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Good cop

Started by Romak, June 24, 2008, 10:43 AM NHFT

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K. Darien Freeheart

Quote from: 'Romak'Since Ive seen many in here writing negative things about the police I figured Id throw in a good cop story.

Quote from: 'Romak'Of course there was a cruiser coming the other way who pulled me over. I told him the deal and he told me to have a nice night.

Sounds like a bad cop story to me. If what you did was acceptable, then he pulled you over for doing nothing wrong. If what you did was "wrong" then he should have held you responsible for the damage you did to the victim.


Generally speaking, speeding tickets aren't about safety or committing a crime. They are just another way of coercing money out of citizens.


Quote from: Brandon on June 24, 2008, 10:01 PM NHFT
Generally speaking, speeding tickets aren't about safety or committing a crime. They are just another way of coercing money out of citizens.

Of course that probably goes without saying.  :blush:

Kat Kanning

Quote from: Romak on June 24, 2008, 08:31 PM NHFT
The Dude is da man I agree completely.

Cool, you have the same morality as a teenage boy.

Cops in CA will ticket you for 1 mile over speed limit.


CA is not even considered part of America anymore so far as Im concerned. Ive seen teenagers with more morals than 40 year old men so if you intended for that to be an insult it didnt work.


Quote from: Brandon on June 24, 2008, 10:01 PM NHFT
Generally speaking, speeding tickets aren't about safety or committing a crime. They are just another way of coercing money out of citizens.

Our governor came right out and said she would make up the budget shortfall with photo-radar tickets. I got one, and I'm fighting it.

Anyway, I was almost killed in a  wreck because of a slow driver in the left lane on the interstate. I had to dive into the median and spun out, wound up stalled out and backwards on the freeway. A cop was about a hundred yards down the road, since the reason the guy was going 35 was that he was rubbernecking. The cop had responded to a fender bender at the bottom of the on ramp. He drove up and asked if I was OK. I said I was shaken up, but otherwise alright. HE just told me to be careful and have a nice day. Didn't even ask for my license.

Russell Kanning

not all speeders or slow pokes drive for the conditions

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Kevin Dean on June 24, 2008, 08:53 PM NHFT
Sounds like a bad cop story to me. If what you did was acceptable, then he pulled you over for doing nothing wrong. If what you did was "wrong" then he should have held you responsible for the damage you did to the victim.
I totally agree.


I just got a ticket last weekend for going 75 in a 55 on a county highway in north central IL.  Sunny day, calm, no traffic and the only thing around me was a wind farm and apparently a county deputy that needed revenue on a Sunday afternoon.  The cop didn't let me go even though I obeyed and was polite.  If he had let me go I would have felt like Kevin Dean.  Over all it was a nice touch driving home from my uncle's funeral with my family. 

Don't fall for their tricks Romak.  The cop sucked you in with the "niceness" and made you feel so good you posted about it.  Keep in mind you had to stop, you had no choice.  It consumed your time and you were probably stressed wondering about what the person with the gun and restraints might do.  You were at his mercy and your fate depended on his whim. 


Quote from: Chemist on June 25, 2008, 01:30 PM NHFT
I just got a ticket last weekend for going 75 in a 55 on a county highway in north central IL.  Sunny day, calm, no traffic and the only thing around me was a wind farm and apparently a county deputy that needed revenue on a Sunday afternoon.  The cop didn't let me go even though I obeyed and was polite.  If he had let me go I would have felt like Kevin Dean.  Over all it was a nice touch driving home from my uncle's funeral with my family. 

Don't fall for their tricks Romak.  The cop sucked you in with the "niceness" and made you feel so good you posted about it.  Keep in mind you had to stop, you had no choice.  It consumed your time and you were probably stressed wondering about what the person with the gun and restraints might do.  You were at his mercy and your fate depended on his whim. 

Dont know if I necessarily felt good about it. I wasnt worried one bit about what he would do, figured if I got a ticket then so be it. Ive lost all fear of law enforcement that I had when I was a child. Doesnt faze me one bit, just thought it was different that he heard what I said agreed with me and let me go without even a warning. But I hear ya nothing worse than being forced to stop.

K. Darien Freeheart

Quote from: 'Romak'Ive lost all fear of law enforcement that I had when I was a child.

