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mASSachusetts gun ownership gets a little cheaper...

Started by doobie, July 30, 2008, 08:22 AM NHFT

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House files amendment to lower resident license from $100 to $40 for 6 years, and extend non-resident licenses from 1 year to 6 years (keeping it at $100).

QuoteTuesday night the House of Representatives took up the Governor's  2008 Supplemental Budget Proposal  H.5022 (formerly H.4971). As our members know, it was in this bill that the Governor proposed to more than double firearm license fees and firearm dealer fees. Thanks to the actions of  Rep. Denis Guyer, and nearly 60 co-sponsors, the House Committee on Ways & Means removed the four fee raising sections prior to the bill being released to the floor for a vote. This was a great victory for lawful gun owners. However the House did not stop there.

When the bill came to the floor for a vote, Rep. George Peterson filed an amendment to lower FID card and LTC fees to $40.00 and extend non-resident licenses to $100 for six years. We are happy to announce to our members that the amendment passed by nearly 40 votes! (GOAL will post the corrected roll call when it is available.) The bill will head to the Senate tomorrow, Wednesday, July 30, 2008. GOAL is urging all of our members to contact their local Senators and urge them to support the reduction in license fees.

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