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NYC 9/11 Commission ballot initiative

Started by jaqeboy, July 23, 2008, 09:32 AM NHFT

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Dear Friends,

Great News!

We got an early start in our effort to lobby City Council last Sunday when Councilman Simcha Felder enthusiastically signed the petition and promised his full support in helping us get the petition through City Council. To read more about it go to:


AND, we have created a News section on the website where you can go to learn about our most recent progress. Other updates include an article on the filing of the petition,


And, NYC CAN's Statement on the U.S. Supreme Court's June 29 decision not to hear the appeal filed by the 9/11 Families United to Bankrupt Terrorism in their civil case against Saudi Arabia and four of its princes for their alleged material support of the 9/11 attacks:


With the Supreme Court and the Obama administration slamming the door in the face of the 9/11 families and other plaintiffs seeking accountability for the events of September 11, we must now double our efforts toward establishing a truly non-political investigation.

DONATE IF YOU CAN because we need to pay our amazing petitioners to keep collecting 4,000 signatures per week. TELL FAMILY MEMBERS, FIRST RESPONDERS and SURVIVORS to sign our Statement of Support on the homepage to amplify our call for a new investigation. TELL YOUR FRIENDS because nothing works like word of mouth.

We have also officially broken 60,000 signatures! Thank you everyone for your continued support.


Ted Walter


Hi folks,

(Important! Help make this viral. The time for raising consciousness and
taking concrete action towards a real, independent 9/11 investigation is
here. Please forward this to your lists.)

Big news everybody. We expect some mainstream coverage very soon on the NYC
9/11 Ballot Initiative (details at www.nyccan.org <http://www.nyccan.org/>
). All should be aware that 52,000 signed petitions were delivered to the NY
City Clerk on June 24th, and another 15,000 have been collected in an effort
to be positioned to override any potential opposition from NY City Council.

By "Digging" an article, we recommend it to other readers. The more "Diggs"
an article gets, the higher it ranks and attracts even more readers. So we
will want to get as many Diggs as possible on articles we anticipate will be
coming soon. Please go to http://digg.com/about/ to read about the features,
click on Join Digg, then we recommend actually using it on an article to get
the experience and be ready when the time comes.

Actually, why not start here! Coleen Rowley, FBI whistleblower, has just
written a public statement in support of the campaign. Go to
igation/ and Digg away!

This is how we can take the next step to informing a wider audience of the
official coverup and necessity for a true, authentic, comprehensive 9/11
investigation. It will only take a few minutes to contribute to the momentum
which will help sound the clarion call for truth and turn the tide of

Many thanks!
Les Jamieson


Jimmy Walters, who appeared at St Marks church at a 9/11 Truth event and showed a film focusing on the sexual habits, homosexuality, bestiality and sexual perversions (in detail) of members of the Bush administration. Many of those in attendance left, appalled at the content being presented at a Les Jamieson promoted 9/11 event.

Les Jamieson
National Coordinator
NYC 9/11 Ballot Initiative / NYCCAN


Wow, I got a separate email about this. I wonder what video that was.


email from Ted Walters, Director of NYC CAN:
Dear Friends,

Are you tired of receiving emails from MoveOn and others asking you to call your representatives, and you feel like your call will have no effect, so you don't bother?

Right now, in New York City, your call CAN have an effect.

NYC CAN is calling upon all its New York City-based supporters to call their representatives NOW. If you don't live in New York City, forward this email to your friends who do. Why? We think City Council is more likely to support the referendum if it is framed as a local issue. We need their constituents to be calling them.

Here's what's happening. By Friday, July 24, the City Clerk will issue his report on the validity of the petition and will hand it over to City Council. Councilwoman Rosie Mendez has promised to introduce a resolution to initiate the Council's review of the petition. Even if the City Clerk says the petition is not valid - whether he claims we don't have enough valid signatures or something in the language is invalid (if either or both happen we will go to court to defend its legality) - City Council has the power to put the referendum on the ballot, no matter what. Or, if the Clerk finds it to be valid, City Council can quickly agree to put it on the ballot, thereby allowing us to move from petitioning to campaigning (Yay!). But they will only do so if they perceive a flood of support.

