Even honking is almost always unnecessary.  "You just got in my way and I nearly bumped you! Here's a honk" ... That doesn't fix anything. I'm guilty of doing it a few times recently, one during a particularly frustrating day, but I'm ashamed of it. Honking usually does nothing but announce: "Look everyone. I'm right and this asshole is wrong." That won't get you any respect.

brandon dean

the only reason a horn should be used in my opinion is to let someone who might not see you know you're there.  I had to really curb the road rage of my younger days... I'm just an impatient bastard, and if anything will teach you patience (gotta be willing to learn of course), it's women and traffic in los angeles... :lockstep:


Quote from: Chemist on June 25, 2008, 01:30 PM NHFT
I just got a ticket last weekend for going 75 in a 55 on a county highway in north central IL.  Sunny day, calm, no traffic and the only thing around me was a wind farm and apparently a county deputy that needed revenue on a Sunday afternoon.  The cop didn't let me go even though I obeyed and was polite.  If he had let me go I would have felt like Kevin Dean.  Over all it was a nice touch driving home from my uncle's funeral with my family.

I feel you there, I've had a bit of trouble around here in North Central IL, I would have lost my license if it weren't for clerical errors... All I can say is do not drive late at night/early morning especially with younger people in the car, the officers will make up the speeding story just to pull you over to try to find a reason to search you... generally no problem except for when they need to fill their quota of tickets and they stick you with some stupid speeding ticket they dreamed up.


Of course not. I'm not the perfect driver I don't think anyone is, but like I said if I'm going to slow I move aside and let others pass. Its the NH way afterall. In fact its the opposite people who don't pay attention to others and hold up traffic are the ones who feel as though they are the important ones, and haven't got a care in the world about other people on the road. I drive fast... so what, haven't gotten a ticket in over ten years. I drive to the road conditions and don't zip around like some idiot between cars when traffic is going slow. And no being a man I absolutely never get lost nor do I need to read street signs I have every one in the state memorized.  ;D


 :'(   Aww, I was 23 at the time, I was a very high strung idealistic kiddy.  I wouldn't do anything like that these days unless I had my gun drawn  (just kidding) ::)
   Look, That was probribly a stupid thing to do but these days I'm the one doing the speed limit why?  Because I don't want to hassle of having the "Man" calling for backup, helli-o- copters and missile strikes. ;D   
   When you guys meet me, you'll see how I am, I look strung out but I am just naturally that way, I see things in black and white on most things and will put up with a lot of harassment and insults, I am not a violent man anymore.  I never was in the first place, I just get a little miffed when somebody tries to kill me with or without meaning it.
   I am also the kind of person that will help anybody, no really.  If Ron needs help doing stuff, I'll get to work, that is how I am.  I just need to get up there!
  As for being a cop?  I wouldn't be able to do the job.  I imagine myself in a sutuation where a drunk guy kills 3 people, 1 mom, 2 children and he himself doesn't get hurt, he is walking around, swigging wiskey and calling me a pig.  I don't think I'd be able to put him in the car without a few pounds of flesh being blown from his body.   I think of violance but don't act on it.
   Hell I even smile all the time, how can you guys think I'm a cop?  (insulting as all hell)


Grasshopper isnt a cop, he would be too busy letting everyone go and nothing would ever get done. Actually..........maybe he should be a cop. Hey grasshopper we're going booning tonight down some pretty scary roads. My buddy is coming with his 50cal mounted on his jeep, usually makes for some pretty interesting chitola. Last week we got stuck in a bog and the only thing on everyones minds was dont let the guns get wet. Should be bout 20 of us, red neck central, you should come sometime.


2 weeks from now, then.  I have some bills to catch up on.  Where do you go trashing?  ap coordnance?


Over the river and through the woods is where we go. No money needed unless you like a special type of beer. Where we go drinking and driving is perfectly legal.


I got a good idea, speed limits be set at what the actual limit on speed should be, a speed it would be unsafe to go faster than, such as 90 on highways, 45 on residential. That way, you don't have to fear cops for going at a very maintainable pace. Some roads, its expected you go at least 10 over. It's just a way of giving cops the ability to pull over anyone...and if you go less than the speed limit, that's 'unusual' and they can grab you for that. At least setting a high limit exempt one from getting pulled over for going with the flow of traffic.

But the better idea is privitize roads, of course.


I can deal with 90mph on the highways. You can argue this point until you're blue in the face but the fact is the State wont give up all that money they make in traffic violations.

K. Darien Freeheart

The problem with arbitrary speed limits...

They're arbitrary.


QuoteThis happened to me once, I almost rear ended him, my adrenelin dumped, I dropped the transmission into 2nd and raced ahead of him, pulled the car sideways in front of him.  He stopped, I got out of the car, raced up to his window, and the little dweeb was getting a pen ready to write my lisence plate, shaking like a leaf with round eyes Shocked i got even angrier!!!!!!!  I reached into his car, grabbed the pen, shattered it in my hand, and (ya, you thought I was going to hurt him) I told him what he did and to be carefull.  (thanks God for calming me down).

So you, the libertarian non-agressor, the believer in private property,
1. cut off someone, thereby endangering his life (after the threat to yours was over)
2. restricted his ability to travel by blocking him in
3. after cutting off his escape, rushed his car
4. violated his space reaching into his car
5. and finally took then destroyed his property.

You sir, are much more of an authoritarian and tyrant than anyone I have ever met.  Further, I would have found him in reasonable fear for his life during predations 3 an 4 were I on the jury for him shooting you.  Please understand, he could have killed you, and I would be fine with that.

If you are this prone to explosive outbursts of anger, please get rid of your guns.

Then again, maybe you realize that you were entirely wrong in this exchange, have repented and intend to go forth and sin no more.  In which case, I will welcome you to sit with me at Murphy's.


Also, I am a slow driver.  I travel on the right, and often pull over to let people pass, especially if they are being aggressive. 

I would point out to you something I noticed several years ago.  Every old person I see drives slow.  I tried to figure out why that was, and I came to a revolutionary and life changing conclusion: Only people who drive slow get to be old.  The fast drivers were most likely all killed in accidents.

That said, if you are behind me and I cannot find a place to pull off to the side to let you pass, please do not make me have a reasonable fear for my life or the lives of my passengers.  You may know me by my plates.  I have the Veteran's plate that says "GUNLVR".



Think Ive seen you around Gunlvr. Thanks for pulling over for the fast drivers out there. I may have to drive even faster now since I don't have much time to live due to my aggressiveness :)