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Good cop

Started by Romak, June 24, 2008, 10:43 AM NHFT

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Quote from: Romak on June 27, 2008, 02:01 PM NHFT
I may have to drive even faster now since I don't have much time to live due to my aggressiveness :)

I think you need to get a decent sport bike (think Kawasaki 1200 or better) that way you can go 200+ with less of a risk to other drivers then if you were driving a car.



So if I am driving 60 in a 55, and you hit me from behind, It would be like I was parked and you were doing 140!  I actually think that might reach critical mass and start a nuclear fission reaction.

One thing is for sure, you wouldn't end up spending any money on a hospital stay!

As far as danger to others goes, it would still be irresponsible and criminal.


Quote from: Giggan on June 26, 2008, 11:06 PM NHFT
I got a good idea, speed limits be set at what the actual limit on speed should be, a speed it would be unsafe to go faster than, such as 90 on highways, 45 on residential.

In what car? Under what conditions? Day or night?


the thread topic needs to be changed.

"BAD Cop"

no such thing as "GOOD cop"


Quote from: DigitalWarrior on June 27, 2008, 02:18 PM NHFT

So if I am driving 60 in a 55, and you hit me from behind, It would be like I was parked and you were doing 140!  I actually think that might reach critical mass and start a nuclear fission reaction.

One thing is for sure, you wouldn't end up spending any money on a hospital stay!

As far as danger to others goes, it would still be irresponsible and criminal.

Trust me I'd have a witty reply to this but I'm platerd right nowe so my6 objection must do for now...


Quote from: Dylboz on June 27, 2008, 05:05 PM NHFT
Quote from: Giggan on June 26, 2008, 11:06 PM NHFT
I got a good idea, speed limits be set at what the actual limit on speed should be, a speed it would be unsafe to go faster than, such as 90 on highways, 45 on residential.

In what car? Under what conditions? Day or night?

This is true. Like I said though, the speed limit would be an unsafe speed, and thus, once you hit it, you could be penalized. They don't do a good job distinguishing now, like in snowstorms you lose control at 20 on some residential streets. It doesn't need to be dictated that you need to slow down so much as most people know to do it or crash. Unfortunately, there's a number of morons who don't grasp this concept which we see driving in storms, however there'd probably be less of them if they weren't being subsidized.


Kola there are always good people in every group. To lump all cops together because there happens to be bad ones out there is a pretty foolish way of thinking.

Kat Kanning

Kola there are always good people in every group. To lump all murderers together because there happens to be bad ones out there is a pretty foolish way of thinking.

Sometimes, the nature of the job is just plain bad.

K. Darien Freeheart

Quote from: 'Kat Kanning'Kola there are always good people in every group. To lump all murderers together because there happens to be bad ones out there is a pretty foolish way of thinking.

I've actually got to disagree with your point here. Very few murderers say "It's for your own good" or do what they do out in the open.

Kat Kanning

I wasn't really trying to say all cops are murderers, just showing the ridiculousness of saying 'you can't say everyone in a group is bad'.


  Digital, back "then" I was out of control.  I was not a good person.  I was raised a good person and soon after that incident, about 2 years after, I had an Epiphany, If I didn't "slow down", I'd be dead.
 That was the only time I did what I did.  Hell, my room mate was an H.A.  How dumb is that?  
  At that age, i didn't even consider having anything that went boom.  I calmed down, got back into God a bit, and only got my first firearm when I was a bit older, in 95.  I went through a lot of stuff to straiten myself out.  I went homeless for 3 months, lived in my car and got very sick.  I lived in the car until late October.  I did my penance for the stupid things I did when I was "Indestructible".
  When do you go to Murphy's?  I have already drank with a bunch of people there but they didn't know who I was.  Funny though, I almost walked into the door that said, "use other door" last year.  I got a chuckle out of a small group of people that were at the top of the bar.  I also met Ron Hueling an hour before tap room Tuesdays around that time.  I met Kieth a few times at lunch but I didn't say anything about the Forum here.  I didn't want to freak him out.
 I look like a cop when I'm all cleaned up, I have been mistaken for military and LEOS all my life.
 Hell, just this morning a "woman" driver almost pushed me into the oppisit lane on Mamoth Rd. I just looked at her, did to "cross" thing and I got a fricken additude from her, like it was MY fault!  I dropped it, like it never happened.  Oh, by the way, i was on my bike.


there are no good pedophiles.

there are no good animal abusers.

there are no good murderers.

there are no good cops. NONE...if there are any doubts, Oinker Maxwell and Brad Baconbits proved that.



You look at bad neighborhoods and the majority of them are predominately black or hispanic which would lead one to believe they are dangerous people who committ the majority of crimes. Does that mean all of them are bad because they are black or hispanic? Of course it doesnt but there are plenty of people who hate all of them just the same. There are a lot of good cops out there but also quite a few bad ones just like in any group. That was my point, cant clump any one group together as all bad just because of who they are.

K. Darien Freeheart

Quote from: 'Romak'Does that mean all of them are bad because they are black or hispanic?

Being black or hispanic doesn't correlate at all with action. It's a physical trait. "Being a cop" describes an action. "All people who are cops have jobs that charge them with using violence or threats of violence". Or "All cops are members of a monopoly that do business at the point of a gun".

There's a correlation between the category (cop) and the action (violence) and the value judgement (bad) because membership in the category is earned by a set of actions, not a set of physical traits.

But if that's difficult, perhaps I should break this into two statements. "All cops initiate violence or threaten it in carrying out their job duties. All people who continue to commit acts of violence are bad."


Why is it that people seem to think that cops are cops by accident? Like they woke up one day and they were a police officer? So now, "they're just doing their job," and "it is very stressful," etc. Hey, they ASKED for the job. They sought it out, for reasons all their own, so I don't have any sympathy, nor do I accept their lame ass excuses for abusing their authority.