While we are busy having sit down meetings with City Council members, we need you to call as many Council members as your time affords. Do you have 5 hours this week to call all 51 Council members? If you only have time for 5 or 10, we have a prioritized list, based on whose support is most important and who is most likely to support us. See below for Council member contact info.

We need to be able to gauge how many calls are being made. If you're making calls to City Council, email us at lobbycitycouncil@nyccan.org, and let us know how many calls you made and to whom. 

Family members, first responders and survivors: you are invited to call City Council no matter where you live. City Council needs to know you overwhelmingly support this referendum. 

Are you wondering what to tell them? At this point every Council member, or at least their staff, should know about the petition. So, this is what we encourage you to emphasize, because it is what will make them listen:

1) Leave your name, say how long have lived in New York, and if they represent the district you live in, make that clear. If you are a 9/11 family member, first responder or survivor, make that clear.

2) Ask to leave a message for the Council member. This is what it should consist of:

    -NYC CAN has collected over 70,000 signatures for a referendum to establish an independent NYC Commission to examine the events surrounding 9/11. Please vote in favor of putting the referendum on the ballot.  Why?

    -66% of New Yorkers support a new investigation, according to a 2004 Zogby International poll.
    -Most of the 9/11 families' questions were not answered by the 9/11 Commission, and hundreds of family members want a new inquiry.
    -According to the 9/11 Commission's own Chairmen, it was "Set Up To Fail", and the Commission's Senior Counsel has described the report as "almost entirely untrue".
    -Thousands of first responders and NYC residents are suffering and dying after being told the air at Ground Zero was safe to breathe, and there has been little healthcare assistance and no accountability.
    -Thank them profusely for their attention to this urgent matter.

If you're still reading this email, THANK YOU. Whether you take 5 minutes or 5 hours to make  the phone calls, it can make all the difference. This is our opportunity to pass a law for a new investigation. No more theorizing, no more debating, no more wishing. This is real and you can make it happen. See below for the phone numbers, and don't forget to email us a lobbycitycouncil@nyccan.org.

And, as always, we are in urgent need of funding to pay our amazing petitioners to keep collecting the signatures that will override City Council if they veto us.  If you can afford to, please donate now: http://nyccan.org/donate.php


Ted Walter

Thinkers think and talkers talk.  Patriots ACT.

Please Note: These are their legislative office numbers. You may be asked to call their district office number, which they should provide for you.

1. Your Council member
2. Alan Gerson (Downtown) - (212) 788-7722
3. Rosie Mendez - (212) 788-7366
4. Charles Barron - (212) 788-6957
5. Tony Avella - (212) 788-7250
6. Christine Quinn (City Council Speaker) - (212) 788-7210
7. Leroy Comrie (Had Reps. attend our Press Conference)
    (212) 788-7084
8. Simcha Felder (Signed Petition, thank him profusely)
    (212) 788-7357
9. James Oddo (Staten Island, Repub. Minority Leader)
    (212) 788-1759
10. Vincent Ignizio (Staten Island) - (212) 788-7390
11. Kenneth Mitchell (Staten Island) - (212) 788-6972
12. Letitia James - (212) 788-708
13. Melissa Mark-Viverto - (212) 788-6960
14. Inez Dickens - (212) 788-7397
15. James Vacca - (212) 788-7375
16. Gale Brewer - (212) 788-6975
17. Bill De Blasio - (212) 788-6969
18. Julissa Ferraras - (212) 788-6862

Others Alphabetically:

(If your birthday is Jan-Mar, Start at Top of List; Apr-June Start Quarter Way Down; July-Sep Start Halfway Down; Oct-Dec Start Three Quarters-way Down)