I'm totally the opposite, honestly. When I was a kid, I was totally enamored with the X-Files and wanted at 7 years old to be an FBI agent. Since then, I've learned every, and I do mean EVERY interaction with a cop results in some kind of loss. On good days, it's a loss of my time. I figure it's only a matter of time before I'll lose more unless something dramatic changes.


  If a cop sees you in a town area doing a high speed, he doesn't know if you just killed somebody or are suicidal, or a stupid kid he doesn't want to peel out of a car, he also hopes there isn't a child on a bike trying to get it under control, chasing a ball ect ect...
   I love those people that think that they are the only ones in the world, pull out in front of you doing 4 when you are doing the speed limit and then crank the jelopy up to a staggering 27 in a 45.  This happened to me once, I almost rear ended him, my adrenelin dumped, I dropped the transmission into 2nd and raced ahead of him, pulled the car sideways in front of him.  He stopped, I got out of the car, raced up to his window, and the little dweeb was getting a pen ready to write my lisence plate, shaking like a leaf with round eyes :o i got even angrier!!!!!!!  I reached into his car, grabbed the pen, shattered it in my hand, and (ya, you thought I was going to hurt him) I told him what he did and to be carefull.  (thanks God for calming me down).

brandon dean

in california, you can get a ticket for going too slow.  if you're going ten miles an hour under the flow of traffic, even if the flow of traffic exceeds the speed limit.  I rarely hear about people getting these tickets, but they do... so potentially you can get ticketed for going too slow, while driving OVER the speed limit.  for example, if the speed limit is 50, and the flow of traffic is 75, you can get a ticket (technically) for going 51...

K. Darien Freeheart

Quote from: 'brandon dean'in california, you can get a ticket for going too slow.

There was a point where the speed limits were set by federal mandate. I was a kid when it happened, so wasn't too important, but I recall that expiring while Clinton was in office and there was some drama that the nanny-statists feared the universe imploding or something.

That said, most states didn't adjust their laws - Michigan's highway speedlimit is 70 and Maryland's is 55. As far as I know, those mandates also set the minimum speed limit, which in Michigan is actually marked on highway signs (at least between Kalamazoo and Detroit) as 45.

There's also so-called 'safe and prudent' laws that, for instance, if a cop thinks you're drivign too fast for the weather conditions, he can issue you a ticket. That's the most disgusting thing ever. I learned to drive in Michigan, took my drivers test in a foot of snow and here, where there's almost never more than two inches, I get pulled over a LOT for drivign "too fast". The cops around here can't fathom the idea that snow is a normal condition that people can drive in safely doing more than idling. I've gotten several speeding tickets for doing the speed limit exactly.

Quote from: 'grasshopper'If a cop sees you in a town area doing a high speed, he doesn't know if you just killed somebody or are suicidal

Gee whiz... And somehow suicidal people and murderes turn invisible to police when they obey speed limits? Umm... no. The cop doesn't know what you've done because it's not possible, or expected, for him to unless he's witnessed it. If it's okay to pull over speeders to "find out what they've done" then there should be no problem pulling over ANYONE, right, cause the police don't know what they've done either.

Quote from: 'grasshopper'he also hopes there isn't a child on a bike trying to get it under control, chasing a ball ect ect...

There are people who seem to believe that playing the lotto every night makes them more likely to win, despite the fact that statistically, they're not. What people "hope" for is irrelevant, especially when their hope inspires them to use threats of violence to infringe upon the liberty of other people. I'm not a big fan of splattering children on windshields but until that happens, it hasn't happened. If people are going to justify threats of violence and infringement of liberty simply because they're capable of harming someone, shouldn't all hands be removed to prevent theft, all penises be removed to avoid rapes, all mouths be sewn shut to avoid "inciting violence"... That "he might hurt someone" arguement is the exact one that causes the liberty mentioned in the 2nd amendement to be abolished - I'm not happy that the children catching balls thing is being used to eliminate the liberties mentioned in the 4th amendment.


Grasshopper I knew I liked you when I met you. Thats exactly how I feel. The audacity of these pricks to control our lives by going 10 under the limit with a line of 20 freaking cars behind them and they don't even move. If its me and I see someone flying behind me in an obvious hurry I scoot over to the side to let them go by. It should be legal to kill these people :) I can guarantee you if you starting offing these pricks people would never hold up traffic again... : :o