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Fire The Traffic Cops!

Started by tracysaboe, August 01, 2005, 03:21 AM NHFT

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For all the valid complaints about the Ukraine's Viktor Yuschenko, he's enacted a truly outstanding provision by eliminating all traffic cops.

It turns out that this empirical example is proving what many libertarians theorize about a natural order emerging without state involvement:

"It appears drivers are being more careful," said Valery Borysov, a Kiev city official. "In general the road situation is stable."

According to some driving is now less stressful:

"To be fair, a lot of people are out of town because it's the summer holidays," said Vadym Chabanov, a Kiev courier rider, "but driving is less stressful because now you don't have to worry about some goon on every street corner inventing violations to hit you for a bribe."

The next step is for Yuschenko to enact a privatization of the roads, Block style. Maybe Professor Block can land another lucrative state contract, I hear the statists have been courting him already.

Hat tip to Aaron Gunn.

Perhaps some towns and cities in New Hampshire could be talked in to doing this, if they could get past the police and police chiefs lobbies. Tell traffic cops to get real jobs.


Pat McCotter

I read this on the bureaucrash site. Yeah, Ukraine!


What could we do to raise this kind-of awareness.

Perhaps convince a small town to fire their traffic cops, and tell them to get real jobs.

And NOT request State trooper assistence in enforcing traffic laws.

How could something like this be accomplished?

Perhaps a person could call into some anti-tax talk shows and suggest this as a way to reduce taxes?