Maria del Carmen Arroyo - (212) 788-7384
Maria Baez - (212) 788-7074
Elizabeth Crowley - (212) 788-7381
Erik Martin Dilan - (212) 788-7284
Mathieu Eugene - (212) 788-8087
Lewis Fidler - (212) 788-7286
Helen Foster - (212) 788-6856
Daniel Garodnick - (212) 788- 7393
James Gennaro - (212) 788-6956
Vincent Gentile - (212) 788-7363
Eric Goia - (212) 788-7370
Sara Gonzalez - (212) 788-7372
Robert Jackson  - (212) 788-7007
Melinda Katz - (212) 788-6981
G. Oliver Koppell - (212) 788-7080
Jessica Lappin - (212) 788-6865
John Liu - (212) 788-7022
Darlene Mealy - (212) 788-7387
Michael Nelson - (212) 788-7360
Annabel Palma - (212) 788-6853
Dominic Recchia - (212) 788-7045
Diana Reyna - (212) 788-7095
Joel Rivera - (212) 788-6966
James Sanders - (212) 788-7216
Larry Seabrook - (212) 788-6873
Helen Sears - (212) 788-7066
Kendall Stewart - (212) 788-6859
Eric Ulrich - (718) 318-6411 (Legislative # Not Listed)
Peter Vallone - (212) 788-6963
Albert Vann - (212) 788-7354
David Weprin - (212) 788-6984
Thomas White - (212) 788-6850
David Yassky - (212) 788-7348




    July 27, 2009


    SEVENTY THOUSAND New Yorkers signed the NYC CAN petition, raising their voices in support of NYC CAN's demand for accountability. They have chosen to place the decision to create a new 9/11 investigation – a REAL 9/11 investigation – exactly where it belongs: before the voters of New York City this November. The voices of SEVENTY THOUSAND Americans who believe in democracy and believe that government exists to serve the people – and not the other way around – have been GAGGED by ONE so-called "PUBLIC SERVANT" – The New York City Clerk – who denied the petition and the voice of the people.

    Welcome to America. Democracy denied.

    Did you REALLY expect those in halls of power to honor the WILL OF THE PEOPLE? Did you expect this demand for accountability to go uncontested by those who have forgotten the very meaning of the word? Perhaps this obstruction of democracy would go unchallenged in THEIR America. Not in OUR America.

    9/11 family members, first responders and survivors expected nothing less than business as usual and ARE NOT HAVING IT. They are preparing to take the City of New York to court to challenge the wrongful denial of our right to decide on the creation of a new 9/11 investigation.

    Friends, your determination and generosity have brought us to this crucial moment. TRUTH IS AT THE CROSSROADS, DEMOCRACY UNDER FIRE AND THE DEFINING MOMENT IN THE QUEST FOR ACCOUNTABILITY IS UPON US. This is YOUR movement and nothing may bring you closer to attaining truth than NYC CAN. Stand in the light and demand ANSWERS, not in the shadows of those who would deny you such answers.

    THE BIG NEWS: the most experienced election lawyer in New York City stands ready to represent the 9/11 families, first responders and survivors in court in an HISTORIC FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY AND TRUTH. BUT WE DESPERATELY NEED YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO MAKE IT HAPPEN. This is your chance – your ONE chance – to stand with the 9/11 families, first responders and survivors, and demand accountability. THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE WORKED FOR, AND WHAT WE CAN ACHIEVE IF WE STAND TOGETHER NOW.

    Donate over $25 and we'll mail you a free NYC CAN button. Donate over $50 and you will receive a free NYC CAN button and a well-made NYC CAN t-shirt.

    ACT RIGHT NOW. Go to – http://nyccan.org/donate.php – and donate whatever you can to bring the quest for answers to the biggest stage it has ever had: THE NEW YORK CITY BALLOT.


    "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." Theodore Parker


July 31, 2009

9/11 Family Members, and Survivor File for Re-validation of Citizens' Signatures with New York State Supreme Court, following rejection of NYC CAN petition by the City Clerk and Board of Elections

New York City– On Wednesday, several 9/11 victim family members and a survivor took the first step in challenging the City Clerk's rejection of the NYC CAN petition for a new investigation in New York City. The group filed a Verified Petition/Order to Show Cause with the Supreme Court of the State of New York requesting a review of Board of Election documentation and a 'special referee' appointed to re-validate the over 52,000 signatures filed by NYC CAN on June 24th.

