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Housing Search: Limited budget, seacoast or MANchester

Started by PowerPenguin, July 09, 2008, 01:06 PM NHFT

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Hey all,

I'm planning to move to NH from the exact opposite corner of the Contiguous 48 (Socal) no later than late Sept. I have a limited budget, and given all my travel expenses (probably about 1k, including the gas/cheap motels for me, and shipping costs for my stuff), and the fact that I'll be looking for work during the first month I'm there, I estimate that I can't spend more than 450/mo on housing, at least for the first few months. To make this work, I need to find at least one room mate, and/or offer valuable services to the property owner/manager to make up the difference. I'd prefer to rent from porcs, but I'll rent from non porcs of that's what it takes. Any ideas or offers would be most welcome.

Stuck In Socal

Kat Kanning

 )Cool  :D

Did you check http://porcmanor.com/?  (except it seems to be down right now  :-\ )

Russell Kanning

it is hard to rent a room for that cheap in manchester or even worse on the seacoast


Ron Helwig

Quote from: Kat Kanning on July 09, 2008, 01:15 PM NHFT
Did you check http://porcmanor.com/?  (except it seems to be down right now  :-\ )

Cheap webhosting = occasional downtimes = try again later and for no known reason it should be working again  :)


I'm waiting for some porc manor responses right now. Worst comes to worst, there are some much cheaper places across the bridge in Kittery, ME.


Ron Helwig

Shyfrog just became an official PorcManor landlord and put up a room.