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Good cop

Started by Romak, June 24, 2008, 10:43 AM NHFT

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Since Ive seen many in here writing negative things about the police I figured Id throw in a good cop story. We all know how dangerous slow drivers are and how they cause more accidents by driving in the left lane or blocking traffic going slow. Last night coming up RT9 there were two vehicles blocking the one lane road going 35mph in a 50mph. I patiently waited while growing increasingly agitated and found a passing lane in which I blew by both of them, ended up around 70mph by the time I got by. Of course there was a cruiser coming the other way who pulled me over. I told him the deal and he told me to have a nice night.


I did that once and almost ended up losing my drivers license over the whole thing... he wrote on the ticket that I passed a vehicle that was traveling 55mph.

Kat Kanning

Seems to me the people blowing by at 70 are a problem, not the slow drivers.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on June 24, 2008, 11:24 AM NHFT
Seems to me the people blowing by at 70 are a problem, not the slow drivers.

Why is driving faster a problem? Fast drivers aren't blocking anyone from getting where they need to be.


Slow drivers cause traffic jams and dont go with the flow of traffic. They prevent people who are trying to get somewhere from getting there in normal time and show a blatant disregard for everyone around them. They are more dangerous than drunks as far as Im concerned. Im not asking that they go 70 in a 50 but at least do the limit at minumum not 15 under.


I would like to point out that government roads are the real problem.


Quote from: MengerFan on June 24, 2008, 12:44 PM NHFT
I would like to point out that government roads are the real problem.


Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: Romak on June 24, 2008, 12:40 PM NHFT
Slow drivers cause traffic jams and dont go with the flow of traffic. They prevent people who are trying to get somewhere from getting there in normal time and show a blatant disregard for everyone around them. They are more dangerous than drunks as far as Im concerned. Im not asking that they go 70 in a 50 but at least do the limit at minumum not 15 under.

You want people to at least do the max?  But, if they go 51 they may be ticketed :)


I was watching some public court proceedings on TV last night. Mostly traffic and parking violations. I guess they have that channel here in RI. The judge would just let old and poor people off because he felt bad. Does it make him human? yeah. Does it make him good? no.

He knows he's hurting people, or he wouldn't let certain ones off. But he's okay with hurting people, as long as they can take it and he doesn't have to see them cry.


Slow drivers are akin to authoritarians.  One slow-poke can have an exponential effect on traffic, forcing other drivers to do whatever slow-ass pace they want.  Speeders, on the other hand, are libertarian in essence.  They adapt to the road and the situation.  They don't just drive fast, they go whatever speed needs doing.  They  are considerate, in that they get the hell out of the way of other drivers.  A good metaphor:  those puttering douches who spend ten minutes writing out a paper check (paper check? this is the 21-st century!) at the grocery, as opposed to the considerate shoppers who zip their card and are on their way.  Likewise, the slow-pokes who meander in the mall/store all spread in a row, with seemingly no awareness that other people might actually have somewhere to go.  Bastards.  Speed for freedom....FREEDOM!!!!


The Dude is da man I agree completely.

Pat McCotter

Quote from: TheDUDE on June 24, 2008, 08:28 PM NHFT
Slow drivers are akin to authoritarians.  One slow-poke can have an exponential effect on traffic, forcing other drivers to do whatever slow-ass pace they want.  Speeders, on the other hand, are libertarian in essence.  They adapt to the road and the situation.  They don't just drive fast, they go whatever speed needs doing.  They  are considerate, in that they get the hell out of the way of other drivers.  A good metaphor:  those puttering douches who spend ten minutes writing out a paper check (paper check? this is the 21-st century!) at the grocery, as opposed to the considerate shoppers who zip their card and are on their way.  Likewise, the slow-pokes who meander in the mall/store all spread in a row, with seemingly no awareness that other people might actually have somewhere to go.  Bastards.  Speed for freedom....FREEDOM!!!!

You are the kind of person I intentionally slow down for.


Quote from: Pat McCotter on June 24, 2008, 08:33 PM NHFT
Quote from: TheDUDE on June 24, 2008, 08:28 PM NHFT
Slow drivers are akin to authoritarians.  One slow-poke can have an exponential effect on traffic, forcing other drivers to do whatever slow-ass pace they want.  Speeders, on the other hand, are libertarian in essence.  They adapt to the road and the situation.  They don't just drive fast, they go whatever speed needs doing.  They  are considerate, in that they get the hell out of the way of other drivers.  A good metaphor:  those puttering douches who spend ten minutes writing out a paper check (paper check? this is the 21-st century!) at the grocery, as opposed to the considerate shoppers who zip their card and are on their way.  Likewise, the slow-pokes who meander in the mall/store all spread in a row, with seemingly no awareness that other people might actually have somewhere to go.  Bastards.  Speed for freedom....FREEDOM!!!!

You are the kind of person I intentionally slow down for.

You are the kind of person I blow by at 70:0


Quote from: Such and Such on June 24, 2008, 03:34 PM NHFT
Quote from: Romak on June 24, 2008, 12:40 PM NHFT
Slow drivers cause traffic jams and dont go with the flow of traffic. They prevent people who are trying to get somewhere from getting there in normal time and show a blatant disregard for everyone around them. They are more dangerous than drunks as far as Im concerned. Im not asking that they go 70 in a 50 but at least do the limit at minumum not 15 under.

You want people to at least do the max?  But, if they go 51 they may be ticketed :)

Ive never heard of a cop ticketing someone for going 1 over the speed limit. Most of my buddies who are cops say the general rule is 5-7 over before they even bother you. Very recently Ive completely lost the fear of seeing a cop in the distance or the fear of seeing one behind me. Im going to drive whatever speed I deem safe, and havent been bothered on iota. Just let you fears go brother.