The NYC CAN petition was rejected by the City Clerk on Friday, July 24th, a week ago, certifying less than the minimum of 30,000 qualified signatures of electors. This benchmark, according to the Clerk's office was not met. A 'qualified elector' is a registered New York City voter who was eligible to vote in the last election. According to the letter sent by the Clerk to the City Council, the NY Board of Elections validated 26,003 signatures and invalidated 24,664, leaving 1,333 that were not certified.

At a hearing scheduled for Monday, August 3rd, before a Supreme Court Justice, the plaintiffs, representing tens of thousands of concerned New Yorkers who support a new 9/11 investigation, will formally raise their request for an independent review of the Board of Elections findings. If granted by the presiding Justice, a re-validation of the petition signatures by an independent special referee will follow.

In addition to the requirement to reach the threshold of 30,000 qualified electors, the petition itself must comply with New York Municipal Home Rule Law and relevant Election Laws. The City Clerk maintains the Petition fell short in several areas but it should be emphasized that this is the legal opinion of the Corporation Counsel, the City of New York's top lawyer, and will be challenged in court by lawyers for the five plaintiffs.

Legal advisors to the plaintiffs believe that the legal objections raised by the Corporation Counsel are specious and should be set aside, however considering the political implications and official opposition to the proposed Commission, obtaining approval for placing the referendum question on the ballet itself will be fraught with difficulty and challenge each step of the way.

The fact is historically in New York City, ballot initiatives have not been successful. The last two were denied by the City Clerk. In both cases the petitioners filed a suit and ultimately lost and thus NYC CAN anticipated the response of the Clerk.  And though the odds are stacked against us, we are committed to take the next steps available to us.

Regardless of the outcome, the court case will serve to amplify the demand for a new 9/11 investigation and with lessons learned, should serve to strengthen the ability of the people to petition their government for meaningful referendums in the future.

Please donate to this historic court case now: Go to – http://nyccan.org/donate.php

NYC CAN is non-partisan organization comprised of 9/11 Families, First Responders, Survivors and proud, concerned citizens committed to bringing about an independent, impartial investigation into the events of September 11. For more info: http://www.nyccan.org


August 4, 2009

    NYC CAN is asking for volunteers over the next two weeks to help review the signatures invalidated by the City Clerk and Board of Elections. If you will be available at least three whole business days between August 10 and August 21 and you live in or near New York City, please email your name, schedule of availability and phone number to volunteer@nyccan.org, and please put VOLUNTEER in the subject field. NYC CAN will provide lunch!
    NY Supreme Court Appoints Referee to Oversee Revalidation of Rejected Signatures

    New York City– Monday, the New York Supreme Court appointed an independent referee to oversee a line-by-line review of the NYC CAN petition signatures that were declared invalid by the New York City Clerk and Board of Elections. Chris Burke, a petitioner in the lawsuit filed against the City of New York, joined by Dennis P. McMahon, a volunteer attorney assisting the petitioners and NYC CAN at this stage of the process, appeared before Supreme Court Justice Edward H. Lehner who issued the ruling in accordance with the petitioners' request.

    A hearing is scheduled for Thursday August 6 to set a schedule and outline logistics of the signature re-count and review process. NYC CAN will assemble staff to review each of 24,664 signatures against an April 2009 Board of Elections database of registered voters. All disputed signatures will be assembled into a Bill of Particulars and presented to the referee for review.

    The review is the next step in challenging the City Clerk's rejection of the NYC CAN petition for a new investigation in New York City and comes after the group filed a Verified Petition/Order to Show Cause with the Supreme Court of the State of New York last week. 52,000 signatures were filed <http://www.nyccan.org/nyccanfilespetition.php> with the City Clerk's office by NYC CAN on June 24th.

    The NYC CAN petition was rejected by the City Clerk on Friday, July 24th, who certified 26,003 signatures—3,997 shy of the minimum of 30,000 qualified signatures of electors, the benchmark prescribed in the applicable Home Rule Law.

    If the threshold of 30,000 qualified electors is reached as a result of the recount, lawyers for the petitioners and the City will argue the fine points of the Home Rule Law and Election Law in a later proceeding. Both sides are confident that their respective but contrary positions regarding the legality of this unprecedented matter will be upheld. If the court rules in favor of the petitioners and validates the Petition, the City Council is compelled to take up the question. If the initiative is rejected by the Council NYC CAN will submit another 15,000 qualified signatures to move the question directly to the voters in November.

