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Manchester Downtown Litter Pickup

Started by ReverendRyan, July 02, 2008, 06:53 PM NHFT

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Meet at the front of Veterans Park at 5 pm.

We'll follow a route from the park toward Porc Central, arriving just in time for Ice Cream Social.

Bring gloves, trash bags, a sidearm, and a camera.

Kat Kanning


Kat Kanning

Russell Kanning

Russell Kanning

Could you guys give me a press release for your activities? I can put it as an article in our paper under the above headline.



Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 13, 2008, 09:40 AM NHFT
Could you guys give me a press release for your activities? I can put it as an article in our paper under the above headline.

For Pink Pistols or the litter pickups? They're all my events for the time being, but the two aren't affiliated.

Russell Kanning

the litter pickup
gay guys wasting bullets is not as interesting to me as much as heavily armed homos cleaning up the city :)


You COULD do a press release, there have been home invasions and other armed robbery within a block of the litter pickup. It matters not if your sidearm is pink. However, if you're wearing a pink evening gown and matching .45, I suppose that would be a photo op...



Kat Kanning

What's the connection between home invasions and litter pick up??

Lloyd Danforth

A home invasion is less likely when you have a bunch of armed guys roaming your neighborhood patting each other on their butts.

But, seriously, If you had enough people, Gay or not, living near a hi crime neighborhood, one or two could be walking 'open carry' thru the neighborhood at anytime, concentrating on the hi crime hours.
In New Haven, CT,  both the Guardian Angels and an Armed Jewish group patrol the streets where crime against people is high.


Once again, Litter pickups =/= Pink Pistols. 2 different things.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on July 14, 2008, 05:04 AM NHFT
What's the connection between home invasions and litter pick up??

There is a proven direct, causal link between the two. More open-carry litter pick-ups cause the criminals to come out of the woodwork and do their home invasions. It exacerbates them.