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"Militia" crackdown

Started by BaRbArIaN, July 29, 2008, 11:34 AM NHFT

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Sounds like in lieu of finding any foreign terrorists, they are inventing domestic ones.  Be prepared.


Uh oh!  The FSP Militia better tread carefully!


Apparently its illegal to sell a long gun privately to someone if you know he/she lives outside of PA. Its was a semi auto AK as well, no such thing as an "assault" weapon. Took them 3 years to get this guy. It sounds a lot like the charges used against Weaver but this time there was no standoff. Lucky for them sounds like this guy could've done some real damage to their Waco raid.


Quote from: Romak on July 29, 2008, 12:00 PM NHFT
Apparently its illegal to sell a long gun privately to someone if you know he/she lives outside of PA.

Since 1968 and the passage of the federal Gun Control Act, it's been illegal to sell any firearm^1 to a resident of another state, if that resident doesn't have a federal firearms license. The exception is that FFLs may sell long guns to residents of other states, if both states' laws allow. Handguns may only be purchased in the buyer's state of residence, and only from fellow residents or FFLs in that state.

1) "Firearm" has a statutory definition, and does not include any gun manufactured before 1/1/1899, a replica thereof so long as it doesn't fire any commercially available ammunition, or a black powder muzzleloader.

les nessman

    Does this sound like terrorism?


QuoteThe majority of growth within the militia movement occurred during the 1990s. There is
not a simple definition of how a group qualifies as a militia. However, the following general
criteria can be used as a guideline: (1) a militia is a domestic organization with two or more
members; (2) the organization must possess and use firearms; and (3) the organization must
conduct or encourage paramilitary training. Other terms used to describe militias are Patriots and

     By this definition, the New England Patriots football team comprise a militia.  ::)


Right but isnt it knowingly selling to a person of another state? Kind of like you can sell privately in NH so long as you dont knowingly sell a weapon to a convicted Felon? I personally only trade with friends Ive had and have known forever but for those who sell via newspapers, etc its probably good to know what you're doing. For instance is it illegal to buy a gun privately from a person barred from owning firearms if you didnt know this information? The point being the laws are so numerous and involved that its amazing anyone knows exactly what they are. Then they tell you ignorance of the law is no excuse. Guess in the end thats their goal to make so many laws so its impossible to actually know if you're doing anything wrong. Its amazing anyone in this country has no criminal record.

John Edward Mercier

Quote from: les nessman on July 29, 2008, 11:24 PM NHFT
    Does this sound like terrorism?


QuoteThe majority of growth within the militia movement occurred during the 1990s. There is
not a simple definition of how a group qualifies as a militia. However, the following general
criteria can be used as a guideline: (1) a militia is a domestic organization with two or more
members; (2) the organization must possess and use firearms; and (3) the organization must
conduct or encourage paramilitary training. Other terms used to describe militias are Patriots and

     By this definition, the New England Patriots football team comprise a militia.  ::)
Does the organization possess and use firearms? Conduct and encourage paramilitary training?


  So Im guess 3 children playing army are terrorists?
   Like andy Weaver, I bet this guy was pestered by the fed, and the fed didn't tell him that he was from an other state.  I don't trust the feds on this.  I could be wrong though.
  I read that malitia sight a few times a month, just to see what is going on.  There is  LOT of interfearence from law enforcement in private matters.  For instance.  If a "malitia member" is stopped for a ticket, he is arrested.  If he is in any arguments with any official, they are arrested and called a danger to the public.  I know a friend that has had simmilar stuff happen to him.  I sent some stuff to Romak for him to look over.
  This guy, if he did knowingly sell that firearm to somebody out of state, shame on him.  He deserves to get spanked.  The law is the law.  If you don't like it, too bad.
I'll tell you guys how I really feel over a beer some time.

Pat McCotter

Quote from: Romak on July 30, 2008, 08:59 AM NHFT
Right but isnt it knowingly selling to a person of another state? Kind of like you can sell privately in NH so long as you dont knowingly sell a weapon to a convicted Felon? I personally only trade with friends Ive had and have known forever but for those who sell via newspapers, etc its probably good to know what you're doing. For instance is it illegal to buy a gun privately from a person barred from owning firearms if you didnt know this information? The point being the laws are so numerous and involved that its amazing anyone knows exactly what they are. Then they tell you ignorance of the law is no excuse. Guess in the end thats their goal to make so many laws so its impossible to actually know if you're doing anything wrong. Its amazing anyone in this country has no criminal record.

The law in NH is clear - you can sell privately if you personally know the person or they have a pistol license (NH version of CCW) or FFL

RSA 159:14
Exemption. – None of the provisions of this chapter shall prohibit an individual not licensed under the provisions thereof who is not engaged in the business of selling pistols or revolvers from selling a pistol or revolver to a person licensed under this chapter or to a person personally known to him.

EDIT: This is for handguns - not long guns.


Who is Andy Weaver? Think you meant Randy Weaver. The simple fact is if you piss someone off enough they are going to do their best to fk with you. Grasshopper you must have a lot of people after you:) This guy apparently was too in your face with some stuff and some stiff reported him. Its really not too hard all you need is someone who is jealous of you or has a grudge to report you for some minor thing before you're looked at. We had a shoot recently and there was a new guy there asking about when we are going to get to fire some fully auto stuff over and over again. We finally had to tell him to get lost and explain to him how we weren't allowed to have that sort of stuff and how none of us did. He said it was a BS law and we should get some anyway, my brother showed him the quick way out to put it bluntly. You just never know who has a beef or who likes to start chit. Its easier to do things by the book until they make it impossible to do so.


  Yup, sorry, Randy, nice guy, he has a Jet Plain now in his front yard, kind of cool if you ask me.  Nice guy, he can assemble a .45 from a parts bin and out shoot all of us.
  As for the guy showing up and asking to shoot the full auto stuff, you know what that sh*% is about.
  About Richard Coletta?  He is a nice guy, the fact that he had all the laws printed up, and knew all the stuff he needed to know, the people that did the paper work had no reason in their own minds to follow the law as it is written.  They did what they were told to do. With the FED system we have here and the laws written the way they are, you can NOT get off the hook easily by using law.  There are so many things you have to know, for instance, if you send mail, you have just rejoined the FED system an all the laws and codes apply to you.  Eshhh!
   Romak, I'll be up soon, in 2 weeks.  What should I bring?

les nessman

   Most interesting is by the governments own admission is they do NOT classify the National Guard as a militia, and many folks who belong to militia units will tell you the reason they join is because the National Guard receives federal funding and is not a militia at all.   Why is it the government wanted  to have a "National Guard" under funding and control of the federal government, but no militia under state or local control?    ;)

   Its very difficult for the government to justify laws which restrict or limit the ability of members in the Reserve Militia or citizenry to own firearms, which is why the US second amendmend states:

QuoteA well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    Noticed they said "State" and not nation.

QuoteIn sum, the provisions of the bill, essentially a compromise, eliminated once and for all time the archaic Militia Act of 1792. It divided American male citizenry into two classes: the National Guard (Organized Militia), and the Reserve Militia, in which were lumped all other male citizens between the ages of 18 and 45. National Guard organization, armament, and discipline were to be identical with those of the Regular Army. Federal pay was granted for summer training camps and other activities, including joint maneuvers with the Regulars; drill and instruction periods were to take place at least twenty-four times a year. Regular officers were to be provided as inspectors-instructors. As to the Reserve Militia, this legal function at least perpetuated the original colonial concept of universal military obligations.