    In the meantime NYC CAN is actively lobbying members of the City Council who despite the City Clerk's ruling can work with the petition toward establishing a new investigation into September 11th attacks. Each member of City Council will be presented with a copy of a documentary film, 9/11 Press for Truth <http://www.911pressfortruth.com>, which tells the story of the 9/11 family members who were betrayed by the 9/11 Commission in its failure to answer most of the questions posed by the 9/11 families. NYC CAN calls upon its supporters to continue the flood of phone calls City Council has seen over the past two weeks.
    Since Monday, July 27, we have raised over $20,000, thanks to your generosity and determination. This is enough to get us started, but the process promises to be long and difficult, and we will need more.
    With proceedings under way, we have our foot in the door. Let's see to it we don't fall short at this crucial moment.
    Please donate now: http://nyccan.org/donate.php

Thinkers think and talkers talk.  Patriots ACT.


August 10, 2009

    Today we began the signature review, and with much promise! The first step: to do a recount of the signatures the Board of Elections did validate. And, after counting only 5 out of 52 volumes, we have found the Board of Elections reported 229 signatures fewer than what they actually validated inside the volumes. If their count continues to be off at the same rate, we will gain some 2,300 signatures - SIMPLY BY RECOUNTING THE ONES THAT WERE ALREADY VALIDATED. And we have already identified one petitioner who collected hundreds of signatures and was wrongly invalidated, along with all the signatures he gathered! And there are thousands of invalidated signatures ripe for challenging because the signer is on the voter roll but put their wrong address - these signatures will also be deemed valid if the signature on the petition matches the signature on their voter registration form.
    In short, we have every reason to be optimistic that we will eclipse the 30,000 requirement, and that we will have our day in court to argue our right to establish a new commission to investigate 9/11.
    We need help. We have 9 more business days to finish our review, and we have no more than 8 volunteers signed up to help on any day. We can use 20 volunteers per day, and we will need that many to get the job done. If you live in or around NYC, please give just one or two business days between now and next Friday, August 21. Whether you can give one day or five days, please email us at volunteer@nyccan.org with your name, phone number and schedule of availability, and please put VOLUNTEER in the subject field. Come get a free lunch and be part of this historic recount!
    The last month has seen some very positive coverage, and it will grow after we prove valid the thousands of signatures wrongly invalidated by the City Clerk and Board of Elections. If you haven't read this great coverage, take a look! Below the headlines is our most recent press release, which should also give you a much clearer picture of what is going on legally.
    And, we are in negotiations with an outstanding election lawyer to represent us in court after we eclipse the 30,000 requirement. We will update you as soon as the agreement is finalized.
    Together we are making history. Thank you!
A Star Ledger Reporter, August 9: http://blog.nj.com/njv_bob_braun/2009/08/911_survivors_call_for_renewed.html

The Villager, July 28 - August 4: http://blog.nj.com/njv_bob_braun/2009/08/911_survivors_call_for_renewed.html

The New York Post, July 14: http://www.nypost.com/seven/07142009/news/regionalnews/kin_eye_9_11_panel_179145.htm


September 8, 2009

NYC CAN Submits 28,000 More Signatures To Get Referendum for
9/11 Investigation on the November Ballot

    On Friday, September 4, the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN) submitted 28,000 petition signatures as a supplement to the 52,000 signatures submitted on June 24 calling for a citywide referendum on the creation of a local, independent commission to investigate 9/11.

    Over the last 25 years, every ballot initiative in New York City has been blocked on grounds of legal technicality, with the exception of the 1993 initiative to establish term limits for NYC elected officials, whose supporters also had to go to court to prove the initiative legal. With 80,000 New Yorkers having signed this petition, the City's ongoing attempt to stop this referendum from going on the ballot is yet another blatant affront to the democratic ideals upon which this great nation was founded.

    On July 24, the NYC City Clerk reported to the City Council that only 26,003 signatures from the submission of 52,000 signatures were valid. In response, NYC CAN filed suit and on Thursday, August 27 submitted a Bill of Particulars cataloguing 7,166 additional signatures that NYC CAN contends should be deemed valid.

    The court-appointed referee will begin a line-by-line review of the disputed signatures on Wednesday, September 9, and is scheduled to complete the review by Friday, September 18. If the referee and court accept at least 3,996 of the disputed signatures as valid – meeting the requisite number of 30,000 signatures – and if 15,000 of the 28,000 signatures from the September 4 submission are deemed valid, the only remaining hurdle to getting the referendum on the ballot will be the ongoing court case over the legality of the petition.

    The timetable for addressing the petition's legality will be set in a meeting on Thursday September 10. The schedule should allow time for an appeal from either side in order to guarantee a final determination by the end of the month.

    Once the schedule for the court case is set, NYC CAN will announce one or more rallies and events in the second half of September to demonstrate the tremendous public support that exists for a new, impartial investigation. NYC CAN calls upon all those who can be in lower Manhattan to join in solidarity with the 9/11 families, first responders, survivors and 80,000 New Yorkers to say loud and clear: no longer will we tolerate a government that ignores the will of its people. For the 3,000 who died on that day, the hundreds who have died since, and those still suffering today, 9/11 must be properly investigated. 

    The Bill of Particulars was assembled with the help of 50+ volunteers who gave more than 1,000 hours over a two-week period. On behalf of the petition's 80,000 signatories, NYC CAN offers its deepest thanks to these volunteers who worked long and hard to prevent the voters New York City from being silenced by their government.


Thinkers think and talkers talk.  Patriots ACT.



September 10, 2009

City of New York Concedes 9/11 Coalition Has 30,000 Valid Signatures To Put Referendum For 9/11 Investigation on November Ballot

New York – In a last minute decision, lawyers for the City of New York have conceded that the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN), a group comprising 9/11 family members, first responders and survivors, indeed did submit over 30,000 valid signatures to put the referendum for a new 9/11 investigation before the voters of New York City this November.

In an earlier letter from the City Clerk dated July 24, 2009, the City had claimed only 26,003 signatures were valid, 3,997 short of the requisite 30,000. The City's concession that over 30,000 of the 52,000 signatures submitted were in fact valid paves the way for lawyers from both sides to argue the legality of petition.

Asked whether he thought NYC CAN could overcome the City's challenge to the legality of the petition, legal counsel to the petitioners, Dennis McMahon, said, "Absolutely. Although the City has an incredibly successful record of shooting down ballot initiatives, we will be arguing from a fresh perspective that reflects the unprecedented events of 9/11. We believe the courts will see how critical an issue this is, and be persuaded with our legal reasoning and point of view." A final determination on the legality of the petition will be reached in time for the referendum to be included on the November ballot should the petitioners prevail.   

Representatives for NYC CAN, 9/11 family member Manny Badillo and Executive Director Ted Walter, arrived at the Board of Elections on the morning of Wednesday, September 9, to assist the court-appointed referee in commencing a line-by-line review of the disputed signatures, only to learn the referee's review had been called off due to a last minute concession by the City. Mr. Badillo immediately got on the phone to inform others of the news. 

"The City conceded we have 30,000 valid signatures. Big victory."

The City's concession comes as a result of the immense effort put forth by 50+ volunteers who gave more than 1,000 hours over a two week period from August 10 to August 25 to identify a total of 7,166 signatures that were wrongly invalidated by the NYC City Clerk and Board of Elections. On August 27, NYC CAN filed the 631-page Bill of Particulars cataloguing each of the 7,166 signatures it contended were in fact valid. NYC CAN submitted another 28,000 signatures on September 4 to guarantee the referendum will go on the ballot if they win the court case, bringing the total signatures submitted to 80,000.

631-page Bill of Particulars Filed on August 27

NYC CAN must deliver its memorandum of law in response to the City's motion for summary judgment by Monday, September 21. The City will be given an opportunity to reply before the referee's decision is made on Monday September 28.  Fast-track appeals will likely follow no matter who wins.  A final decision will have to be made by September 30.

If the referendum passes in November, it would lead to the creation of a local, independent commission with subpoena power that would be tasked with comprehensively reinvestigating the attacks.


Thinkers think and talkers talk. Patriots ACT.


NYC CAN's Historic MARCH FOR ANSWERS 9-27-09



Sunday September 27 at 2pm

From Battery Park to City Hall via Ground Zero,
The City Clerk and The State Supreme Court

Speakers Include:
Bob McIlvaine - 9/11 Family Member
Manny Badillo - 9/11 Family Member
Daniel Sunjata - Star of "Rescue Me"
Other Speakers TBA

80,000 New Yorkers have signed the petition. As with every other NYC ballot initiative, the City of New York is denying the will of its people to vote on the issues it considers most important.

NYC CAN responded by filing suit, and on September 9 the City conceded NYC CAN did in fact submit enough valid signatures to put the referendum before the voters. Now NYC CAN is battling to prove the petition is legally valid.

On September 28, the referee will report on the petition's legality, and a final determination will be made in the days that follow.

On the eve of the referee's decision, let us take to the streets in the THOUSANDS on behalf of the families, first responders and survivors of September 11th and the 80,000 New Yorkers who signed the petition. As the climate ripens and public opinion continues to swing in favor of a new investigation, this is our opportunity to send a message like never before. If we stand together, we can make history.

September 27. 2pm. Battery Park.

If you are able to volunteer to hand out fliers for the march, starting
Saturday, September 19, please email volunteer@nyccan.org.



6 Days And Counting Until The Historic...


September 27, 2009 2pm Battery Park
(See below for Flier)

NYC CAN Files Legal Memo Defending Petition's Legality

September 21, 2009

    Today the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN) filed its Memorandum of Law with the New York State Supreme Court, beginning a 6-day count down until the historic March For Answers to be held on September 27 at 2pm. The march will start at Battery Park and work its way towards Ground Zero, the New York City Clerk, and the State Supreme Court, before arriving at City Hall.
    9/11 family members Bob McIlvaine and Manny Badillo, and Daniel Sunjata, star of Fox's "Rescue Me", will address thousands of supporters of the proposed referendum to establish a new 9/11 investigation.  Other speakers will be announced over the coming days.
    NYC CAN's 52-page legal memo comes nine days before a final determination will be made as to whether the referendum for a new 9/11 investigation will be on the NYC ballot this November.  So far 80,000 New Yorkers have signed the petition calling for the voters to be able to create a local commission to conduct an impartial investigation of 9/11.
    NYC CAN has posted the legal memo on its website. Click to download.

    If you would like to volunteer to hand out fliers or to help organize the March For Answers, email volunteer@nyccan.org, and write VOLUNTEER in the subject line.
    On September 27, 2009, let us take to the streets in the THOUSANDS on behalf of the families, first responders and survivors of September 11th and the 80,000 New Yorkers who signed the petition. As the climate ripens and public opinion continues to swing in favor of a new investigation, this is our opportunity to send a message like never before. If we stand together, we can alter the course history.


9/11 Widow Jane Pollicino Speaks About Getting Involved With NYC CAN
1  Day Until The Historic


September 27, 2009 2pm Battery Park (State Street) to City Hall

List of Speakers:

Bob McIlvaine - 9/11 Family Member
Manny Badillo - 9/11 Family Member
Daniel Sunjata - Star of FOX's "Rescue Me"
Eileen Coles - 9/11 Survivor and Whistleblower
Major Mike McCormack - 9/11 First Responder
Mark Crispin Miller - Professor of Media Studies at NYU

*Live Feed of March Likely!  Check Website Before March!

Breaking News: Court Referee Recommends Ruling in Favor of City;
NYC CAN To File Motion To Reject Referee's Recommendation

    Rather than waiting until the scheduled decision date of Monday, September 28, Referee Louis Crespo issued his "report and recommendations" on Friday, September 25, and recommended that the Court rule in favor of the City.
    After reviewing the referee's report, we feel he did not give adequate consideration to the extensive arguments presented in our memorandum of law submitted on Monday, September 21.  The report seemed more a cut and paste from the City's original motion papers than a balanced weighing of the arguments.  In particular, the referee's report failed to analyze the vast majority of NYC CAN's legal points as to why the City's claims were unfounded and its reliance on certain case law wholly inapplicable.
    Officially, Judge Lehner has up to 60 days to either adopt, modify, or reject the referee's report and recommendation, and render a decision.  However, with the deadline for inclusion on the ballot fast approaching, NYC CAN lawyers will bring a motion on Monday, September 28 to ask the Court to reconsider the matter immediately, and render a judgment in favor of the Petitioners.  We anticipate that the matter will be heard and decided on Tuesday, September 29, or Wednesday, September 30.
    Judge Lehner may decide the case on the paperwork submitted, or hear oral arguments as well.  If oral arguments are ordered, the proceeding should be open to the public.  If so, we will ask everyone who can to attend and help maintain the tidal wave of support that will crescendo with the March For Answers on Sunday.
    Only in fighting to the very end will the voices of 80,000 New Yorkers resonate across the country, and those who are still asleep awaken to the mockery of justice in a local government claiming it has no jurisdiction over thousands of its residents being murdered.
    The 9/11 Commission Report - a disgrace to any society that considers itself just, democratic and transparent; and a shameless affront to those who died on September 11th - is on its last legs.

Thinkers think and talkers talk.  Patriots ACT.



March For Answers 9/27/09
See The March

Daniel Sunjata's Rousing Speech


    BREAKING: 9/11 Families March on City Hall As City Seeks to Stop Fresh Probe of Attacks from Going on November Ballot;

    NY Supreme Court Hearing 9:30AM Tuesday Will Determine Fate of Referendum
    New York City – Yesterday, The New York City Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN), a group comprising 9/11 family members, first responders and survivors, led 300 New Yorkers from Battery Park to City Hall in protest of the City's attempt to block the referendum for a fresh probe of the 9/11 attacks from going on the November ballot.
    Today, the Court ordered litigants to present arguments before Judge Edward Lehner at a hearing scheduled for 9:30AM, Tuesday at the New York Supreme Court, Room 252, 60 Centre Street.

    On Sunday, 9/11 family member Manny Badillo welcomed the crowd at Battery Park, "Today we are marching peaceably to let the world know that the City of NY is defying the will of the people to have one question on the ballot, the question to have a proper independent investigation to answer 100% of the questions raised by the 9/11 families."

    Mark Crispin Miller, author and professor of Media Studies at NYU spoke of the lack of accountability. He noted that after 9/11 "no heads rolled"; until recently when Obama adviser Van Jones was forced to resign because he signed the "9/11 Truth Statement" in 2004. http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20041026093059633 Miller said he too signed the statement and would sign it again "in ten seconds."

    At City Hall, Daniel Sunjata, star of Fox's "Rescue Me", gave a rousing speech challenging the integrity of the 9/11 Commission. Specifically he cited the fact that 60% of the Commissioners have admitted deficiencies their own investigation. Speaking about the City's challenge to NYC CAN's ballot initiative, Sunjata said,

     "Although 80,000 New Yorkers have voiced their desire in writing to include on November's mayoral ballot, the referendum for a new investigation, the City has responded by saying it has no jurisdiction into the murder of 3000 of its own citizens.  Look at the lengths to which they have gone to evade allowing the residents of this city a chance to vote for answers and accountability."

    Bob McIlvaine wrapped up the rally emotionally, saying, "I have one job in life until the day I die... to find out who murdered my son."

    On Friday, the Court-appointed Referee submitted his recommendations in which he sided with the City.  This morning, the Petitioners' attorney, Dennis McMahon, filed a motion requesting a hearing to allow for arguments challenging the Referee's "fatally flawed" report.  According to McMahon, "No other case pending in the New York courts has a higher priority, so we expect a judgment this Wednesday."  9/11 family members, first responders and survivors will be attendance at the hearing tomorrow morning.

    If the Petition overcomes all legal challenges, goes to the November ballot and passes, it would lead to the creation of a local, independent commission with subpoena power that would be tasked with comprehensively reinvestigating the attacks.

    Tuesday, 9/29/09, 9:30 AM, 60 Centre Street Room 252

Thinkers think and talkers talk.  Patriots ACT.
